The Wild Ride

Chapter 51

Jaci’s POV

We didn’t move after Aaron ended the call. We didn’t know what to do. Our high school friends, our crew had just been gunned down while we sat helpless on the other end of the phone. The silence echoed in the room making my ears ring. Slowly, I raised my eyes from their blank stare on the table to look around at everyone.

Mo was cuddled up to Gilbert, holding in sniffles. Her pet nuzzled into her as though he knew how much she needed the comfort right then. Jen sat near by, keeping clear of the rat, hugging herself. Liss and Lynds were curled up together crying quietly with Rilen squished between them. Poor boy was trying his hardest to comfort them but to no avail. I spared a glance at Bee even though it was unnecessary. As I expected, she was fuming. If this were a cartoon, her face would be getting red from the neck up like a thermometer and steam would be pouring from her ears. But this is real life. And Bee’s rage was a quiet storm, churning slowly. To us who knew her well it was only a matter of time before she exploded on someone.

We were all mad. Me more than anyone. It was my ex. My crazy, abusive, psychopathic, living in denial ex-boyfriend. Why didn’t I take up Liss and Lynds offer to hunt him down and dispose of him? Maybe then our friends would still be alive. Why couldn’t I tell before I even started dating him that he was utterly bonkers? Then this whole situation could have been avoided. I shook my head trying to get rid of these thoughts.

I ventured to be the first one to speak. “What are we going to do?” No one said anything. “Guys, I can’t just let him get away with this. He has to pay for what he’s done and it has to be by my hand.”

Mo’s head snapped in my direction. “Jaci you know you can’t do that. You don’t have it in you. It’s better that we just finish tour and tell the police what we know.” Lynds growls while Bee and Liss each glare at the word police. Let’s just say those three and law enforcement are not a good mix. I notice Jen doesn’t say anything, but don’t push her. “We can’t leave tour! We won the right to be here and going home will only put Jaci in danger.”

“Do you know how horrible it will look if we don’t go back? If we shun the deaths of our closest friends? We have to go back and prove to that ass that we’re not afraid of him and he doesn’t run our lives.” Jen’s quiet voice broke through all the arguments. We looked at her. “We’re going back and that’s final.” She stormed to her bunk, leaving us in awe. I guess we’re going back.

I refocused on the wall trying to think of what to do when we get back. Yet, it seems this too has been decided. By Bee.

“We’re killing that bastard.” Lynds and Liss each nodded, still holding Rilen. Mo sighed. She’s never been one for violence.

The bus stopped suddenly. I heard Lyndsey muttering about leaving Rilen when we go as she carried him to the front of the bus. I got to my feet slowly in an attempt to prolong what I knew was coming. We have to tell the guys that our friends died.

When I got off the bus, I saw the girls huddled together. They beckoned me over subtly while the guys were distracted torturing Johnny.

“You agree that we have to tell the guys, right?” Jen’s voice was low as she spoke. I nodded. “Good. We’ll tell them that we got news of the deaths. We won’t tell them we heard it all. They’ll want to come back with us if we say that. Say nothing of what happened on the phone. We can tell them the full story when we get back. Agreed?” Everyone consented. After a much needed group hug, we sought out the guys in the venue.

“So what is this about? Why do you all look so down? Who do we have to kill?” I could see Bee twitch from the corner of my eye. Matt’s eyes stayed on me. I looked to the other girls for support but it seemed they were leaving this part up to me.

“We uh.... Just found out that some of our friends died.” His arms were around me in an instant. Whatever was holding the tears back disappeared and I soaked his shirt in a matter of seconds. Matt’s hands traveled up and down my back soothingly as I continued to cry silently. Turning my head, I placed my ear over his heart. I looked around at everyone else.

Jason was holding a silent Lyndsey. It looked like he was trying to calm her down, but she was ignoring him. Mattie held a sleeping Rilen, also attempting to talk to her. Those four are their own family sometimes. Liss and Johnny were near by. Liss paced as Johnny watched her carefully. No doubt she was thinking of was to torture and kill Aaron.

Brian had Bee pinned against the wall as he spoke to her lowly. She just glared back at him, not absorbing anything he said. Mo and Zacky were sat by the far wall. They weren't talking, but I could just make out that their pinkies were linked in the space between them. Jen and Jimmy were no where to be seen. They’re probably outside talking.

I didn’t noticed Matt had carried me to the stands until he was sitting down with me in his lap. I looked up into his emotion-clouded eyes. He kissed me softly and then just held me until sound check.