Wait to Save Me, I'll Save You Too


"Just keep taking deep breaths!" Calebs mother ordered, from the drivers seat of her car, as she pulled out of the parking lot where the baby shower was being held at. My mother and I sat in the back of the small car, as I shruggled with painful cramps.
"Did anyone-" I started. "Did anyone call Caleb?"
There was a comlplete pause. "Allison?" Calebs mother asked.
"Well don't you dare ask me." My mother said, as if she was being blamed for something terrible. "I thought you were going to be the one calling him?"
"You mean no one did?!" I yelled out. "Mom, call him!"
"Okay, okay, just calm down, it will do you better." she pulled her cellphone out of her small brown purse, and after a minute of looking at it, she put the cellphone to her ear. I wached as she just sat there, and said nothing, and it made me even more mad than I already was.
"Is he answering?" I asked.
"Do you hear me talking?"
I sighed, and rolled my eyes, then rested my head back. "He better answer, I swear."

"He will, sweety." Calebs mother said. "Just relax, everything will be fine."
"It just went to his voicemail." My mother finally spoke.
I shook my head. "Well try calling again."
She sighed, then put the phone back to her ear.
"This time leave a message." I ordered. "I'm already in a pissy mood, so just do it."
"Honey, hes not answering."
"Leave a message!"
"I'll just call him when we get to the hospital."
"Mom, what the hell, whats the difference?!" I cried out. "Great, my husband isn't going to be here when I give birth to our baby, yeah, thanks a lot mom." I said, in sarcasm.


As we finally had pulled up to the hospital, I never thought I would be so desperate to get out of a car. Only, I couldn't even get out by myself. I had to have help from my mom, and Caleb's.
As I finally got out of the small vehicle, I watched as I seen Kennedy and Michelle run my way. "Did you guys get a hold of Caleb?" Michelle asked, out of breath.
"No." I said, angrly, and felt as tears formed in my eyes. "He's not going to be here."
"Steph, yes he will." Kennedy said, as we all begun to walked twoards the Hospital, slowly.
"Yeah, and besides, I called Jonathan, so he said he'll go over and see what Calebs up to, he'll be here." Michelle tried to comfort me.
We were all silent, until my mother cried out in joy. "Ohhh! My first grandbaby is going to be here!"
"I know, I can't wait!" Calebs mother replied.

As we finally made it into the hospital, we all walked over to the counter where secretary’s were on the computers. "Excuse me!" My mother shouted, even though we were standing right infront of them. "My daughter is about to give birth to a baby! We need a doctor fast!"
"Okay, mam, calm down, we'll get you a doctor as soon as we can, but were going to need you to fill out some paper work." the red headed secretary said, as she looked down, and reached for a stack of papers.
I looked at my mother in pain.
All of a sudden, Calebs mother slammed her fist onto the counter. "I'm sorry, thats unacceptable, what kind of hospital are you working at?! WE NEED A DOCTOR!"
"Is there a problem?" A tall, tanned skinned, older doctor appeared in the door way.
My mother looked at him, as if she just seen an angel. "Why, yes." she said, more calm and quiter than she was before. "My daughter here, needs a doctor, shes going into labor." she smiled.
The doctor walked closer to my mother, "Oh, well then why don't you just come with me?" he said, calmly as well.
"Thank you." she replied.
"Oh, well you don't have to thank me, its my job."
My mother laughed. "Oh, Dr.-"
"Dr. Moore."
"MOM!" I shouted.
"Oh," she laughed.
"Again, follow me."
"Wait, shouldn't she have a wheelchair or something?" Kennedy interrupted.
"Oh, uhm, yes." the doctor grabbed a wheelchair that sat on the side of the wall. "Here ya' go." he pushed it twoards me, and I sat in it, as Kennedy pushed me down the hall where the doctor was escorting us.


I lay in the hospital bed, struggeling with pain, as Kennedy, my mother, Calebs mother, and Michelle all sat in the room with me.
"I hate this." I cried out.
"It's the beautiful part of giving birth." My mother smiled. "Oh, sweety, I never thought this day would come."
"Can't I like, get a shot for this pain? I swear I'm going to die."
"But then there'd be no beauty about it at all, you should just go through it naturally, honey."
"Mom, stop saying this is beautiful, look at me! I'm sweating like a sick pig." I complained more.

Just then, the doctor walked in the door. "How are you holding up?" he asked me.
"Not good, not at all. This is so painful."
"Well, thats the whole part about pregnancy." he smiled. "I'm just going to check how dilated you are real fast, I'll only be a minute."
As the doctor checked, I didn't care at all. I mean, usually I would just feel all awkward about it. I just wanted this to be over.
"Okay, looking good. Only another hour and I think the baby will be coming." he smiled, again. "Oh, and Mrs.Walker, I'm going to need you to fill these papers out." he handed the stack to her.
"Ms." she corrected him, and played with a piece of her hair. "Ms. Walker."
Dr. Moore laughed. "Well, I'm sorry, Ms. Walker." he walked out of the room.

"Allison, you are so flirting with that doctor!" Calebs mother exclaimed.
"I am not!"
Surprisingly, I laughed, then looked out the door of the room I was in, and seen Jonathan walked in, followed by Caleb.
I felt my heart drop, "Caleb!" I yelled.
Caleb quickly ran over to the bed I lay in, "Baby, I'm so sorry I wasn't here sooner." he began kissing my face, repeatedly.
I laughed. "It's okay, all that matters is that you are here." I smiled, for the first time that night.
Caleb smiled back, and grabbed my hand. "This is it. It's really happening."
"I know, and I'm scared."
"Don't be." he pushed my bangs out of my eyes. "I'm going to be by your side the whole time, and everythings going to be fine."

"PUSH, baby, PUSH!" Caleb yelled, as he held my hand.
An hour had finally went by, and there I was, in the delivery room, delivering my first baby.
"I'm pushing!" I screamed, as the pain went through my body.
"Come on, your almost there!" A new doctor yelled.
I pushed again, only harder this time. As mush as I wanted this pain to be over with, it seemed as if it wouldn't. I've been going through this for 40 minutes now, and it seemed as if the baby didn't want to come out.
"You're doing great." Caleb said quietly in my ear, followed my a kiss on my forehead.
"Come, on, one more push!" The doctor yelled.
I took a deep breath, and finally, pushed my hardest-and out came the sound of a crying baby.
♠ ♠ ♠
okay, so, I changed my mind.
the NEXT chapter is the final one, until the sequel.
