Out of the World She's Grown So Fearful Of


(A month and a half later.)

"Are you sure this isn't too soon, Kyle?" Kennedy stopped at the doorway of her and Kyle's new home.
"What do you mean?" Kyle had stopped behind her.
Kennedy turned to face him. "I mean, do you really want to move in together?"
"Of course I do, babe." He took her hand. "I love you. And I want to be with you all day and everyday."
Kennedy blushed.
"Come on, Iets go inside." he walked infront of her, still holding her hand.

They walked into their brand new home.
"So," Kyle started. "What do you think?"
Kennedy walked through the entrance and made her way into the dining room.
"I love it," she smiled. "I love it!"
Kyle smiled and walked twoards her, and wrapped his arms around her waist. "I Love you."
"I love you too, Kyle. More than i've ever loved anyone." she stood on her tippy toes and kissed him on the lips.


(another 2 weeks passed. lmao..)

"Okay, you sure that's all you need help with?" Caleb helped Kyle put the couch down.
"Yeah, man. Thank's alot." Kyle took a deep breath from working for the past couple of weeks.
"Okay, well if you need anymore help call me, iight?" Caleb did a 'Call Me' hand signal, joking.
Kyle laughed.
"I'm SOOOOOO HUNGRY!" Austin whined. "You don't have ANY food, Kyle! What the hell."
"Dumbass, that's because I'm just starting to actually live here." Kyle looked at Austin weirdly.
"So. that's no excuse not to have food."
"Austin, if your so hungry go home and eat your own food."
"I don't have any."

"Were hommmmeee!" Kennedy and Stephanie walked through the front door.
"Kyle, you know we are not keeping this living room like this." she raised her eyebrow.
The couch was laying in the middle of the room, the coffee table was standing up against the wall, the big screen tv was set down right by the doorway, there were boxes piled high in the corner.
"Umm...they helped." Kyle pointed to Caleb and Austin.
"You know, I don't really care what I did right now, all I know is that I'm so hungry I can eat every single one of you." Austin put his hand on his stomach, rubbing it in circles.
"You can start with Stephanie. She has a baby inside of her." Kyle joked.
Caleb laughed. "You know, that is true."
"You guys are so stupid." Stephanie said, throwing a near by couch pillow at Kyle.
"Are we done here?!" Austin walked quickly twoards the door. "Yeah? yeah? We are? Okay. Later." and ran out quickly.
Everyone laughed.
"So, did you girl have fun shopping?" Kyle blurtted out of no where.
"Yeah, I guesso." Kennedy said. "I'm really tired."
"What did you guys exactly shop for?" Caleb asked.
"Baby stuff." Stephanie answered quickly.
"Baby stuff? You don't even know what it's going to be yet." Kyle said.
"And your point is? You don't need to know if it's a boy or a girl to buy like bottles and all that stuff."
"What if your baby wants a pink bottle if its a girl. Or if its a boy, it might want a batman one, you know, all that good boy stuff."
"Kyle, your so stupid." Kennedy laughed.

"I think me and Stephanie are gonna head out." Caleb said, getting up from the couch arm. "And I probably have alot of shit to load into the car."
"There's not that much..." Stephanie tried to keep a straight face.
"Sure there isn't, babe. See you guys later." Caleb grabbed Stephanie's hand as they walked out the door.

(The next morning)

Kennedy woke up from the sound of her cellphone.
"Hello?" there was no answer. "Hello? Is anyone there? STOP CALLING." she hung it up.
"Who was it?" Kyle turned over to her.
"I don't know. Someone keeps calling on a private number and they never answer me when I say hello. All they do is breathe heavily..."
"That's.....weird. You okay?"
"Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?"
"I don't know. You just seem startled or something."
"Well, it's kind of creepy when someone always calls you on a private call and all they do is breathe really heavily..."
"It's okay. Next time they call, let me answer, okay?" Kyle put his arm around her as they lay in bed.
"Kyle,," Kennedy started. "What if its...Ronnie?"
Kyle looked a her. "It couldn't be."
"How do you know that?"
"Because, we have an restraining order against him since he broke into our old house and he always harassed you."
"So? That doesn't mean that he won't call. I just don't want him to find out where we are.."
"Everything will be okay. I'll kick his ass again if he tries to come near you, or if he tries to do anything to you."
"I know you will. He just scares me. I mean, from beating me, I just think that's a fear i'll never get rid of."
"You won't get rid of it, but you'll move past it. I would never, ever lay a hand on you. I don't see what that assholes probelm was anyways."
"His problem was, he had alot of problems."
"Yeah well he wasn't like that when we were all teenagers in highschool. I mean, he was always the quiet one in our group, but back then he was pretty cool."
"Yeah, the old days. He doesn't matter anymore, though. All that matters is I'm with you."
Kyle kissed her on the forehead. "You make me happier then anything."