Wait to Save Me, I'll Save You Too


(The next day, the hospital)

"Ms. Walker." a doctor called out. "If you would come with me, that'd be great." he smiled.

We walked through doors, and down a long hallway into a testing room.
"If you just wait here, shortly there will be someone who will take care of you." he left.

I sat there and looked around the room. I was really nervous. I didn't even know if I should be doing this alone. I mean, would Caleb be mad that I didn't bring him here either? Oh god,

"Hello Ms. Walker," an older lady walked in and shook my hand. "I'm Doctor Marie, and I understand that you need to be tested for pregnancy?"
"Uhm,, yes." I said nevously quiet.
"Ms. Walker, are you on any birth control pill?" she read papers.
"And you take them everyday, is that correct?"
"I uhm.. I usually do but you see, I missed a couple days."
Doctor Marie looked up quickly. "You missed a couple days? Or you forgot?"
"I guess you could say I forgot..."
"Ms. Walker, you need to understand that taking birth control is a really big responsibility, you can't slack off on it."
"Yeah, I know this." I snapped.
The doctor shook her head.
"How many days late are you on your period?"
"I'm about 2 weeks late."

"Okay, Ms. Walker. Take this into that stall right there," she pointed. "And come back with it and it will be tested."

I walked into the stall, and was about to find out what I least expected, or not.


The ride home was the worse. I didn't want to go home. I was scared. How was I supposed to tell Caleb that were having a baby?
This was going to be a big change in both of our lives. I hope were ready..

I pulled out my keys to the house and walked in the front door.
I dropped my stuff on the kitchen table and walking into the hallway, and headed upstairs to the bedroom.
Was it supposed to be this depressing to be pregnant? Or was it just depressing because I didn't know how Caleb would react?
Maybe this isn't such a bad thing, maybe he'll be happy. I know that'd make me happy.
I lay on my side, and closed my eyes. Thinking about his reaction.
I wasn't ready to tell him.
But I know I have to. How though?
He'd get mad at me if I kept it from him for a while, wouldnt he?
Yeah. He would.

I felt my heart drop when he came through the front door, and I closed my eyes even more tightly.
I didn't say a word.
He came upstairs and turned on the bedroom light.
"What's wrong?"
I didn't look up at him. I hoped he'd think I was asleep.
He walked over to me and looked at me, and I opened my eyes.
"Tell me. Something's not right, Stephanie."
I sat up.
"Caleb, theres something we need to talk about."
"Okay, what's up? You can tell me anything babe." he took my hand.
I took a deep breath, and I felt like puking. Only because I was nervous.
"I went to the hospital today." I started, because I couldn't get it out.
"Why? Did you get hurt?" he seemed worried.
"Caleb, no. I'm...."
"Your what, hon?"
"I'm pregnant." I looked down, then into his eyes.
His eyes filled with anger.
"Your, what!" he let go of my hand and got up from the bed. "Your pregnant? No. No. No! You can't be! I thought you were on the pill!"
"I am!" I yelled back and stood up.
"Then why the fuck are you pregnant?!"
"I forgot to take it for a couple days.."
"You forgot! How stupid is that!"
I shook my head. "You know, it takes more than one person to make a baby, you know."
He put his hands over his head. "Is this some way of trapping me into this relationship or something!"
"Trapping you into this relationship! What the hell! Caleb, were engaged!"

He tugged at a necklace on around his neck, that had our promise rings on it, and pulled it off, and let it hit the wooden floor.
"What are you doing?" I said, upset and calm. Tears rushed to my eyes.
"I can't do this." he walked out of the room.
I ran after him. "Caleb! Stop! Where are you going?" I yelled.
"I'm leaving." he grabbed his car keys and slammed the front door behind him.
"Caleb!" I screamed, pratically crying. "Don't go, don't leave me!" I said quietly, sliding myself down the wall.

Caleb banged on Kyle's door.
"Dude, whats wrong?" Kyle opened it.
"I need to stay here tonight." Caleb made his way in.
"Okay then...." Kyle was confused, and he shut the door.
"I'm going to go stay up in a room upstairs, okay? I need some sleep." Caleb went up the stairs and said nothing else to Kyle.

Kyle called Austin.
"Yo, Austin. It's Burns. Yeah, Caleb just came over here and he's like, staying the night."
"That's weird." Austin said. "I wonder what happend."
"I don't know man. He didn't really say. He just came in and went upstairs. Real weird."
"Maybe him and Stephanie had a fight?" Austin said. "I'm gonna go check on her."
"Yeah, and then call me."
"Alright. Bye dude."


I woke up laying on the floor. There was a black spot on the floor, from my tears.
Then I heard someone come into the house. "Caleb!" I yelled.
"No, it's me." Austin came in. "What's wrong Stephanie?" he looked worried and helped me up from the floor.
I started crying. "I'm pregnant."
Austin looked speachless. "Come here." he hugged me. "Is that why Calebs at Kyles?" he sounded mad.
I shook my head yes. "That bastard! Look, do you want me to take you to your moms? I don't want you to stay here alone tonight Steph."
"Okay, I guess he's not coming home then?"
"I'm afraid not tonight."


"She's pregnant." Austin said into his phone to Kyle.
"No way!" Kyle sounded suprised.
"Yeah way. I just dropped her off at her moms."
"That asshole!"
"Yeah, that's not like Caleb at all. But I got to go. Talk to you late bro."

"Turman!" Kyle ran up the steps into the bedroom. "What the hells wrong with you man? Your going to leave her because she's pregnant?"
"Get out, Kyle. I don't want to talk about it!"
"Whatever man. That's real low of you, I just want you to know." Kyle slammed the door.


"Darling?" My mom came into my old bedroom as I was laying there, crying. "Do you want to talk about it?"
"Not really, mom."
She rubbed my back. "You know Caleb is usually not like this at all, I'm sure he was just a little scared, that's all."
"Mom, I just don't want to talk about it, maybe later, ok?"
"Okay.." she sounded dissapointed. "Well, are you atleast hungry?"
"I don't know.."
"Honey, your pregnant, you've got to eat. What do you want? Chinese or Pizza?"
Uhm,," I sat up, "Both?"
My mother got up from the bed. "That's my girl." she clapped her hands and ran out of the room. "Come on!"