Out of the World She's Grown So Fearful Of


(Four days later.)

With Kyle being gone at band practice and getting ready to go back on tour, Kennedy and Stephanie decided to go out for lunch.
"So, when do you guys plan on having the wedding?" Stephanie asked.
"I don't know yet. I want to have a outdoor wedding. But I want to wait a while to get married..." Kennedy answered, looking down.
"You don't sound so happy about it."
Kennedy looked up. "I don't? I mean, I am happy. I'm more than happy. It's just.....do you think me and Kyle rushed things?"
"No, I don't think you rushed things. You love eachother, and he cares about you alot. Even though you two have been together for almost four months now."
"Your right." Kennedy smiled. "He does care about me alot."
Stephanie laughed.


After Kennedy got home from having lunch with Stephanie, she went straight to the couch and put in 'A Walk to Remember', she loved that movie. It's only been her favorite movie since she was what, 12?
She grabbed her favorite cover, and laid back on the couch and grabbed her cellphone to see if Kyle had called and she hadn't heard it.
He didn't.
It was 4:30 p.m. and he still hasn't called.
He was probably busy or something.
She put her phone back down, and laid back down to watch the movie.

(2 1/2 hours later.)

"Baby!" Kennedy heard, and felt herself being shaked.
She popped up quickly, and bumped heads with whoever was shaking her, and of course, it was Kyle.
"Owwww!" he yelled.
"Ohmygod. Babe, I'm sorry!" Kennedy jumped off the couch and ran to him, putting her finger on his head. "Are you okay?"
"I'll be all right." he looked up at her, and smiled.
She smiled back and stood on her tippy toes to kiss his forehead. "Better?"
"Much." he kissed her on the lips. "Guess what I got?" he walked into the kitchen, and back into the living room and found Kennedy back on the couch with her cover over her legs. "Ice cream. From Baskin Robbins."
"What kind?" Kennedy smiled.
"Chocolattteee sundaes. Ohhh, with cherries." he handed one to her.
"Awh, thanks babe." she smiled. "Why are you so sweet to me?"
"You already know why. Because you're my everything." he smiled, sweetly.


That night, Kennedy lay in bed next to Kyle, and starrted at her engagment ring.
She smiled. "Kennedy Burns."
does that sound okay? or does it sound stupid? She thought to herself.
She didn't care if it didn't sound okay, though. As long as she was with the guy she loved and cared for so much, thats all all mattered to her.
Again, she repeated, "Mrs. Kyle Burns." and smiled.

"Mrs. Kyle Burns, get some sleep." Kyle mumbled in his sleep.
She laughed, and got up from the bed to go get something to drink.
She walked down the hallway, and into the kitchen and found that it was 12 in the morning.
When she walked over to the refridgerator, the phone rang, which made her jump, and drop her water bottle.
"Shit!" she cried out, from the water bottle landing on her toe.
who the hell would be calling this late? She thought to herself.
She walked over to the living room, and grabbed the phone.
Private Caller it read.
She threw the phone back down on the couch, and walked to the bathroom.
The phone was still ringing.
She turned back around, and walked back into the living room.
When she picked the phone up, the caller ID still read, Private Caller.
She didn't want the ringing to wake Kyle, so nervously, she answered.

No answer. Breathing, what a suprise.
"Look, who is this?"
Still, breathing.
"Don't be a fucking coward."
"What do you mean, a coward?" the voice on the other end finally answered.
Kennedy felt her heart stop. Her legs made her feel like she was going to stop to the floor. It was Ronnie.
"Oh, come on, Kenn. Did you really think I was going to let you get away with leaving me like that?"
"Wha...What do you want?" Kennedy was shaking with fear.
"You. I want you, baby. But instead, that little pussy Burns has you. What, are you screwing him now, too? You know how much of a whore that makes you? Your a fucking little bitch. Your not getting away with what you've done to me, sweety. You'll be mine. Again."

Before Kennedy could reply, she heard the other line of the phone click.
She was terrified.
She was even to scared to actually move, or walk back into her bedroom with Kyle.
Was she dreaming?
This couldn't be real.
It can't be.