Out of the World She's Grown So Fearful Of


"Do you think he would have been back by now?" Kennedy asked Sara, as she looked out a window.
"Well, it is dark outside, so he could be lost. I'm sure he's fine."
Kennedy looked away from the window. "Yeah, I guess you're right." She walked her way to a couch, and sat down. She looked to her right and seen a picture of a little boy, and a little boy. It looked rather old, but not too old. She picked it up. "Are these your children?" she asked Sara a question again.

As soon as Sara seen the picture in Kennedy's hands, she immediatly snached it away. "Oh, no no. Thats just a picture of me and my little brother."

"Why the hell are you following me, Radke?" Kyle asked Ronnie.
Ronnie laughed. "Oh, you just think everyone wants you, dontcha?"
Kyle raised his eyebrows as Ronnie walked closer to him. "What are you talking about?"
"Kennedy, you fucking dumbass." Ronnie was face to face with Kyle now.
"Where is she, you piece of shit?" Kyle shoved Ronnie hardly, as Ronnie didn't expect it.
Ronnie laughed, as she shot back up to Kyle quickly, and punched him in his face.
Kyle looked back up at Ronnie after he was punched, and felt a drip of blood fall from his nose. "What the fuck!" Kyle yelled out at Ronnie, and flew into him hardly, causing them to fall to the ground.

Kyle, ontop of Ronnie, punched him over and over again. Ronnie pushed Kyle off of him, and got up from the ground quickly and began to kick Kyle in the stomach hardly. "You'll never get her back, Burns!" Ronnie stopped kicking Kyle, and watched as Kyle rolled around on the ground in pain.
Ronnie laughed again, and whipped the blood from this lip. "You thought you could just come all the way down her to save your little bitch. Well, you were wrong. You know she belongs to me, and only me."
Kyle moaned in pain, as he tried to get up from the ground, but then got kicked back down by Ronnie. "You dumb fuck. You're not going to have her again, how many times do I have to tell you?"
"You're so fucking crazy." Kyle said, as Ronnie finally gave him a chance to stand up from the ground.
"Actually, you are, you just don't see it."
Kyle shook his head, and held his stomach in pain. "You're not keeping Kennedy from me, your so sick in the head, you need help."
"Is that so?" Ronnie asked, as he pulled a pocket knife out of his pocket, and opened it, holding up the blade.


"Oh, you have a brother?" Kennedy asked.
"Yes." Sara answered calmly.
Kennedy nodded her head, not knowing what to say. She sighed. "Do you think we should call the police?"
Sara starred at Kennedy with a blank stare, and nodded her head 'No'.
"Okay.." Kennedy felt awkward.
"My brother wouldn't like that."


"Don't do anything stupid, Ronnie." Kyle said, still holding his stomach.
"Don't worry, I won't." Ronnie said, getting closer to Kyle, with an evil creep grin on his face.
Kyle back up slowly away from Ronnie and his sharp blade, as Ronnie took small steps twoards Kyle.
Kyle didn't know what to do. He thought about getting in his car quickly, and drive off to try to find the house Kennedy was in, or just to drive off to call then police. Which made him wonder why the detective wasn't with him like he was supposed to be. But then he knew Ronnie would just get into his car, and follow Kyle, and do something crazy.
"Just tell me where the hell Kennedy is-and this will all be over." Kyle said, getting closer to his car.
"I'm sorry, but I can't let that happen. And I won't." Ronnie still had a creepy smile on his face.
"That's because you don't even know. I'll just have to find out myself." Kyle said, opening his car door rather quickly, and getting almost all the way in until he felt a sharp pain in his leg, and looked down to see Ronnies knife stabbed into him. "FUCK!" he cried out in pain.
Ronnie laughed. "Don't worry about Kennedy-shes with my sister. And shes going to be fine-maybe."
Ronnie walked off to his car, leaving Kyle in pain.
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i dont know...
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