Wait to Save Me, I'll Save You Too


It's been a week since Caleb called. And right now i'm at our house, packing up some things to take over to my mothers house, with a little help from my her and my sister, Michelle, since she was back from her honey moon now.

"How much are you going to take, dear? I can only fit too much in my mini van." my mother came into the living room as I packed up some cd's and dvd's.
"Mom, I'm taking as much as I can." I threw piles and piles of cd's into the box. "And I have a car too, remember?" I stood and picked up the box.
"Okay, whatever you say Stephanie. At least let me carry that box for you?"
"No, how about I take it?" Jonathan arrived. "You shouldn't be doing this since you're pregnant." he joked.
"Shut up." I rolled my eyes and laughed. "You guys, I'm just three weeks pregnant, it's no big deal." I bent over and picked up another box.

"Three weeks pregnant, doesn't matter." Jonathan called as he walked out the front door.
"So your really leaving?" Michelle asked as she took a drink of water.
"I guess so. I mean he isn't going to call. I'm not waiting around." I shrugged.
"I can't believe him. I seriously can't." Michelle crossed her arms. "He need's to stop and start being a man."
"I don't want to talk about him right now, okay?"

"Is that everything?" Jonathan came back into the living room.
"No, I have to run upstairs real quick and get a box of clothes, and besides that, he can keep his stuff including the furniture." I handed the box to Jonathan that I was holding.

I ran up the stairs and into mine and Calebs room.
I digged through the drawers of the nightstand and grabbed all my phone books and everything, and dropped a couple stuff.
I bent down and grabbed it, and found the promise rings that went to Caleb's necklace.
I picked them up and grasped them, took a deep breath, and set them on his dresser, then left the room.

"Now, is that everything?" My mom sounded paranoid.
"Yes, mom. We can go now."
Everyone walked out the door, and I picked my key out of my purse, and set it on the counter.

"So," Michelle started, "I guess you know the guys are finally kicking off their first tour tomorrow, right?"
"I knew about it, I just didn't know it was tomorrow."
"Yeah, I'm gonna miss Jon."
I laughed. "See you later."

(Once again, another week later. The guys have finally kicked off their tour.)

"Stop! I'm going to kick your ass at this!" Austin yelled at Marc, they were playing rockband.
"Keep trying fool, keep trying."
"You guys are lame." Kyle got up and walked down the bus. "Caleb!" he yelled, and found Caleb laying in his bunk, with the curtain closed.

"I'm trying to get some rest?" Caleb called.
Kyle opened the curtain anyway. "Dude, that's all you do."
"No I don't. I'm just tired from the show."
"No your not. You just miss Stephanie."
Caleb didn't say a word.
"Come on, man. You need to call her. You can't just not. You have to face the facts, don't act immature."
"Kyle, I can't. How am I supposed to appoligize to her over this? I screwed it up. I have to face it."
"Just call her. Leave her a message. Text her?" Kyle loved the fact that he was giving advice.
"Do you really think I should?"
"I sure do think you should Turmanator." he did a jokeful wink.
"Okay, I'll give it a shot." Caleb took a deep breath, and openend his sidekick.


After I got out of the shower, I opened the closet, and pulled out one of Caleb's white t-shirts that I took from the house, and put it on.
It was the only way I could feel close to him, but yet, so far away from him.
I turned on the t.v. to lifetime. I loved watching lifetime movies whenever I got ready for bed. They were my favorite.

I pulled the big fluffy white covers back on the bed, and hopped in, and turned out the light.
I heard my cellphone keep making beeping noises from the floor by the bed, so I assumed I had messages.

30 messages.
Including, text's.

"Hey Stephanie, its Caleb. I know the last thing you want to do is talk to me, but please call me back?"

"Hi, it's me again. I just hoped i'd get some luck and you'd answer. Look, I'm so sorry babe, I really am. I don't know how to make it up to you.."

"What a suprise, it's Caleb. Call me. I love you."

"Are you avoiding me? That's embarassing. Call me, please!"

Then there were texts...

"im srry. 4giv me?"
"i lve u. call me."

,,,you get the point.

I laughed to myself, and called him back.

"Hello?" Caleb answered.
"Hey.." I said back, quietly.
"Stephanie! I'm so glad you called back."
"Yeah, well I had to think about it."
"Look, babe I'm so sorry for freaking out like I did. And I'm so sorry for not calling, I'm an asshole for that."
"Yeah, well you didn't have to over react like you did, Caleb."
"I know I didn't. I just,, I just guess I was scared. I mean, that's not something you ecpect you hear. I'm so sorry. I'm going to make it up to you. I don't know what else to say. It's just, I love you so much. You mean the world to me. And I want to marry you. I'm going to marry you. Soon. And, "
I cut him off. "Caleb, calm down." I laughed.
"So will you fogive me?"
"I'll think about it. When you come home, we can talk too."
'Okay. I love you. So much."
"I love you too, Caleb. Bye"

Caleb hung up the phone.
Kyle peeked through Caleb's curtain. "Your smiling." he smiled really big.
"Yeah." Caleb kept smiling.
"That means you called Stephanie."
"Yeah, I did."
"And that means everything's going to be alright?"
"I think so."
"Woo-hoo!!" Kyle through his hands in the air. "I am wonderful! I am great! My advice worked!!"
Caleb laughed. "Yeah, okay Kyle."
"Oh my gosh, dude, I have an even more brilliant idea!"
"What's that?" Caleb raised his eyebrow.
"Were playing a show tomorrow just 2 hours away from home, go suprise Stephanie!" Kyle was so excited.
"What would I do without you, Kyle?" Caleb joked, and padded Kyle's back.