Falling Pieces

Chapter Ten: Babysitters and the Importance of Lov

I woke up around nine o'clock, having had the weirdest dream. I was on the beach with Skylar, the beginning was the same as the last one I had of him. We walked hand in hand and then he pulled me into a hug, it seemed like he was holding me as tightly as he was when we were in my room but this time I wasn't gasping for air. He just held me and it felt as right as the wind blowing on both our faces at the moment.

He let go and I saw a blur as he transformed from a human being to a werewolf. His big furry head turned towards me before it went inside the woods, I felt this strange tingling feeling it almost hurt but it was over as fast as it came and my head seemed to be a about a foot lower than it should be. I walked over to the water but everything went blurry again and so I just saw a shape and it looked like Naomi, but when I turned around no one was there.

Naomi was awake when I woke up, she had a disapproving expression on her face. "What's wrong?" I asked her.
"Do you even know what you just dreamed about?" she said in a low rough tone, shaking her head. I just stared at her, not really understanding her question, mainly because I didn't understand my dream and how she could know what I had dreamed. She lifted her head up to me, her eyes burning into mine, they looked dark and cold, they looked like the other werewolves eyes, menacing. My eyes widened as I stared back at her, I thought maybe she was waiting for me to answer so I shook my head.

"You want to be a werewolf so that you can be with Skylar." she explained in that same rough voice. "Do you really think it would be that easy, that one of us could change you and you could have him? Sure, you'd be stronger than any man, more than one man, but you'd be weaker than Nadine, and you couldn't fight her to have Skylar." With each word that came out of her mouth, it seemed like her voice became more and more cold.

I just stared at her not knowing what to say. My mind was still at the part about me being ready to be a werewolf. I then realized that the furry face I saw in the water was me and not Naomi. I was definitely not ready to be a werewolf, no matter what kind of dream I had.

My eyes grew wider and I stared at her in disbelief. "Fine, I wont stop you, have him turn you, it's not like you'll have-" she started saying before I cut her off.
"Naomi! Wait! I don't want to be a werewolf! That's just too crazy! I like being a human thank you very much." I half yelled at her to get it through her head.

She laughed at me and I couldn't help but laugh too, it was our stress reliever, a tension breaker. After wards I headed downstairs to eat the meat loaf Naomi cooked and it was easier to go to sleep knowing that me and Naomi were better.


The next day was better, it was Sunday and instead of sleeping in we woke up early, Kimmy came over around lunch time and was in an alright mood considering she just lost her brother. We called Raeanna over since my parents bought ice cream and since we were having spaghetti for dinner we called Amanda too. After a few hours of singing on the karaoke mic we got bored and with nothing else to do we decided to go to the mall when Naomi and my mom came home.

It was around two when we left, Kimmy, Raeanna, and I were surprised and shocked when we saw Naomi's pack there. They looked a little bit better than usual, like they actually drove here instead of shifting from human to werewolf and then back making them look dirty and wind blown. All the guys had on a button up shirt with a white shirt on the inside with blue baggy jeans held up by a belt, thankfully not how some guys wear it showing their boxers. Nadine had on a semi long skirt and a pink blouse. All I could think was ewwww....I hate pink.

She stood there being cocky, she had her hand wrapped around Skylar's arm. "Sorry, I should have told you he gave in to Nadine." Naomi whispered but I just shook my head and walked to the entrance of the mall. I went straight to Tropical T's, the so called punk store in the mall, and started looking around. I could feel Skylar glancing at me, never long enough for his stare to burn through me.

Nadine got annoyed of walking around a store she didn't even like so she went by herself after trying to convince Skylar to go with her. when she left he walked over to me, "See anything you like?" I nodded and walked away. I went to Naomi, knowing she would chase him away. But she didn't, she walked away from me and he stayed right behind me.
I turned around quickly to face him and almost hit my face on his chest. "Is there something you need?" I asked, after taking two steps away from him, a bit irritated because he just followed me like he owned the place. "Is there anything in here you'd like, that I could maybe buy for you, as a gift?" he said looking down at his shoes. I rolled my eyes and turned away to look at the shoes at the top of the shelf.

He grabbed something so I turned to see what he had grabbed but when I looked at him he held his hands behind his back. I eyed him suspiciously and he just smiled a small smile.
When I got to the counter I put the shirt I picked out on the counter and then Skylar put a pair of shoes and paid for it before I even got my wallet out of my bag. I glared at him but he had already pushed me and everyone out of the store and towards the food court. He handed me the bag and I was already getting up to return it when he grabbed my arm, pulled me back and I flew onto his lap. I got a little mad, grumbled and then just stayed there when he wouldn't let go. "Oh no" I heard Naomi say. But it was too late, my eyes were locked with Skylar's and he was already leaning in for the kiss. My eyes closed immediately but then I felt a blow to my cheek.

Nadine had just arrived from finishing her shopping and she saw that Skylar and I were about to kiss so she stepped in and slapped me. It was no ordinary slap, she used her nails, or claws, and so I had three small scratches on my right cheek. We went home immediately, all except Naomi, she had used her voice that I never knew as hers and said, "You guys go home, I have some things to take care of." I knew she was talking about Nadine, some part of me wanted to tell her not to, but she fought with Kimmy so I knew she could handle herself.

I made the spaghetti, giving some on the side to the impatient Amanda. I chuckled and joined in on the jokes going around, but I was terrified on the inside because Naomi wasn't home yet. Finally the door opened, just a while after my mom left to drop everyone home and I said I'd stay to get started on the dishes, but I was waiting for Naomi. My dad had already went up stairs to finish some work he took home and so no one was there to witness Naomi looking so worn and disheveled.

I hurried over to her side, no scratches, but there was blood, I took her to her room, sat her on the bed and ran to the bathroom to start the bath for her. She looked tired so I didn't ask what happened to her. I went back to the bathroom to check the bathtub and it was ready, she was right behind me when I turned the water off. "Thanks" she said, I nodded. I left the room and waited inside my room for her to come in so I could ask her questions.
She walked in quietly and I eyed her. I would have to force it out of her this time.

"What exactly did you do to her?" I asked in a monotone. She looked away from me before she began, "I had to put her in her place, fighting is the only way werewolves know their places. I underestimated the time I was away, she had more skills and she was faster than last time." "The last time what?"she was definitely not going to make this easy on me, but I wouldn't give up, I'd keep asking, so she should just tell me everything.

"The last time she challenged me, for second, she was weak for a werewolf of her age, she's older than I am, but she still isn't as good as me, though she did put up a good fight, I could feel the tension between all the guys, they actually thought I'd make it that easy for her, to step down and give up." she snorted and shook her head. She started walking towards the window and then lay down on the floor.

"I'll admit it was close, but when I heard their doubts, it made me fight harder, and so now she has to limp for maybe another day or two before she heals completely, they'll have to either go without her or drive everywhere. And the guys, well had to teach them too, even Jay, he's outside trying to get me to go so he can apologize. But I had to teach the younger ones not to doubt their alphas, or even their seconds, I mean, what if it was another pack, they could sense the weak spots and easily take us all out. They could sense who is truly loyal and believes in their pack, that could be used as an advantage." She got back up and just stared out the window, stared at Jay. "Oh and, I have to leave soon, pack meeting."

"Was she really that mad about Skylar and I?" I asked thinking about how close Skylar and I were to actually kiss.
"She will do anything to keep her...territory, and since Skylar wants to change you, you are more of a threat to her than any werewolf, Skylar never took any interest in other werewolves, just humans, but...." She stopped telling her story, and I decided that was enough about humans being werewolves or turning into them. So I pondered for another question.

"Naomi, why do werewolves have the ability to sense the different people they could love? Don't you just have one soul mate?" I asked thinking about Skylar, though I wasn't thinking about him being my soul mate, just more curious as to how they work. How they can love so many different people. And well...if Skylar would forget me.

"You can love whoever you want, as many people as you want if you want to. But it's your choice to stay with that one person, that makes him or her your soul mate, there's a bond there that won't ever be broken, no matter how far away or even after death. You may remarry or whatever but you never lose the love you had for your soul mate." she said with grace and importance to the subject. I nodded as I watched her leave for the meeting, Kimmy would come by later to keep me company, though I knew it was to babysit me to make sure I'm not getting into any trouble.