Falling Pieces

Ledi, the main character is a 17 year old girl, a junior in high school gets a new sister, Naomi. She soon discovers that her best friend is a vampire. Her sister is also...well...not human...and after that, nothing seems to go right for anyone, especially when Ledi is around. She wonders if she will lose a friend, and on some occasions, even her own life.
  1. Chapter One- The Good Old Boring Days
    Ledi finds out that her best friend Kimmy, is not a human being.
  2. Chapter Two- Soaking Wet(Ready To Explode)
    O.k. this chapter just shows how much fun they can have, all the fun in the world before the story changes into not so fun things.
  3. Chapter Three-The Talk
    Ledi gets a new sister, she starts to think that everything will be alright from now on.
  4. Chapter Four-Introductions
    The inside of werewolf and vampire.
  5. Chapter Five: Surprises
  6. Chapter Six: Curse You Raeanna
  7. Chapter Seven: Determined
  8. Chapter Eight-Killing Kris
  9. Chapter Nine: Pleading Nonsense
    Ledi tries to plead with Naomi to let her be with Skylar, will it work?
  10. Chapter Ten: Babysitters and the Importance of Lov
  11. Chapter Eleven: Inner Beasts
    The pack has a meeting, Ledi and Kimmy get a new encounter with who? Naomi is struggling between human emotions and her wolf instincts.
  12. Chapter Twelve: Out of Sight
    Ledi finds out if Raeanna lives or dies. Skylar unexpectedly turns up in her room and vanishes.
  13. Chapter Thirteen: More Unfortunate Happenings
    With Skylar's goodbye, Raeanna maybe at the brink of death, is there really anything else that could go wrong?
  14. Chapter Fourteen:Smooth Sailing for a Moment
    Things go alright for once, or at least somewhat alright.
  15. Chapter Fifteen: An Unforgetable Night
    So many things happening in so little time, what more does Ledi and her friends have to go through before it's all over?
  16. Chapter Sixteen- Crashing Dreams
    Time to mourn and time has passed but Ledi still has some problems to deal with...to be continued in it's sequel. :D