Out of the World She's Grown So Fearful Of


Kyle and Kennedy had fun at the festivle.
They rode a few rides together, they watched a few bands play gigs, they played games, the usual.
"Hey, how about this game? It's like the last one I haven't played." Kyle pointed to a game stand, something to do with shooting coins into glasses.
"Okay." Kennedy answered.
They walked over to game stand, and a adorable stuffed animal caught Kennedy's eye. "Awh, ohmygosh!"
"What?" Kyle looked at her and smiled, as he always did.
"That giraffe stuffed animal. I've always wanted one like that."
"Really?" Kyle looked at it. "I'll win it for you."
"Awh, for me?" Kennedy let out a laughed as she put her hands over her mouth.
"Of course for you." he did a playful wink.

Kyle played the game, got a high score, and just as he promised, won the stuffed giraffe for Kennedy.
"I love it." Kennedy squeezed it.
"More than you love me?" Kyle joked.
"Duhh." Kennedy joked back.

After the festivle, Kyle drove Kennedy back to Austin's.

"So, did you two have fun on your date!" Austin yelled as they walked right through the door.
"It wasn't a date, you fag." Kyle kicked Austin in the leg.
"Ouch, you queer!"
Kennedy laughed. "You guys, if you don't mind, I need to head over to my apartment and get my stuff.."
Austins mouth dropped and he ran over to her. "Your moving out?! OHMYGOD! Finally. But your not going alone."
"Yeah. We'll come with you so we can beat Ronnie's ass." Kyle said.
"No, you guys I don't want to head over there to fight, okay? I just want to get my things. That's all."
"Fine.." Kyle said.
"I'm offending myself if that low life tries to do anything, though." Austin grabbed his car keys.
"Me too." Kyle followed Austin out the door, and Kennedy followed.

The car ride over to Ronnie and Kennedy's apartment was quiet.
Kennedy was more nervous than ever. She didn't want Ronnie to try to do anything to Kyle or Austin.
But she knew that Austin and Kyle could fight. And besides, Ronnie would probably most likely not do anything.

When they pulled up the the apartment, Kennedy took a deep breath, and then noticed that Ronnies white beat up car wasn't there.
"He's not here." she let out, rather quickly.
"Okay, well then lets go in and get everything." Austin said.
They all got out of the jeep, and walked over to the apartment, since it was the first door on the bottom floor.
When they walked in, it didn't look any different from what it did last night when Kennedy was there.
The t.v. was still on, there was tons of beer bottles everywhere, on the floor next to the couch, on the table.

"Gosh, what a slob." Austin picked up a beer bottle. "He's disgusting."
"Yeah well I'm going to get all my clothes and everything."
"Take your time," Kyle called back to her, "We'll let you know if he comes back."

Kennedy didn't take long to pack up everything.
The only thing's she really took were her clothes, shoes, make-up, bathroom things, the girl stuff.
She let Ronnie keep everything else.

"Okay, I have everything."
Kennedy looked out the window, to see Ronnies car just pull up.
"Oh, gosh." she cried out. "He's here."
"It'll be okay." Austin said, sitting on the couch.

"Kennedy! There you are! Where were you?" Ronnie walked through the door, walking twoards Kennedy.
Kennedy backed away.
"What are you doing? Leaving? Just because of that little fight? I thought I told you not to fucking worry about it?"
"Ronnie, don't talk to her like that." Kyle came into the living room, from the kitchen.
Ronnie just noticed Kyle and Austin were there.
"Oh, Burns. I see. This little whore called you for help, and told you a whole bunch of lies, didn't she?"
Austin stood up. "Actually, you asshole, she called me."
"Oh, her cousin, even worse." Ronnie looked at Kennedy and walked closer to her, then Kyle punched him, which made Ronnie trip over the coffee table, and fall.
"Son of a bitch!" Ronnie got up, and grabbed Kyle, and shoved him into a wall.
"KYLE!" Kennedy ran over to him.
"You little whore, get away from him!"

Just then, Austin kicked Ronnie in the stomach, causing him to bend over in pain, then punched him, which made him fall to the ground.
He held Ronnie to the ground with his weight, and didn't let him up. “Listen to me, Ronnie. You’re gonna let Kennedy leave this house right now with Kyle and I, and you’re not going to say anything to her. You’re not going to go looking for her once she’s left. You’re not going to contact her family or any of her friends. You’re just going to live your sad, pathetic life, lay off the beer, and keep your hands to yourself. Is that understood?” Ronnie didn’t say anything and he didn’t move, “IS THAT UNDERSTOOD?” Austin said, digging his knee further into Ronnie's back and jerking his head further from the ground.
"Yes!" Ronnie cried out in pain.
Austin motioned Kyle and Kennedy to leave, as he still held Ronnie to the floor. "Goodbye, you low-life."
They all loaded Kennedy's stuff into Austin's jeep, and they got in, and drove off. "What would I do without you guys?" Kennedy said. "Thanks you so much, it mean's the world to me how much you guys care about me."
"Don't worry about it." Austin said.
"Yeah, were always here for you, Kennedy." Kyle turned around and took her hand, and smiled.