The Wild Ride

Chapter 58

Moriah's P.O.V.
I crunched through the newly fallen snow over to the Avenged bus. For whatever reason, I was stuck with telling Matt, the only current occupant of their bus, that everyone besides me, him, and Zacky went to the store and decided we weren't good enough to go. Mean people.

I arrived at the door and pulled it open, finding knocking as just one more reason to exert energy at a time when I don't want to. I hopped onto the bus and shut the door behind me to prevent the winter air from getting into the bus. I sighed to myself; I hate getting stuck with this stuff.

I stepped into the boys' living area and found it empty. "Great. Now I get to go into their stinky man cave. He better not be masterbating or something weird," I muttered to myself as I crossed the small space to the bunks.

As I neared the bunks, I could faintly hear Aqua's "Barbie Girl" and singing. I stopped, mentally fitting the pieces together. Matt was singing Barbie Girl. I let out a small laugh; I've had some fucked up ideas, but that one was just ridiculous.

"Hey Ma-" I stopped midsentence when I entered the lair of Avenged Sevenfold. Not only was Matt singing to Barbie Girl, but he was also dancing. And here's the kicker: instead of normal clothes, he was adorning a dress...a frilly, pink dress.

My eyes grew large and I felt a tidal wave of laughter coming on. Before it made it's way to leave my mouth, I managed to say, "Oh. My. God. Matthew Charles Sanders what the fuck are you doing?!"

Matt stopped his frolicking and flipped around at the sound of my voice. He turned as pink as his dress and frantically tried to cover himself. "Mo! Wh-what are you doing here?"

"I came to tell you the others, besides me and Zacky, went to the store," I told him through a fit of giggles. "Why are you cavorting around in a dress and singing and dancing to Barbie Girl?"

"Um...well," he stammered, still failing at covering himself, "I wanted to see what it was like..."

So much for not bursting out laughing. It started out as small giggles, then quickly upgraded to a laughing fit. Through my tears I saw Matt's blush brighten. "Look, you can't tell anyone!"

I waved him off, now doubled over holding my stomach. " don't have to worry about that. I'll keep quiet." I returned to my full height. "Just take the dress off please."

Matt cleared his throat and laughed nervously. "Right. So I have your word then?"

I nodded and grinned. "Yup. I won't tell anyone that you're a cross dresser in training."

Matt made a face at me and removed his odd garment. As he was putting on his normal clothes, I said, "But. There is a price for my silence."

He stopped in the middle of putting his shirt on. "Name it. I'll do anything."

"Hmm..." I tapped my chin in thought. "Whatcha got to offer Matteroo?"

He mouthed Matteroo confusedly, then replied, "I could get you a date with Zack."

"And what makes you think I want that?" I crossed my arms stubbornly. "I could do that on my own if I wanted to."

Matt chuckled and I glared at him. "Well, I don't know what else you could possibly want."

"Alright," I began. "First off, I want a hundred bucks in cash. Second, I want to feel your mus-kles. And third, you have to tell Brian he's a very pretty woman in my presence."

Matt sighed in defeat. "Fine. But if this gets out to anyone, even Gilbert, you'll regret it." He dug out his wallet and started rummaging around in it. He pulled a bill out and I snatched it, slipping it into my pocket.

"That should take care of the first part," he grumbled, holding out his arm. "And now for the second part."

I snickered and grasped his offered arm. "'s so big and hard and muscly," I said, awe laced in my voice.

"I'm so glad no one was here to hear that. They would so take it the wrong way and wonder what we were doing," Matt stated chuckling.

I let go of his arm. "Yeah that did sound pretty dirty. But anyway, don't forget the third part of the deal. I want it completed by midnight on New Year's eve or your secret is no longer safe."

Matt paled a bit, but nodded. I grinned. "And now Mr. Sanders, I bid you ado." I turned dramatically on my heel and marched off the bus, only to be stopped by Brian, Jimmy, Jason, Mattie, and Johnny.

"Hello boys. Back so soon?"

Jason raised an eyebrow at me. "You're just now finishing telling Matt we left?"

I nodded. "What the hell were you two doing to take that long?" asked Jimmy with a smirk.

I rolled my eyes. "Not that you pervert. I'd never do that to Jaci. We were just talking."

"What about?" Johnny pressed, wiggling his eyebrows at me.

Shit. I hadn't quite thought that far. "Well, we were having a very educated conversation about..." I trailed off, not really knowing what to say. Then off the top of my head, I finished with, "why the rum is always gone."

The five just stared at me, their expressions ranging from dumbfounded to totally blank. "...Alrighty then," Brian stated, finally breaking their silence.

I looked past my five interrogators and saw a tent set up between the two buses. "Um...what's the tent for?"

The boys smirked, evil chuckles coming from a few of them. That just told me they had an evil little plan. "You'll find out soon enough," Mattie answered, pushing me back toward the C.A.B. bus.

I huffed and angrily stamped back to our bus. Just as I was about to open the door, it was wrenched open and Zacky practically fell out of the bus. I snickered. "Did they kick you out?"

"Yes," he mumbled, glaring at the door.

I giggled. He was so cute when he was all glary. "Well I'll see ya later Zacky." He smiled and waved at me before I hopped onto our bus.

"Pack a bag Mo," Lynds stated as I entered the living area. "You're staying in the tent tonight."

"Huh?" Rilen, who was on the floor in front of Lynds, giggled cutely.

A bookbag was thrown into my arms by Bee. "Put your stuff in this. Think of it as being thrown in the brig."

"That didn't help at all!" I complained.

Jen entered the room. "You will have a cell mate." She turned her head to hide a giggle. What are these people up to?

I growled and went back to my bunk. I threw some clothes and necessities into the bag, zipped it up, and threw it over my shoulder. "Fine. But can I at least know what this is about?"

Lynds snickered as she, Jaci, and Liss led me off the bus. "I'm sure you'll figure it out soon enough. You're a sharp cookie."

I rolled my eyes. "There's just one rule," Jaci informed me, pushing me toward the entrance of the tent.

"And what would that be?" I asked, more than annoyed by now.

Liss smirked and finished Jaci's statement. "You can't come back to the bus until at least noon tomorrow." With that, Lyndsey pushed me into the tent, causing me to almost fall. Great. Stuck in a tent on Christmas Eve.

"So you're my cell mate huh?" I looked to the voice and immediately knew why the two of us were put in here together.

I smiled at Zacky. "I guess so." I plopped down in a corner on a mound of sleeping bags and blankets. At least they gave us those. "So what are we gonna do all night? Besides freeze our asses off that is."

Zacky shrugged, then stretched and laid down. "I dunno."

"Yeah let's just take up the whole tent." I giggled and punched his thigh.

Zacky grinned and wiggled his eyebrows. "I always knew you were a rough one." I scrunched my nose and smacked him in the chest, only making him chuckle. "You're not helping your case."

"You're hopeless." I searched my bag which was still in my lap and fished out the bottle of Orange Crush I had smuggled in. When I looked up I saw a hint of hurt in Zacky's face. I bit my lip. "Sorry. That wasn't very nice of me. You're not hopeless. You're totally rad."

"I know," he said with a grin. "But it sounds better coming from you."

I took a sip from the bottle, feeling my cheeks redden. Ugh, I can't be like this all night. That would just be embarrassing. I've got to keep my composure even though Zacky is one sexy beast.

"So, we have," he pushed his sleeve up and looked at his watch, "exactly sixteen hours left in here."

I started burrowing myself in the mound of soft sleeping accessories. "That's a long time." I dug a little deeper and then poked my head out the top once I was completely covered. "As lame as this is gonna sound, we could play 20 questions. But you go first."

Zacky shrugged. "Alright. Um...chicken ramen noodles or shrimp?"

I snorted. "You can ask me any question and you have twenty and you ask that?" He nodded grinning proudly, earning him an eye roll from me. "Chicken of course."

"Hmm nice choice. But shrimp is definitely better." I shrugged and waved him off, taking another swig of my orange drink. "Your turn."

I wiggled out of my blanket prison I had made for myself a little. When I saw Zacky giving me a weird look, I stated, "It was getting hot in there." Feeling selfish, I held the bottle out to him. "Want some?"

Zack chuckled. "Sure. But is that your question? Because if it is, it's just as stupid as mine." He put the lip of the bottle to hissexy lips, then stopped. "I should warn you I have a major case of cooties." He grinned at me.

"Girls can't get cooties you silly goose." I flicked his nose giggling. "It was just a childhood myth to keep us away from boys. So, you can have a drink." I watched him take a drink, then fired my question at him. "What's your favorite kind of candy?"

"That's better than my question?" I gave him a single nod, causing him to snicker. "Of course it is. To answer it, Sour Patch Kids." I snorted and Zacky scrunched his nose at me. "What?"

"Well, that's one of the nicknames Lynds gave me because 'I'm sour and then I'm sweet'," I replied, nervously rubbing my hands together under the blankets. Isn't that just ironic?

After sitting up, Zacky smirked at me. "Sour Patch Kid, huh? I might have to test a theory sometime." I was blushing so much that I just wanted to hide in my blankie fort. Curse my stupid cheeks that give away my inner feelings. "You got any other nicknames?"

"Hmm.." I pulled my hands out of the blankets and began ticking off the names on my fingers. "Well, there's that one. Then of course there's Mo, Momo, Cookie, Klutz, and Spaz. Those are just a few that I can think of."

"Those last two are very fitting."

I pouted and crossed my arms. "That' true, but still not nice!" I stuck my tongue out at him for emphasis.

Zacky just shrugged and said, "Truth hurts babe."

I huffed and surreptitiously slipped my hand into my bag. "You know what else hurts?"

Before he could request my answer, I yanked out my plastic sword and smacked him in the arm with it. Let's just say it will probably leave a welt, even through his coat.

"Ow! Fuck!" bellowed Zacky, half in pain, half amused. "Where the hell did that come from? I can't say I'm surprised that you have that, but fuck!"

"That my fine, now in pain friend, I can not reveal. It would ruin the illusion," I answered in a matter-of-fact tone. "You're just lucky it wasn't real or SHING! Off with your arm!"

"Well, you know what?" Zacky took a page out of my book and took action before letting me react. He ripped the sword from my hand, tossed it across the tent, and pulled me onto his lap. I started screaming at the top of my lungs and wiggling around like a fish out of water. "Keep that up and you'll give the others the wrong idea."

I growled. "Zachary James Baker if you don't let me go right now you won't be able to sexually make a girl scream ever again!" I leaned down to bite his arm, but Zacky caught my chin, making it nearly impossible to get to my mouth down to his arm.

"I'm not gonna lie to you," stated Zacky, still not letting up on his arm restraints. "That was pretty funny and it scared me a bit. But not enough to let you go."

"Evil. Just pure, fucking evil." I gasped, having a mini epiphany. "I'm going to call you Ganondorf when you're being evil like this!"

Zacky squeezed me tighter. "I have a feeling that name's going to bite me in the ass later."

"Maybe..." I stretched my leg out to the sword, spreading my toes out in my Family Guy toe socks. I poked my tongue out of the corner of my mouth in concentration. I got within about six inches of the weapon when my leg reached its limit. I cried out in frustration and shook my fist int he air. "Fuck my short legs!"

Zacky chuckled as I deflated like a popped balloon in his arms. I think this goes under the category of epic failure. Although, I do like being this close to Zacky. But, he'll never know that little bit of info