Wait to Save Me, I'll Save You Too


(3 1/2 weeks later)
After being on their first tour, the guys are finally heading home tonight. And, Kennedy and I are having a 'Welcome Home' party for them.

"I'm so fat!" I complained as I looked in the mirror, to my best friend, Kennedy.
"You are not. Stephanie, your only 2 months pregnant. You should be glad your only that big right now." Kennedy laughed.
"Thanks." I rolled my eyes and laughed also.
"What time are the guys even supposed to be here tonight?"
"I don't know. Caleb told me about 7:00. What did Kyle say?"
"Oh." I laughed. "I don't know then when. I forgot."

I walked out of my closet and into my bedroom where Kennedy was.
"Your bed's huge." Kennedy said as she sat on it.
I laughed. "I love it."
"So, anyways, how many dudes are going to be here tonight since were throwing a 'welcome home' party for them?"
"Well, theres Caleb, Kyle, Jonathan, Kent, Austin, Marc... Marc's girlfriend Bonnie, Michelle. So basically, there's going to be pretty much alot of people here."
Kennedy laughed. "We need to order alot of pizza."
I laughed back. "Do you think there going to be mad that were having pizza? You know, since they basically only eat junk food on tour?"
"Who cares. They'd be selfish, and we can order the good kind for them."
"True, my friend. And we'll have saled, I guess. And that good cheesy bread."
"Your so pregnant." Kennedy laughed.
"I know. I'm hungry."


About three hours later, Kennedy and I set up the long guest table in the dining room, and had a lot of food ordered.
A lot of food. I mean, all these guys can eat a lot.

"Shit!" I heard Kennedy yell from in the kitchen. I walked quickly out of the dining room and found her face hidden from the huge stack of plates that were in her hands.
I laughed. "Do you need help with those?" and grabbed half the stack.
"Thanks." she said reliefed.
We followed eachother into the dining room, and finished setting the table.
"Do you think we have enough?" Kennedy asked.
"I think so. We should." I smiled.

Just then, the doorbell rang.
Kennedy looked up at me. "Do you think that's them?"
I laughed. "Why would they use the doorbell? It's probably the pizza man."
We both walked over to the door, and just as I though, it was the pizza man.
"Wow, that's alot of pizza that it takes two of you." Kennedy said to the young men.
The cute one of the two smiled at her. "Yeah. You must be hungry."
She smiled back.
I looked at him, and then back at her. Then the other one caught my eye.
Well, lets just say, he wasn't 'so cute'. He had glasses, brown shaggy curly hair, and a lot of acne.
"Hey." he said to me.
"Hi....yeah I just want to get my pizza. How much do I owe you?" I shook my head and grabbed money out of my walet.
"That much for pizza?" Kennedy asked.
"Yeah well, you did order about 10 boxes..." the shaggy haird boy said.
"Hey, that's because were going to have a lot of hungry boys here, and you," I looked at the blonde one as I started grabbing boxes from him, "My friend right here has a boyfriend, so you can stop flirting with her."
He starred blankly at me.
Kennedy laughed, and helped grab pizzas.
"Here's your money." I said as I started closing the door.
"Hey! What about our tip, lady!?" the blonde one called.
I stopped and look at him before shutting the door. "Well, you did just call me 'lady'. Sorry." I shut the door.

Kennedy laughed as we walked into the kitchen and set down the pizza boxes.
"Wowww," she started. "Your mean!" and laughed more.
"Well, they were flirting and it was creepy."
She laughed more, and we got everything else ready before the guys would be here any minute now.


When the guys and everyone arrived, lets just say there were a lot of hugs.
And right after saying 'hi' and 'i missed you!' to everyone, they all went and stuffed their faces.
Like I said, they like to eat.

"I'm so stuffed!" Austin yelled at the top of his lungs for some reason.
"Well you should be, you just gulped down 7 slices of pizza's." Marc said to Austin.
"Well at least I eat dude."
Marc rolled his eyes and Austin.

I walked into the kitchen, and found Kyle and Kennedy, kissing so dramatically.
"Uhmm.." I started, and walked over to the sink.
"Oh shit. We're sorry!" Kyle exclaimed, and laughed at the same time.
"Uh huh, it's okay." I laughed back.
As I rinsed off my hands, I felt arms wrap around my waist, touching my stomach.
It was Caleb. "Hey beautiful." he kissed my cheek.
I smiled and turned to face him. "Why, thank you." I laughed.
"Dinner was good. Kent and Austin are still eating." he laughed also.
"Really? Austin just said he was full."
"Austin's a pig."
"So is Kent, apperently."

"Hey ya'll! The football games on!" Jonathan called from the living room, with his arm wrapped around Michelle.
"Your the only one that wants to watch it, Jonathan!" Caleb called back.

"Hey guys. Do you have any ice cream or anything?" Austin walked into the kitchen, patting his fingers on his stomach, like playing the drums.
Me, Caleb, Kennedy, and Kyle just starred at him.
"Did you seriously just ask that question?" Kyle tried holding back a his laughter.
"I want something sweet!!!!!" Austin fake whined."
"Yeah, Austin theres some in the freezer." I laughed.
"Dude, you have cravings just like a girls has." Caleb said.
"I'm just hungry stop being mean."

After an half hour of taking Kennedy, Michelle, and I to clean up, everyone said their goodbyes.

Me and Caleb were upstairs, in our bedroom.
I sat on the bed, looking throught my digital camera at all the pictures everyone took earlier that night, while Caleb was in the shower.
About 10 minutes later, Caleb appeared in the room, and jumped on the bed next to me.
"Ahhh, it feels so good to actually lay on a real bed next to my baybay."
I laughed. "Your a nerd."
He layed down and put his hand on my stomach.
"Why are you touching my fat stomach?"
He laughed. "Babe, your not fat."
"Well I'm going to be huge really soon."
"So what. Your still beautiful." he kissed me.
"And your still a suck up." I joked.

We stayed up for about another hour, and talked and caught up on stuff, until we both fell asleep.