Wait to Save Me, I'll Save You Too


"So, how do I look?" Jonathan asked me, as he walked out of a dressing room after trying on a tuxedo.
"You look like your ready to be a husband." I said, giving him a smile.
He took a deep, nervous breath as he played with his collar and turned to a mirrow. "Should I get this one then?"
"You know, I find it funny that i'm the one helping you with this." I looked at Austin, as he was playing on his cell phone, then looked at Jonathan and I.
"Whaaaaattt?" he looked suprised. "I'm sorry that I can't help pick anything out." he rolled his eyes.
"Austin, dude, your the one who offered to come and help me and told all the other guys they could stay at the studio and work." Jonathan said.
"You guys are so mean." Austin shook his head, then focused back on his cell phone.
I put my hand up, "I didn't say anything."
"Stephanie, your the one who implied it!" Austin yelled, looking up from his cell phone once again.
"Oh, my gosh, are you seriously going to get mad about this?! You are so--" I was cut off by Jonathan.
"Geez, you guys. Cool it." he laughed softly, and shook his head. "I'll be right back, I'm going to go change and take this to the counter to buy."

I stood on the other side of the room from Austin, while he sat on the bench.
It was quiet for about two minutes after Jonathan left for the dressing room.
"I'm sorry!" Austin yelled, getting up from the bench and running to me, and practically squeezed me to death.
"Ahh!" I screamed. "It's okay, it's okay, I can't breathe!"
He let me go, and started talking really fast, almost as if he was mumbling. "I've been I don't know, just really really moody lately. And it's freaking because that's how chicks are! And I'm not a chick, thats creepy. I'm a tough dude!"
I laughed at him.
"See! Now your laughing at me. I shouldn't of said anything."
"Austin, chill. Your probably just under a lot of stress."
"Yeah, you know, from being in the studio, waking up early. Mhm. Stess, my friend." I patted his shoulder.
"Okay, thanks buddy. Are we still best friends?"
I laughed at him again, "Why wouldn't we be?"
"Because I was being a jerkkkkkk."
"Of course were still friends, Austin. I mean, best friends."

"Okay, you guys. I'm done if you want to head out." Jonathan said, coming from the front of the store.
"You bought it already?" Austin asked.
"What time is it?" I asked, digging into my big yellow purse for my phone.
"It's 6:47 p.m." Austin answered.
"Okay, then yeah I've got to get home." I said.
"Okay, tell Caleb to call me later. He's probably home by now." Jonathan said.
"Okay, well, tell my sister, aka, your bride to be, to call me."
"Will do."
"Bye guys."
"Bye" they both answered.

"Hello?" I called into the big house.
No answer.
I walked upstair into mine and Caleb's bedroom, looking to see if he was sleep.
He wasn't home.
Instead, I found a letter on the bed.
Tried calling your cell phone, but it's laying on the night stand. But anyways, I went to the store. I'll be back.
P.S. I love You.

I smiled, and put the note on my dresser, and went to grab my cell phone from the night stand.
I jumped on the bed to see if I had any messages.
Three missed calls, two from Caleb, and one from my best friend, Kennedy, and also a voicemail from Kennedy as well.
I called my voicemail, and listened to the message.
"Hey Stephanie, it's your best friend, Kennedy, remember me? Well yeah, you need to call me. We haven't talked for 3 days whats up with that?,"
I laughed to myself how she thought three days was alot. "But when you go to try on your made of honor dress, tell me! I want to come, too! That's so weird, how your little sister's getting married, after dating Jonathan for 10 months, gosh. And you and Caleb have been together for 1 and a half years, and you've been engaged for a year. Yeah well, I'm talking too much, I better go before the time runs out. I love you!..... Call me!!"

I laughed again, and closed the cell phone.
I lay on my side, and thought about how I got engaged to Caleb before Michelle got engaged to Jonathan.
I mean, they were only engaged for 2 months, and Caleb and I have been engaged for a year.
But me and Caleb have just been too busy to plan a wedding, I don't know how Jonathan and Michelle do it.

I heard the front door from downstairs slam, and keys slam down on the kitchen table, as well as plastic bags.
"Steph?" Caleb called, as he ran up the stairs to the bedroom. "You okay, Hon?" he jumped on the bed, laying next to me.
I turned to look at him, and we were face to face. "Of course, your home now."
He kissed me on my forehead and wrapped his arms around my shoulders. "Did you have fun helping Jonathan shop?" he laughed.
"Sort of." I smiled. "Austin didn't help though, so yeah."
"Well, that's Austin for you." he laughed back.
I closed my eyes, and sighed happily. "I'm so tired." a yawn came out.
"You are?" he sounded dissapointed.
I opened my eyes.
"It's only 7:28." he looked at the alarm clock. "I thought we were, you know, going to do stuff tonight." he raised his eyebrows up and down.
"Your such a perv!" I smacked his head.
"I'm kidding. Baby, if your tired, I'll go to sleep with you. It's been a long day."
"Awh, thanks." I kissed his lips, and closed my eyes again.
"But babe," he started. "Can we at least cuddle?"
"Of course we can."