The Wild Ride

Chapter 59

Bee’s POV

Our plan for getting Mo and Zacky together didn’t work out so well. Yes, they were noticeably closer and better friends, but there was no couply things going on to hint at a more intimate relationship. Totally lame. Maybe they’ll get together tonight. The boys were invited to a New Year’s Eve masquerade. Brian declared I was his date as soon as they found out. He didn’t ask, didn’t even give me a questioning look. I would have smacked him if he wasn’t sporting that stupid smirk. I have a hard time keeping control when he smirks like that. Apparently this had been planned. All us girls got dresses, masks, and shoes for Christmas. Being guys, they picked out our clothes in their colors. Except Jason. The dress he got Lynds is blue and silver.

I kept trying to get details from Brian about the upcoming ball, but he wasn’t saying anything. He would smile, kiss me, or just plain out not answer my questions. It was starting to get frustrating. I wanted answers. I wanted to know what was going on. I can handle surprises, but when I have to get gussied up for a night out, I need to know why I’m wearing shoes that will kill my feet after five minutes.

The boys stole Rilen and locked us in a hotel suite. At least those bastards were nice enough to do that much for us. There was no way we could all get ready and be on time if we tried this on the bus. That non-existent bathroom and crawlspace bunkroom? Not happening.

I looked around at the girls. Lynds was running around helping Mo and Jaci get dressed while Jen and Liss were in the shower. I was stalling getting ready. My dress was laid out in my room, waiting for me to put it on. However, I have random bad luck, and I’d rather not have disaster strike while wearing that dress. I don’t even want to know what it costs. Laughter caught my ear. Mo was staring at her dress in complete confusion.

“What the hell is this?! Who picked this out? I’m putting my foot up their ass, pronto!” Lynds snickered earning a death glare from Mo. “It looks!”

“Mo. You are a girl. And this is a masquerade. Have fun!” She crossed her arms shooting me a nasty look. I shrugged. “Blame Zack. I’m pretty sure he picked it out.” Her eyes narrowed causing me to smirk. He’s gonna get it when they get back. Maybe they’ll have once of those cliché arguments where they get so mad that the passion takes over and they fuck. On second thought. I’d rather not see that. Zacky seems pretty pale. His ass might blind me.

I watched, amused, as Lynds coerced Mo into the outfit. Hoping down from my seat on the island in the kitchen, I went to do my job. Hair. Liss and Jen came out somewhere between Mo and Jaci’s hair. Lynds set on them like a vulture seeing its first meal in weeks. Jaci, Mo, and I snickered to ourselves at the scared look on Jen’s face. Liss seemed immune to it.

“Bee, go shower. I can take care of their hair.” Lynds shooed me off.

“What about you-”

“I’ll get ready once y’all are done. Now get.” With that, she pushed me into my room. I rolled my eyes, but listened to her anyway. I decided to take my time in the shower to piss her off. Sure, she’ll skin me alive once I get out there, but for now I could just enjoy the hot water. At least that’s what I thought. Barely five minutes later, the hot water turned ice cold making me scream. I ripped the curtain open, but Lynds was nowhere in sight. The bathroom door was still locked as well. I glared at my reflection in the mirror. She did this. I know she did. The question I pouted as I shut the water off and grabbed my towel. Can’t even enjoy a decent shower without being nagged.

When I came out of my room, Lynds was leaning against the couch smirking. “Enjoy your shower?” I shot her the meanest look I could, but she just laughed at me. This ticked me off more, even though I knew my glare wouldn’t phase her. It doesn’t phase any of the girls because we all know each others weaknesses.

“Just go get dressed.” I stuck my tongue out at her. She flicked my forehead as she passed me and went to her room.

An hour later, we were all finally ready to go. We just had to wait for the boys to get back. It shouldn’t take them this long to get ready and come get us. They have to throw on some tuxes and shoes, fix their hair a bit- which a lot of them don’t have enough to mess with- and go. Lynds and Liss whipped out a chess board. They were in the middle of their fourth game and the boys still hadn’t shown up.

“Ok. There’s fashionably late. And then there’s on time if you’re black. We’re working on the second one.” Liss giggled while the other girls snorted. Another ten minutes and a knock finally came at the door. We all stopped and looked at one another. Silently, we each sized the others up, determining who would make it to the door first. I raced over, shoes in hand, yanking the door open. Matt, who was about to knock again, jumped back with a squeak. The other girls skidded into me.

“Right....”Johnny extracted Liss from the pile up carefully. The other guys followed his lead. Brian had that insidious smirk on his face. I wanted to drag him into my room and wipe that smirk off his face. I guess Jen knew what I was thinking because she pinched my arm shaking her head at me. I sighed and linked my arm through Brian’s.

“We would have been here sooner, but pretty boy over there,” Jimmy jerked his thumb at Brian, “couldn’t get his hair just right.” I felt Brian shrug beside me. Amazing. The boy don’t even deny that he takes longer than a supermodel to get ready. I rolled my eyes. This, ladies and gentlemen, is my boyfriend.

I listened to Lynds fuss over Rilen the whole elevator ride down. And I watched Jason watch her, looking like a stupid git in the process. He was practically drooling all over himself, and Mattie had to elbow him several times in order for him to hold up his part in the conversation. Lynds, of course, was oblivious to this. I think us girls are going to have to have an intervention. She refused to talk about her feelings about Jason and I think it’s high time we forced them out of her.

The limo ride, even with all of us together and an excited toddler, managed to be uneventful. Everyone was in private conversations. Just as I was about to give up on my shoes, the limo stopped. I let out a small groan, which Brian heard. He kissed my temple and rubbed the back of my hand as we waited for our turn to get out. Slipping out of the limo, I saw the reason for the backup. It was a red carpet event. A fact the guys neglected to mention. I gave Brian a stony scowl as he helped me from the limo. He’d be hearing about this later.

After the media circus outside, I was able to breath freely inside. Only for a moment though. The place was crowded; people were packed in like sardines. Which is gross. Shower is first on the list once back at the hotel. I slid my mask on and followed with Brian to our table.

We spent the first half of the night dancing and taking short respites at the table. Occasionally one or two of the guys were asked to take pictures. Of course they dragged us girls along for it. It was during one of these picture session where I gave Lynds a jealous glare. Well I would have if she had been in eyesight. I looked for her discreetly with my eyes as I posed with Brian. When we finally escaped the cameras, I pulled him back to the table where everyone happened to be convened.

“Have any of you seen Lynds?” They all shook their heads. All except Mattie. I narrowed my eyes at him. “Spill.”

He gulped, “Jase took her out in the garden about twenty minutes ago.” A collective squeal left us girls and we forced Mattie to show us where they were. He led us reluctantly to a veranda with a lovely view of our missing friends. I shushed everyone as we listened to their conversation.

“Do you like the dress?” Jason shifted nervously as Lynds walked around the fountain. He picked a good spot to be romantic. The flowers were in blues and whites. Coincidence?

I couldn’t see her face, mainly because Matt’s huge arm was blocking part of my view. Stupid Beefcake. However, I was sure she was smiling like a idiot when she answered, “Yeah Jason. I love it. Honestly, I was surprised when you gave it to me. It must have cost a lot.” I rolled my eyes. She just had to bring up price. I wanted to scream at her to shut up and accept an expensive gift for once in her life, but I knew everyone would be pissed if I interrupted.

“I wanted you to have a nice dress for tonight. And I seem to have done a good job because you look stunning in it.” He shifted again, but this time it was to make room for Lynds next to him. She had to be blushing at this point. Ask her you dolt! He took her hand. “Lynds?”

“Yessum?” Oh great. She’s getting nervous. She always tries to make things funny when she’s in the spotlight for too long. Don’t ruin this for yourself Lynds.

“Will you...will you be my girlfriend?” Jimmy almost cheered, but Jen slapped her hand over his mouth.

Lynds got up again. This time I pushed Matt out of the way so I could see her. She stood looking into the fountain for a few minutes before turning back to Jason. “Are you sure you want that Jason? I have a kid and he will come first in my life. He has since the day he was born. If you think there’s even a chance that you would ever feel the need to come between me and Rilen, you’d be better off acting like you didn’t just ask me that.” I wanted to smack her.

“Lyndsey. I know how important Rilen is to you. I wouldn’t dream of trying to break the bond you two have. Besides, I love the little guy. Why would I want to make him hate me? I’m asking with full knowledge of what I’m getting into.” He stood next to her by the fountain. “So, I’ll ask again. Will you be my girlfriend?” Nice recovery Jason. Very nice. Took her little speech in stride and didn’t blow up on her like she was probably expecting. Brownie points.

Instead of answering verbally, Lynds kissed him. And hard from the looks of it because he stumbled back a foot or two before regaining his balance. This time no one stopped Jimmy from cheering. Rilen joined in, as well as Liss who wolf whistled. The couple broke apart and looked up at us. Both their faces were flushed, badly if I could tell from here.

Lynds gave us the finger and went back to kissing Jason. I smirked, letting Brian pull me inside. Now we just have to get Mo and Zack together.
♠ ♠ ♠

Sorry this is so long XD

The girls dresses:





