The Wild Ride

Chapter 52

Matt's P.O.V.
I woke up, expecting to see Jaci still curled up in my arms and snuggled into my chest. But I found my arms were empty and I was alone in my bunk. As worry struck, I sat up too quickly and smacked my head on Jimmy's bunk above mine.

"Ow! Mother fucker!" I yelled, rubbing the top of my head.

Jimmy groaned from above me. "Shut up Matt." Then, as if realizing something, he gasped. "Oh my God! Where's Jen?! She was here before I fell asleep!"

"Jaci's gone too," I informed him.

The noise Jimmy and I had created woke up Johnny and Brian as well. "Bee's gone too," Brian added, trying to act cool and collected even though he wasn't.

Unlike Brian, Johnny didn't even try to hide his worry. "So is Liss! What if they all went and did something stupid like--"

"Don't even go there Johnny," I scolded, trying not to draw the worst possible conclusions. "They probably just went back to their bus with Mo, Zacky, Lynds, Jason, and Matt. We don't need to be flipping out yet." I glared at Johnny and Jimmy after saying this.

They both looked down guiltily. "Well let's go look then. We'll never find out just sitting here," Brian pointed out. I nodded and we all exited our bus.

I led the way onto the C.A.B. bus and looked around the room. It was empty except for Zacky on the couch with Gilbert curled up in the crook of his neck. It will be interesting when I wake him up.

I walked over to the couch and punched him in the arm. But, instead of him jumping up and cussing me out like I thought he would, he just smiled in his sleep and muttered, "Ooo, I see you like it rough."

The four of us snorted as Gilbert ran in circles on Zacky's neck and bit his ear. Zacky shot awake and yelled out a string of profanities as the squirrel leaped off his shoulder and we all laughed harder.

"Fucking rat!" he yelled after Gilbert, touching his ear and checking his fingers for blood. "You're lucky I'm not bleeding and Mo would kick my ass if anything happened to you!"

"Wow, he's yelling at a squirrel," said Jason, entering the living room from the bunks, Matt following him with Rilen. When he saw us, he asked, "Have you guys seen Lynds? Matt and I can't find her..."

I shook my head. "She's not the only one missing. Jaci, Liss, and Bee are too."

Zacky, having finished his cursing of Gilbert, looked down at the couch he was sitting on. "And Mo's gone too. I can't say I'm surprised considering she's pulled this shit before." We all raised an eyebrow at him. "Don't give me that. I'm still worried about her with what happened yesterday. She barely cried at all. I figured she'd be pretty bent out of shape after losing friends."

"Well, this is great," Jason growled. "How many times are these girls gonna disappear?"

"Why don't we call them?" suggested Johnny.

I hated to admit it, but the little shit had a good idea.

I pulled out my phone and called Jaci. I waited through five rings and my spirits lifted, but immediately fell when I heard Jaci's voice say, "Hey, this is Jaci. You know what to do," followed by a beep. I left a quick voice mail and flipped my phone shut.

"No answer," I announced, stating the obvious.

Everyone gave me shocked looks, then tried to call the other girls. They got the same results as I did. "Okay, that's just weird. None of them picked up their phone," Jimmy said staring down at his phone.

"Yeah, and I think Lynds left hers," added Jason. "I heard it ring from the bunks. That's not like her, especially since she left Rilen here. She would definitely have her phone in case I needed to get a hold of her."

We all nodded in agreement. "Well, maybe they're just busy," Brian said, trying to cover up the thought that was undoubtedly on our minds. I think we were all clinging to that idea so we wouldn't have to face the possible reality of them ignoring us.

For about thirty minutes, everyone except Jason and Matt attempted to get a hold of the girls again but to no avail. Suddenly, "Devotion and Desire" by Bayside began playing from the bunks. Jason took off for the bunks, probably thinking it was Lynds. When he returned though, his face was grim.

"Who is it?" Zacky questioned eagerly.

"Shaun," he replied with a snarl, flipping the phone open. "What do want jackass?"

We watched as Jason and Shaun argued over the phone, Jason turning red with anger. Finally, Jason shouted, "Stay the fuck away from here and Lynds you fucking shit head." With that he hung up Lynds' phone.

We were all silent for a few minutes until Johnny piped up. "What was that about?"

Jason shook his head as if confused. "He wants to take Rilen. Says the touring environment is no place for him." He let out a sigh. "I need to think." Jason marched passed us and off the bus.

Matt watched after his brother with concern. Rilen rubbed his eyes, apparently still tired, and asked, "What's wong with Jason?"

Matt looked down at him and smiled. "He's just a little ticked off. He'll be okay in a little bit." Rilen shrugged, satisfied with that answer or too tired to ask anything else.

The remainder of us exchanged worried glances. What a great day this has turned out to be...and it's not even noon.