Out of the World She's Grown So Fearful Of


"What do you mean, your brother won't like that?" Kennedy asked Sara, as she suddenly felt her heart beating faster with fear.
"Ronald is my brother." Sara answered Kennedy's question, with a blank creepish stare on her face.
Kennedy stood from the couch she had been sitting on, and felt a tight pain in her throat, meaning she was going to cry. When she had finally arrived here, at Sara's, she felt safe for the first time in a couple weeks, and just as she thought everything was over with Ronnie, she had to hear this.

"Don't worry, Kennedy. Ronnie will be back and everything will be fine." Sara stood from the couch also.
"No." Kennedy said, as tears finally fell from her eyes.
"Yes." Sara replied, and walked out of the living room, and into the kitchen that was right next to the living room. There was no wall in between, so Kennedy could still see Sara.
"This is what happens when someone disobey's Ronnie. You didn't have to run away from him, you know." Sara called out to Kennedy, as she set a pot of water on the stove. "How about some hot tea? That would make you feel better, and Ronnie would also like some, I bet."

Kennedy began to panic. She could only imagine Ronnie walking through the front door any minute, and what he would do to her. Or even what he would say to her. Kennedy just hoped and hoped that Kyle would get here quick. Without thinking, Kennedy ran over to the backdoor of the house, and tried opening it. With her luck, it was stuck. "Damn it." She whispered to herself. As she turned around, she seen Sara standing there, watching her with a tray of tea cups in her hand. "Where are you going? I thought you were staying, and joining Ronnie and I for a hot cup of tea? You're not going anywhere."
Kennedy stood there, with her hand still on the small door-knob. She studied Sara. Sara looked too kind, and she talked with a really calm, soft friendly voice. But at the same time, there was just a hint of evil, or creepiness about her. She didn't make Kennedy feel right. "What the hell is wrong with you and your fucking family?" Kennedy asked. She stormed off quickly, getting past Sara, and got to the front door that was in the kitchen, and opened it, falling into Ronnie on the other side.


Kyle got into his car, and turned on the lights. He looked at his leg, and starred at the knife that was jammed into it. He took a couple deep breaths, and grabbed the end of the blade, and grasped it out. He screamed in pain. "Fuck!"
After he pulled out the knife, he looked at it, and threw it to the back of his car.He grabbed an old t-shirt he had in his car, and wrapped it around his wounded leg. Then, he turned on his ignition, and pulled out of the spot that he was parked into. Kyle turned the car around, and pulled off into the direction Ronnie had went. He got out his cellphone while he still drove, and dialed in the detectives phone number, since he wasn't following behind him like he was supposed to. When he finally came to a red stoplight, the Detectives voicemail came up. Kyle sighed, and closed his phone. The red stoplight he was at seemed like it was red forever. And he was begining to be creeped out by the town he was in. It was so empty, like a ghost town or something.

Kyle finally dialed in the detectives number again, and it began to ring. Only this time, he heard the phone ringing. It sounded like the phone was kind of far away yet, close as well. Kyle looked to the left of the road he was on, and seen the detectives car parked on the side. "What the hell?" Kyle said to himself, and drove off from the redlight, and did a U-turn to the detectives car. As he had finally made his way to the abandoned looking car, he parked infront of it, and got out. He limped over to the detectives car, and heard that it was still on and running. Confused, Kyle limped all the way next to the drivers door, and opened it. And there fell out the detective, life-less.

He lay on the ground, looking pale as half-dried blood was all over his slit throat, and his uniform. Kyle felt like screaming, until he could scream no more. He felt like being sick, but he didn't.
There was only one explanation for this-and Kyle had a feeling that it all would lead up to Ronnie. And then of course, it all matched up to everything. Ronnie must have been following Kyle and the detective all along. Sure, he had no idea how Ronnie knew exactly where they were or would be. That explains why the detective and his car had dissapeared earlier that night. Ronnie had something to do with all of this. He had to have had something to do with everything.


"Where you goin'?" Ronnie asked Kennedy, as he pushed her back into the house.
"Let me leave." Kennedy said, in a calm, angry voice.
"Fuck no. You've been running from me way too long, Kennedy. I'm not going to let it happen again." he grasped at Kennedy's arm, and tugged her all the way into the living room, as Kennedy tried to fight him off of her, it didn't work. Instead, Ronnie threw her onto the couch, hardly.
"Im sick of your shit, Kenn." Ronnie took a cigarette out of the pack that was in his black jean pocket, and put it into his mouth, then sat down next to Kennedy on the couch, and lit it. "I'm not going to let you keep doing this." He inhaled the smoke.

"Tea?" Sara walked into the room, and offered.
"Not now, Sara." Ronnie looked over at Kennedy, as Sara left the room. "Now, let me ask you something. An important question." Ronnie exhaled cigarette smoke. "Do you love me?"
"No." Kennedy answered quickly and honestly.
Ronnie shook his head, and smiled with an evil grin on his face, and took one more puff off of the cigarette. He grabbed Kennedys hand, and took the burning cigarette, holding it down on Kennedy's hand. Kennedy screamed out in pain, loudly. She tried to move her hand away from his reach, but Ronnie's grasp was too tight for her. Still holding the lit cigarette on Kennedy's hand, Ronnie yelled, "THAT WAS THE WRONG ANSWER, KENNEDY!" and then he finally removed the cigarette from her hand. Kennedy moved her hand away from him quickly, and cried and cried from the pain he caused.

"Now," Ronnie started again, as he reached into his pocket for another cigarette, lighting that one as well. "I'm going to try this one more time, Kenn. And I want to hear the right answer this time." He held the two lit cigarette in his hand, showing Kennedy. "Do you-" he was interrupted by a loud noise, and glass shattering from the window in the kitchen.

"What the hell what that, Sara?!"
"Oh, well her boyfriend was supposed to be on his way over and-"
"What!?" Ronnie stood up from the couch, placed his two lit cigarettes into an ashtray , and walked into the kitchen, and stood next to Sara. "You mean you gave him the fucking adress?" He was close to his sister, then shoved her.
"Well, yes because-" Sara couldn't finish her sentence. Instead, her brother knocked her down on the kitchen floor. "DON'T TELL ANYONE ELSE THIS ADRESS, SARA!" Ronnie yelled on the top of his lungs, then kicked Sara in her stomach hard.

Kennedy still cried, from the painful burn spots on her hand, as more and more windows were being destroyed.
Ronnie looked at Kennedy, and walked twoards her. "What the hell are you crying about? You should be happy that your 'boyfriend' is here to try to rescue you!" Ronnie raised up his fist, then stopped himself. "I'll deal with you later, first I'm going to go get rid of Burns-for good." Ronnie walked out of the living room, and to the kitchen front door.
"NO! Leave him alone!" Kennedy screamed, as she heard Kyle yell her name outside.

Before Ronnie opened the door, he turned to look at Kennedy, who was in the middle of the kitchen floor, on her knees, looking as if she was begging. Ronnie didn't care about her feelings. He didn't care if she was sad, or scared. All Ronnie cared was about himself, and his own feelings. "I'll be back." He pushed his lips out, as if he was making a kiss face. As he opened the door, he reached into his pocket.

Kennedy couldn't tell what Ronnie had grabbed out of his pocket, but she was too scared to go out there. As a minute went by though, she finally decided to take a look outside, as she heard Ronnie and Kyle arguing. But before Kennedy could make it to the door, she heard two gunshots.
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