The Wild Ride

Chapter 8

Lyndsey's P.O.V.
"Operation Febreze is a go!" Liss shouted as she went into Mission Impossible mode, aiming her can of Febreze like a gun. Our plan was to Febreze the whole inside of the Avenged bus. Bee wasn't looking forward to sleeping in it later, but she was wanting to be part of the prank.

Mo had "volunteered" to keep watch just in case someone happened to come along. We sprayed the couches, chairs, bunks, floor,the air, their clothes, everything. We each had different scents, so it was pretty bad. I would definitely get a migraine if I stayed here.

"We've got company!" shouted Mo.

Jen stuck her head out the door and asked, "Who is it?"


We got quiet and tried to act like no one was in the bus. I heard Mo and Jason talking and then it stopped. Mo walked onto the bus and about gagged. She managed to choke out, "Coast is clear and Jason has Rilen." Rilen was out there with her and before that, he was with Jaci in the merch booth.

"Why does Jason have him?" I asked curiously.

"He just said he'd take him off our hands for awhile."

"Okay then," I said still a little confused.

"And we're done!" shouted Bee. We got rid of our cans and went back inside the venue. I decided to go search for Rilen and Jason since they weren't backstage and the guys' set was almost done.

Jason's P.O.V.
I wonder where Rilen's dad is...

I hope Lyndsey doesn't mind that I've got Rilen. We were in the dressing room and he had fallen asleep. The door opened to reveal Lyndsey. She smiled and sat next to the sleeping Rilen. "When did he fall asleep?"

"About four minutes ago."

She nodded and said, "Thanks for watching him."

"No problem. I have a question."

"Okay, shoot."

"Where'd you all go? I know Moriah was outside with Rilen getting some air, but the rest of you kind of disappeared."

"We were in the bus."

"Ooh." Lyndsey stated to smooth Rilen's hair and I asked, "Where's his dad?"

She sighed, "L.A. He left after I got pregnant."

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay. He has to pay child support and the girls help me out."

"You all are really close."

"Yup, have been for a long time."

"How'd you all meet?"

"Well Liss and I were neighbors and she was already friends with Moriah and Jen. Jaci and I went to the same schools and that's where we became friends. Bee moved to Huntington a few years ago and we all befriended her."

Nodding, I answered, "That's cool."


I heard my brother's voice from down the hall and then he peeked his head through the door. "Time to take everything down."

"Alright, I'll be there in a minute."

"'Kay man."

"Well, better get back to work," I said turning back to Lyndsey/

She carefully picked up Rilen and said, "Have fun with that. Talk to ya later."


All of us were walking back to the buses and the girls were giggling like mad for some unknown reason. "What's so funny?" Matt asked.

All the girls answered, "Nothin." They went to their bus and we went to ours.

"Oh my God, what the Hell?" Zacky choked out while coughing as he ran back off the bus. The rest of us followed his example and ran off.

Bee was still hanging around outside. Brian began advancing towards her and asked, "What the Hell did you all do?"

"Freshened up the bus," Bee answered him, grinning.

"You better run girlie!" Bee screamed and ran from Brian as he chased her.

I heard hysterical laughter coming from the C.A.B. bus and a few girls peered through the windows. Liss opened one and shouted, "You might want to open a few windows and air it out!" Jimmy went up to her and flicked her on the nose. "Hey, not cool!"

Lyndsey's P.O.V.
The guys started to open the windows and we heard Jimmy yell, "They fucking got our God damn clothes!" We laughed even harder and Bee walked in holding her stuff.

"I'm sleeping on the couch until their bus is completely aired out."