The Wild Ride

Chapter 60

Jaci's P.O.V.
"Ugh, that would never work!" shouted a frustrated Bee as I crossed off yet another idea from our very long list. The girls and I, minus Mo, were trying to figure out ways to get Zacky and Mo together without her realizing it was us who put him up to finally asking her out. "She'll definitely know it was us with that shitty plan."

Lynds snickered at Bee's anger. "She's probably figured it out anyway. I mean, the tent thing wasn't exactly sneaky."

"And Lynds does it again," I said, dramatically dropping the notepad to the ground. "She points out the obvious fact that all of us either missed or kept denying."

Lynds just grinned triumphantly up at us from the floor. Having found a new obsession of mimicking his mom, Rilen did the same, causing us all to laugh. "But seriously guys," Jen interrupted, being the first to calm down, "how are we going to get them together?"

Liss stroked an imaginary beard. "I liked the 'ask out on stage' idea. That would be entertaining for all of us."

The rest of us nodded in agreement. It would be interesting to see what Zacky would do if weforced asked him to make Mo his girlfriend on stage. I smirked to myself, thinking of how bright red Mo would be from embarrassment. This plan was both funny and evil. But, she deserved it; if she wouldn't be so stubborn and would have just shown the man how she really felt, we wouldn't have to resort to such extreme measures.

"So who's going to talk to Zack?" questioned Lynds while she was having a staring contest with Rilen.

The girls and I exchanged looks, then I replied, "I'll go. I can send Mo back here while acting like I'm over there to see Matt." We had convinced Mo to go spend time with the guys, giving her the totally bogus excuse that she hardly ever does it. Since she was so wrapped up in reading Death Note, it was easy to do.

The others agreed to my plan. "And while you're speaking to Pale Man, we'll pick out a smokin' hot outfit for Mo to wear tonight to give Zacky even more of an incentive to get it over with," Bee added, using her new alias for Zacky.

I saluted them as I picked up Mo's abandoned copy of the seventh Death Note book. The other four returned my salute, then I hopped off the bus and trekked over to Avenged's bus. Expecting to see their bus in utter chaos, I held my breath as I pulled the door open and climbed on. Shockingly, all was silent and the bus was clean. Well, clean considering all guys lived on it.

I entered the living area and found all the guys enjoying television. When I examined the scene more thoroughly, I saw that not everyone was liking watching TV; Mo was in the corner of the couch scowling at nothing and no one in particular. This was definitely an improvement.

"Hey guys," I greeted, making my way over to Mo. I handed her the book causing her to squeal. "Now, back to the bus with you, Lady of Many Obsessions." Without a word, Mo skipped off the bus, nose buried in the book.

The second Mo was gone, I was yanked into Matt's lap. "Couldn't stay away could you, Jaci?"

I rolled my eyes and pushed his arms off. "I'm actually here for Zacky." The moment his name had left my lips, Zacky perked up and Matt's jaw dropped.

"Zacky?! What the fuck does he have that I don't?! And I'm your boyfriend!" Matt exclaimed.

I shrugged. "He has gorgeous eyes." Matt pouted at me, making me giggle. "Oh relax, I'm kidding. I just need to talk to him."

After Matt calmed down, I led Zacky off the bus. "Alright, here's the deal Baker," I began, Zacky immediately snapping his attention to me hearing my tone. "You are going to ask Mo out tonight on stage sometime during your set."

Zack just stared at me blankly for a minute, then finally caught on. "Alright. I'll do it after Seize the Day."

I smirked. "Is that ironic on purpose?"

I was met with a blank stare again. This time, however, it didn't get replaced. "I don't know?"

I slapped my forehead and shook my head. "Just don't chicken out, okay?" Zacky nodded and I returned to our bus.


I closed the merch booth just before the girls finished their set and headed backstage as fast as my legs would carry me. Even though I knew I had some time before Zack's mini-show, I wanted to make sure Mo didn't change clothes and she stayed close by.

"Hey guys," I said, stopping the girls before they could escape to change and do their own things. "Why don't we just chill backstage and watch the guys? I mean, this is the last show so I'm sure it will me fantastic."

The girls who were in on the plan and I shared a knowing smile while Mo just groaned. "Can I at least change first? These fishnets are itchy." Basically, the outfit the girls picked out for her consisted of a red and black corset with a matching plaid mini skirt, fishnet stockings, and knee high stiletto boots. Her hair was in teased pigtails and a skull choker was around her neck to complete the look.

"No," the five of us replied bluntly, causing her to pout and cross her arms.

"But I feel I felt like every guy out there was looking up my skirt and mind fucking the hell out of me!" she whined after stamping her foot. I snickered; she was such a little kid sometimes.

Bee punched Mo in the arm. "Oh hush. You look hot. Now watch the show." After sending one last glare at the rest of us, Mo huffed and faced the stage as Critical Acclaim started.

The show went on as it normally did. Finally, after what seemed like years, Seize the Day ended. I'm pretty sure all of us backstage were holding our breaths.

"Alright," Matt said into his mic, "Zacky V. here has a little surprise for all of you."

"Thanks Shadz." Zacky turned toward us with a grin on his face. "Moriah if you'd join us on the stage."

Mo raised an eyebrow skeptically. "What's he up to?" she asked us nervously.

Without answering her question, Lynds, Liss, and Jen pushed her over to Zacky, then dashed back off the stage again. After death glaring the five of us, only causing us to grin evilly, Mo turned back to Zacky and said, "What?"

Zacky chuckled and wrapped an arm around her shoulder. The five of us remaining backstage shared a quiet evil laugh. This was going even better than expected. "That girl's going to kill us when this is over," Liss pointed out through giggles.

The rest of us agreed and returned our attention back to the stage. "Now, I know this is way overdue and even that's sugar coating it," Zacky told Mo as he turned her to face him. Her cheeks were already beginning to redden. I looked around at my friends. Lynds was rubbing her hands together smiling like an idiot, Jen kept shifting her weight from foot to foot nervously, and Bee and Liss were hugging each other as if they were trying to keep from jumping up and down. I tapped my foot impatiently. C'mon Baker, you're not asking for her hand in marriage.

Finally, Zacky continued. "So, will you be my girlfriend?"

Mo just stood there looking totally stunned, her face now the color of an apple. Even through her complete embarrassment/nervousness, she managed to choke out, "It's about damn time!"

If that wasn't shocking enough for you, this might be. Mo flung her arms around Zacky's neck, shifted onto her tip-toes, and crashed her lips to Zacky's. Whatever cord that was holding our control finally broke and the girls and I all joined the crowd in wolf whistling and cat calls.

The boys let their face sucking go on for about a minute until Matt ended it before it got too out of hand. As Mo turned to rejoin us backstage, Zacky smacked her ass and winked at her. Without turning back, she flipped him the bird with the biggest grin on her face. The second she reached us, the five of us engulfed her in a hug.

Our little Mo is growing up!
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WOOOOO! Two in one night! Yayz!

And for the record...IT'S MY BIRTHDAY! XD