12 Bullets to the Head: Heading Home for a Last Time

New Sequal That You Guy's Should Read (Continues T

I have posted the actually sequal to this story. It is what I was supposed to post after this before I started the re-write.

Please check it out, you don't have to read the re-write to get this at all.

It's called Trials of a Young Rocker.
Check it out!

Here's the summery:

Aiden Lyra's ex-girlfriend is pregnant with another guy's child. He is sent to school again after taking his tenth year online. The media get ahold of Avalon's pregnancy and fans think he is the father. Life with his adoptive parents starts to even out and Aiden feels like he belongs in their family after everything that's happened. Mardella begins to show her age; losing her once good sight, and despite what Aiden and Brenden deny, they realize she won't be around forever.

Brenden and Ryan's relationship strengthen and becomes more as days pass. They both realize that they truely love eachother and want to be with each other for a long time.

Will this band find the inspiration to write another record?
