Out of the World She's Grown So Fearful Of


"Hey, baby. What's so wrong?" the words came out of Ronnie's mouth. "Suprised to see me?"
Kennedy didn't say a word. She didn't believe this was happening. Why now? Whenever there wasn't anyone here to back her up? It was a mistake not having Stephanie come with her.

"How, how did you get in here?" Kennedy could hardly speak, her whole body felt numb.
"Awh, Kenn, you left the door unlocked, for me, obviously. I know you knew I was following you." Ronnie got up from the couch arm and made his way to Kennedy. "Didn't you know I was following you, baby?" he touched her cheek, they were face to face now. But Kennedy kept her eyes off him as much as she could.

As Ronnie started kissing Kennedy's neck, she felt a tear roll down her cheek. Make this stop! She screamed in her head.
Ronnie looked at her. "What! Your going to start being a little bitch now?!" He pushed her. "What's wrong with you, Kennedy! Huh? All of a sudden you don't care for me anymore, is that it? After all these fucking years!" Ronnie stopped yelling for a second, and ran his fingers through his hair. "You never gave a single shit about me, did you?"

"That's not true." Kennedy said quietly, crying.
"Don't fucking lie to me!" Ronnie pushed Kennedy once again, making her fall to the couch.
"If you cared about me, you wouldn't of walked out on me for that little queer boy, Burns." Ronnie grabbed a pack of cigarettes from the back pocket of his jeans and grabbed one out to light up. "So, you really think you're going to marry him, huh?" He took a drag from his cigarette.
Kennedy glanced her blood shot eyes up at him. "Yes."
Ronnie looked at her, and sat down next to her on the couch. "Oh, well I don't fucking think so." he blew the smoke from the cigarette in her face. "If I can't have you, well, Kennedy no one can. And I'll be sure of it."
"I don't love you anymore, Ronnie." Kennedy snapped at him. "And I never fucking will, ever again. Why can't you understand that?" she cried. "Just leave me alone, please! I can't stand this stalking from you, it has to stop!" Kennedy ran up from the couch.
"Get the fuck back here!" Ronnie ran after her.

Kennedy ran out the front door, and made her way over to her car. She seen Ronnie coming her way, and she took off running.
"Help me!" She cried, screaming. "Someone help!"
"You fucking bitch!" Ronnie cought up with her.
Kennedy looked behind her, and seen Ronnie right behind.
"Don't run away from me!" He grabbed her arm, and punched her in her face, and Kennedy fell straight to the ground, knocked out. Ronnie stood above her, trying to catch his breath. "See there, Kennedy. See what you made me do, sweety?" He picked her up. "Don't ever fucking run from me, again."

(The next morning.)

Stephanie woke up around 10:00 the next day, and figured out that Kennedy hadn't came home the night before. And yeah, she was worried.
She called Kennedy's cell phone about 10 times, and there was no answer. All Kennedy was going to do at her house was get extra things to bring over to Stephanie's, how could she possibly not of came back? Would she of stayed their last night because she was too tired to drive back over to Stephanie's? No, that couldn't be. Kennedy wouldn't dare to stay at her house for a single night all by herself. She wouldn't.

The last thing Stephanie would want to do is worry Kyle about this, but she has no choice. She has to call him to see if he's heard from her. Maybe she called him, who knows. Stephanie got her cell-phone, and called Kyle. She had a bad feeling. A really bad feeling, she felt really nervous.

"Helllllllllo?" Kyle answered the phone, sounding happy.
Stephanie sighed. "Kyle?"
"Hey, Steph, whats up?"
"Uhm, nothing much, but have you talked to Kennedy today?"
"Noooooo, why? Isn't she there with you?"
"No." Stephanie felt like she was going to cry. "She didn't come home last night, I think."
"What the fuck? What do you mean?"
"Well she's not here. And I don't think she has been."
"Stephanie, are you sure? Are you positive she's been there, and she's just out or something?"
"Kyle I think I'm pretty sure. Kennedy doesn't go anywhere alone."
"Wait a minute, she didn't come home with you last night?"
"Well, she did, but she went to your guys' place to get a few things, and she well, she went by herself."
"Oh god." Kyle sounded like he was about to breakdown. "Did you drive over to my house? To look around? Stephanie please do it. I can't make it home today."
"Yeah. Of course.."
"Thank you."
They were quiet for a minute. They both new what could've happened, they just didn't want to think about it. It's so obvious, though. Ronnie had to be the reason for this. He had to be.
"Please, just don't worry. We don't know if she could be over there."
"I know."
"I'll go over there now, and call you later."
"Okay, thanks Stephanie. Bye."
"Bye." Stephanie hung up the phone, and without even changing out of her pajama's, she went out the front door, and drove over to Kennedy and Kyle's.


When Stephanie pulled into the drive way, Kennedy's car was there.
Thank god. Stephanie thought.
She got out of her car, and made her way over to the front door, and knocked.
"Kennedy, it's me! Open the door!" Stephanie yelled.
She finally got tired of banging on the door, and tried to open it.
It openend. Which was strange, because Kennedy never kept doors unlocked.

When Stephanie walked in, the living room lights were on. She walked over to the other side of the couch, and found Kennedy's things laying on the floor. Just then, Stephanie felt butterflies in her stomach.
"Kennedy?" She called out. "Kennedy, are you here?" she felt scared.
When Stephanie turned around to get another look at the living room, she seen a pack of cigarettes laying on the coffee table, and a bottle of whiskey on the floor, by the other couch, and she felt as if she was going to faint.

Ronnie had Kennedy.