Wait to Save Me, I'll Save You Too


(the next day,, lunchbreak.)

"I really hate lunchbreak." I rolled my eyes.
"Are they coming? Kennedy asked, not turning around and looking.
"Mhmm." I kept my eyes on her.

"How's it going girls? Tough day?" Candy asked as she lit a cigarette. "So," she walked and bent down by me. "I did a little research last night, found out that you were lying about the whole dating that guy from that band.He doesn't even have a girlfriend, or should I say fiance." she blew smoke in my face. "You know, you shouldn't really be a liar. I hate liars."
"Well," I stood up. "You know, you really shouldn't believe everything you read online, Candy."
"You woman are pathedic." Kennedy stood up, too. "Let's go Stephanie."
"Run off, you little liars." Candy yelled back.

"I just want to strangle that woman!" I yelled.
"I know what you mean." Kennedy sighed.
I stoped in the middle of the hallway, and put my hand over my mouth, and gagged.
"Oh geez," Kennedy opened a near by bathroom door, but it was too late. I threw up in a trashcan.
"Are you okay?" she asked me.
"Yeah, that was nothing." I said walking into the bathroom and washed my hands, and threw water in my face.
"That was nothing? Stephanie, somethings wrong." she walked in and closed the bathroom door. "Are you on your period?"
"What? No." I didn't turn around.
"Well, are you late?" she said quieter.
"Kennedy, are you trying to say I'm pregnant?" I turned around to her. "Because that's impossible. I'm on the pill, remember?"
Right when I said that, I noticed something, I hadn't taken the pill for two days. But that doesn't matter, does it? I don't think it does.
"Stephanie, that doesn't matter. You seem like your having all the signs..."
"Kennedy, stop! There's no way in hell I'm pregnant. There's no way." I walked out of the bathroom and she followed.

"Well maybe you should get tested." she went on.
"I'm not pregnant."
"Okay, whatever then. Maybe you should go home."
"I think I might. I have no way unless Caleb comes to get me though."
"He will."


"So, is he letting you go home?" Kennedy asked me as I walked back into the launge from the bosses office.
"Yeah, he's giving me a week off because he said I have the flu? He doesn't know anything."
"Well at least you can get better."
"Yeah, can I use your phone? I left mine at home, again."
"Sure." she handed me her phone.

"Caleb? Who is this? Kyle, what are you doing with Caleb's phone? Yes I want to talk to him, why else would I be calling? Okay. Hey babe, can you come get me? Yes I'm at work. Yeah, my boss said so. I'm sick. Yeah, still. Okay meet me in the launge. Love you too. Bye."

"He's coming." I handed Kennedy her phone back.


(About 25 minutes later, Kennedy's phone rang)

"Hello? No this is Kennedy. Yeah, hold on Caleb." she smiled and handed me her phone.
"Hello? No babe, I'm in the launge. Well ask on of the secretary's or something. Okay. Bye."

"He's lost?" Kennedy laughed.
"Yeah." I laughed back. "He'll find his way."
I looked behind me to see if Candy and Carron were watching, and just what I wanted, they were.

Caleb appeared behind the corner, still looking lost, until he seen me and smiled.
He ran up to me and grabbed my stuff, "You ready?"
"Yeah. Call me later, Kennedy."
"Will do. I hope you feel better."
"See ya Kennedy." Caleb did a half wave.

Caleb and I started our way down the hallway, until we heard woman screaming our way.
"What the hell?" I said, and turned around. "Oh, of course."
"Who are they?" Caleb looked scared, and confused at the same time.

"CALEB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Candy and Carron screamed.
"Like, OH-EM-GEE! CALEB! We are like, SUCH big fans!!" Carron yelled in his face.
"We totally are! Your band is so0o0o0 rockin!" Candy did a rock sign with her hand.
"Uhm,, thanks."
I tried to hide a laugh, and turned my head away.
"So, can we have your autograph?!?!" Carron yelled once again.
Carron gave him a sharpee and a sheet of office paper.
"Ohmygaww!" Candy screamed. "Your so cute!!!!"
"Thanks, uhm, see you later girls." he turned off and grabbed my hand.
"Bye, gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!!"

"Who exactly were they? Caleb laughed. "That was strange."
"Oh, they were just some crazy woman who I work with. You know, thats funny of them because earlier today, they didn't believe you were my fiance." I laughed.
"Well, thats just crazy." he kissed my forehead and we got into the car, and went home.