The Wild Ride

Chapter 53

Lynds’ POV

Arriving back home was surreal. We kept to ourselves as we got off the plane and made our way out of the airport. I made the executive decision, during the ride home, that we were not to go to our houses. There was no telling what Aaron had done since we heard from him last. I filled the girls in on my plan as we caught a cab to a hotel near the funeral home. There were objections, of course, but I pulled my age card on them and overruled their votes. Liss sulked the entire ride to the hotel. She wanted desperately to sleep in her own bed. Even if it was simply for a couple days.

My heart was aching. Not only was I attending the funerals of some of my closest friends, but I had left my son with the boys. I’m rarely ever away from him. And never when I’m emotionally distressed. I also left my cell phone. I had this nagging feeling that if I brought it with me, I would be calling to check on Rilen every five minutes and that would blow our whole plan. Mo kept shooting me looks, knowing how hard it was for me to break ties with him for a few days.

I sighed as the cab pulled to a stop outside the hotel. We decided that I would be the one to handle everything when dealing with arrangements. Jaci’s done so much for us lately and she was more affected by this if for no other reason than the fact that her ex was the reason we had to leave our dream to come deal with hell. Plus, I have a silly quirk for taking control in crises.

“One penthouse suit under White, please.” I smiled weakly at the concierge. She returned the smile brightly as she set up the room keys. I nodded while listening to her directions to our room. I instructed the girls not to let anyone take their bags or other personal belongings. Until Aaron was taken care of, I didn’t want anyone taking unnecessary risks.

We got settled into the room and decided to just pass out for the night. No one asked for anyone to share a room with them like we normally would have. If this were a normal vacation, at least two of us would be up all night talking the hours away. But this isn’t a pleasure vacation. This is a business vacation. It’s not even a vacation. It’s more like hell coming to find you.

I sighed as I sat on the couch. The other girls were in their rooms organizing themselves. I’m sure Bee and Liss were getting their weapons ready. Jen was most likely mentally preparing herself for the day to come. Mo probably feel asleep. And, if I knew Jaci right, she was sitting in her room, talking herself into being the one to deliver the final blow when we take that bastard out.

I stared at the blank TV screen, running over my mental check list. I had my clothes sorted for the funeral tomorrow morning. I have the address of that stupid cunt. My tools are set. Looking at the clock, I see it’s nearing midnight. The funerals are at nine am. Making sure everyone is in their room for the night, I went to my own and flopped down on the bed. What seemed like minutes later, Jen was standing over me telling me to get up. I feel asleep in my clothes. Gross.

“Thank you my love.” She smiled lightly before leaving my room. I got up and ready myself for the day. Hiding all my knives on me took the longest. I also had to pack a rucksack with other toys.

“Lynds, we want breakfast before we go.” I rolled my eyes at Bee, but consented nonetheless. We had a long day ahead of us. We needed the nourishment.

“What do y’all have in mind?”

“IHOP.” Liss shouted this before my sentence was fully formed. Smiling at her spazziness, I grabbed my stuff. “Woo!!” She practically dragged Jaci and Mo from the room as she bolted out the door.

“I guess lack of common sense runs in the family too.” I picked up her shoes, leading the other two from the room.

The ride to the funerals was silent. The funerals were silent. We each said something for Tamara, Stella, and Clara. All of us crying hysterically. All of us getting more pissed off with each second that passed. We played a song for them. Which we didn’t know we were doing. But it was in all of their wills. That even if we never got the band off the ground, we had to play at their funerals. I don’t know if it’s a sad thing or not that we were so young and doing this. Shouldn’t we be old and wrinkled with outrageous colored hair up here rockin out for our best friends? We’re all holding onto each other as the girls were lowered into the ground.

I wiped the tears from my face as the dirt was shoveled onto the caskets. We weren’t going to Stella’s house, the place where everyone was supposed to meet after this. We had a date to keep. Let’s just hope he’s surprised by our little present.

I watched as everyone gathered their stuff. Bee, Liss, and I made sure the other three had the necessities for times like this. We never thought we’d need them. One of us can usually handle whatever problems arise; but not this time. No, this is a job for the six of us.

The walk to Aaron was long, but we couldn’t take any public transport or use our own vehicles. If someone saw us that would ruin the entire plan. I made sure to take winding ways to the spot. I didn’t want the girls knowing exactly how to get here. I know they’ll all be lost by the time we arrive and it will be dark before we leave so they won’t have a clue. If this get’s traced back to us, I’ll be the only one to go down. I knew as soon as they started whining about being lost that it was time to go to his hideout. How stupid is he that he thought no one would find him?

Smirking, I turned to the girls. “This is it. Once we go in there’s no turning back. If one of us leaves, we all leave.” No one made a move away from the door. “Alright. Follow me.” I pull the door open quietly, leading the way inside.

“Lynds.... How do you know he’s here and how to get here?” Jaci’s walking next to me.

“I did some research after everyone went to bed the other night.” She shot me a look, which I promptly ignored. Halting everyone, I tapped lightly along the wall until I hit the spot. “Gotch’ya” I whispered to myself as I felt over the wall for the trigger. “Shit. Bee c’mere and lean against the wall.”

“Why?” She eyed me skeptically as she did so. A trap door slide open in the steel wall behind her.

“That’s why. You’ve got some damn stupid luck, girl.” I smiled, tapping her cheek as I walked by her. She scoffed following me with the other girls. The pathway lead further and further underground, spiraling ridiculously. I ninja rolled into the wide room just for the hell of it. Seeing the room, only one thought came to mind. Someone had watch Lost Boys: The Tribe one too many times. Not that I blame him. Angus Sutherland is one sexy mutha fucka.

The door slammed shut behind us. “Oh look. You all came for the party.” Turning, I saw Aaron standing in the corner behind the door. Lame and cliché. I always knew he was a fucking loser. Mo walked up to him, surprising us all, and decked him.

“Eat that ya nasty!” It had begun. We jumped him. This was nothing like the beat down we laid on Jimmy. That was meant to inflict damage for him to remember. This....recovery was not going to be an experience here. Profanities flew like confetti as we beat him. I noticed Jaci standing back like an overlord as we carried out his punishment. I knew she couldn’t take part in this portion if she wanted to be the one to actually kill him. That act alone is going to weigh her down. No need to add more memories to her psyche.

Each of us took frequent trips to the bags we brought. Brass knuckles, knives, tasers, whips, cat-o-nine-tails, switches, acid, and much more came into play in this little game. Panting heavily, I pulled out the lemon juice and salt. Going back toward Aaron, who was a bloody lump, I looked for acid wounds. I handed the salt to Liss, opening the lemon juice. Bee came over with a night stick kneeling next to us. I blew a kiss to him before dripping lemon juice into one of the more apparent acid marks. He screamed. Liss dribbled some salt into it and Bee ground it in with the end of her night stick. He screamed louder. Once the lemon juice and salt ran out, I grabbed a random taser set to max and began poking him. Mo and Jen occupied themselves with carving scenes from the Rejected cartoons into his legs and torso. Liss and Bee each grabbed some of my pliers and started pulling his nails off and plucking hairs from his body. Deciding that looked like fun, I got a razor.

“Always hated unibrows.” Digging the blade in, I cut off his eyebrow. “Much better,” I grinned at him. “Now you look....well not human seeing as you’re red, but you look better.” I nodded to each of the girls and we began beating him again. Liss and I used collapsible hockey sticks, Bee swung her collapsible bat with precision, while Mo and Jen just kicked the shit out of him.

“Men don’t scream. But. Seeing as you’re not a man...nope, can’t excuse you.” Liss scooped up a knife and cut out his tongue in one swift motion.

“Loverly problem solving skills sister.”

“Yea who said you don’t use school lessons in real life? Bunch of liars!” Bee clapped Liss on the back.

“Enough.” Jaci’s voice echoed over his moans of pain. She walked over to us, like an angel walking the battle field. We all watched in wonder as she leaned to look in his eyes. What she said to him was inaudible to our ears, but what she did next spoke volumes. After stroking his cheek gently, she placed both hands firmly on his cheeks and twisted his neck sharply. The cracking rang loudly even after his body had dropped back to the ground. Jaci would have crumpled too, if Mo hadn’t been there to catch her.

Quickly, we packed our stuff and headed back to the real world. I took one last look at our little hell before shutting the door with a thud and following my tired friends back to reality.
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Was that worth the wait?