Out of the World She's Grown So Fearful Of


A couple hours later, Kennedy woke up in the dark, and felt a cover on top of her. She made her way out of the bed, and turned the light on.
As she turned away from the light switch, she started to study the room again.
"There has to be a way out of here." Kennedy whispered to herself.

She walked her way to the back of the basement, and looked around for an escape place, and the only way she could get out was the nailed down windows, unless she wanted to break the windows down with her bare hands, and that's not going to happen.
Her second choice would be to try to open the door that Ronnie comes in and out of. That would be impossible to get past him, or would it?
Kennedy walked over to an opened door closet, and started looking around in it. There was nothing, besides ripped open boxes and curtain hangers.
Curtain hangers? Kennedy thought to herself.

She grabbed the two curtain hangers and ran over to the nailed down window, and started trying to get the nails out with the end of the curtain hanger.
"Shit!" Kennedy yelled out, in a cry voice. "Why is this happening?!" She dropped herself down on the floor.


"I swear, whenever we find her, I'm kicking that assholes ass." Kyle said. "No, wait, why do that when I can just kill him?" Kyle shook his head, as he already shook with anger.
"I hear ya, man." Austin started. "I'll help you, thats my cousin."
"I'll help too." Caleb said. "How should we kill him?"
Kyle took a deep breath. "Well, first we should start off be taking his head and-" Kyle was cut off by Stephanie.
"Guys, no." Stephanie shook her head, with a creeped out look on her face.
The guys sighed. "You ruin the fun out of everything." Austin complained.
Stephanie rolled her eyes. "Whenever these cops find her, I'm sure she'll be fine. Ronnies a nut job who thinks hes in love with her, hes not going to kill her."
"Why not? I mean, hes hurt her before." Kyle said.
"Guys, what the hell. Stop thinking shes dead. Shes not, just stop. You're making it worse." Kent shook his head.
Everyone was quiet for a minute. "I still think we should plan out how to kill him." Austin finally said.


As Kennedy sat there crying, Ronnie appeared in the doorway of the basement, smoking. "What's wrong, Kenn? Ready to go home?"
Kennedy looked up at him, with her bloodshot eyes. "Yes."
"I don't know if I can let that happen. Then, you know, you'd run off to your faggot ass fiance, do you think I want you to do that, Kenn?"
Kennedy didn't answer him. Instead, she kept on crying as Ronnie walked twoards her.
"You're not going to talk, huh?" Ronnie said as he reached for a cellphone in his pocket, and opened it.
"What are you doing?" Kennedy asked.
"Ohh, you know, just making a little call. Since you won't talk, I don't think your in the mood to, are you beautiful?" Ronnie brushed his hand against her cheek. "I'm just going to call Burns, and let him know you're with me, and you're perfectly fine." Ronnie put the cellphone to his ear.


Kyle dug his hand in his pant pocked as he heard his cellphone ringing. As he looked at the caller ID, it came up as 'Unknown Name', but he answered it anways.
"Hello?" Kyle said quickly.
"Burns, surprised to hear my voice?" Ronnie asked, creeply.
Kyle looked up at everyone in the room, and nodded his head to let them know it was Ronnie. "What the hell did you do with Kennedy, Ronnie?"
"What do you mean? Shes fine. Shes with me, where shes supposed to be."
"No, you've got it all wrong, Kennedy and I are getting married, you asshole. See, where in love, she doesn't love you."
Ronnie laughed. "Oh, Burns. Burns Burns Burns."
"I swear, if you lay one hand on her, I'm going to kill you. And thats not just a threat."
"Oh, and I'm so terrified now. I'd let you talk to Kenn, but she won't even talk to me right now, you know how those little arguements go when you're in love, right?"
"What the fuck did you do to her? Give her the phone!"
"Call ya later, Burns." Ronnie ended the call.

Kyle looked up at everyone in the room, with tears in his eyes. "He has her, he really has her." He dropped his self into a seat, and barried his face in his hands.
"I'll call the Detectives, and let them know he called.." Caleb said, as he got up from the couch.
Austin walked over to Kyle, and tried comforting him until the detectives showed up.
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Finally, an update! I'll try to keep updating more.