The Wild Ride

Chapter 7

Jaci's P.O.V.

Both Matt's shouted back, "What?"


And again at the same time they said, "Oh."

Mattie walked over to me. "What do you need?"

"Could you help me set up the merch booth before I have to help the girls set up?"

"Yeah, I think it's in my abilities."

Giggling I said, "Alright, thanks."

What normally took me thirty minutes to set up, we got the booth set up in fifteen. "Oh yeah! We rock!" Mattie exclaimed when we were done.

"Woo! High five!"


I put a "closed" sign on the booth and we went back to the others. Since C.A.B. was going on first, I helped the girls set up for their set. "Hey Jaci!"

I turned around at the sound of my name. "Huh?" I saw Matt and he was motioning me to come over to him. "Yesss?"

"Are you ticklish?" He asked with a smirk.

I put on a confused look and asked him, "Why?"

"Just wondering."

I arched an eyebrow and said, "Uh huh. I'm not answering that."

I turned to walk away and I heard him say, "Well then I guess I'll have to find out myself." I stopped walking and turned around, but before I could object Matt started to tickle me. I ended up falling and he didn't stop. Everyone around us just stood there and didn't help me, even though I was laughing so hard I couldn't breathe.

When Matt finally stopped tickling me, he offered his hand to help me up. I refused and sat cross-legged, turned around, and pouted. "What? You're not gonna talk to me now?" I didn't say anything and I heard a few people laughing. "Aw, c'mon." I shook my head no and huffed. He came around and knelt in front of me, glaring. I glared back and then he stuck his tongue out at me.

"That's real mature, Matthew," stated Zacky. Moriah giggled and Zacky shot her a cheesy grin. I couldn't help but laugh as Matt directed his glare to Zacky. My laugh caused Matt to look back at me. Without warning, he wrapped his arms around me and I about fainted.

This time when he offered to help me up, I let him.

"So are you excited to be on tour?" Matt asked randomly.

"Yeah, I'm uber excited!"

He laughed and then asked, "How do you do everything you do? I mean manager, roadie, and merch girl, that's a lot of stuff."

"I honestly have no idea considering I am a very lazy person. I think my love for the band and it's members help."

"That's cool."

I nodded and said, "Well, I've gotta get back to work now. I'll talk to you later."

"If you must. Alright, talk to you after the show." And with that I went to finish setting up.

"I think Matt likes you," cooed Bee/ I blushed and shoved her playfully. "So what did you two talk about?"

"Nothing much, just the tour."

"Well I must say, that hug earlier didn't look like nothing."

My face turned red again and Mo tauted me with, "Aww, Jaci's blushing and her dimples are showing."

The other girls started chanting, "Matt and Jaci sitting in a tree f-u-c-k-i-n-g."

"You all are mean!" Everyone smiled and kept teasing me. "I hope you know, I can make you all sound like shit." Ha! That stopped them. Sound check started and Matt would smile at me every so often and I couldn't help but blush. Normally I wasn't like this, but I have had a huge crush on Matt for years.

Moriah and I were talking about zombie eagles that attacked you in your sleep when my cellphone vibrated. The screen read unknown number so I answered it. "Hello?"

"Jaci, where are you?"

Oh my Zacking Rev! Why does he keep calling me? "What the Hell do you want Aaron?" Aaron was my ex-boyfriend who wouldn't get it through his head that we were over.

"I wanted to know where you were."

"Aaron, for the zillionth time, we are not together anymore!"

"You keep saying that, but I know you don't mean it."

Getting pissed off, I hung up on him and threw my phone hitting Jen in the back. "Hey, watch it!"

"Sorry Jen!"

She grumbled some incoherent words before resuming with the sound check. "Well I better get to the merch booth now," I said when it was over. I hugged each of the girls and wished them luck.

"What no hug for me?" I heard Matt complain.

I sighed and gave him a hug too. "Alright, well I need to get going." As I passed Lyndsey I whispered, "Operation Febreeze will commence after the set." She returned an evil smile and I told the other girls the plan before finally getting to the booth.