Falling Pieces

Chapter Fifteen: An Unforgetable Night

It was finally morning, finally the day were I could go back to school, finally a day were hopefully I wouldn't see Skylar and I wouldn't have to be ignored. Before the werewolves lefy they had all decided that Naomi and I introduce them as friends to out parents so they don't have to keep sneaking around the house. The only two that disagreed were Skylar and Kayla. Well, it was more like Skylar was following Kayla's everymove, she wanted to go out and Skylar didn't refuse, so we would just all talk about them so my parents would know all of them. The werewoves, with the exception of Kayla and Skylar, would come over just before my parents came home and we'd eat dinner here.

I got ready slowly deciding to wear my Emily the Strange t-shirt and a pair of blue jeans and my pink and black penguin shoes, I hated pink but loved penguins that those shoes were just so cute, and the last pair in the store. Naomi was still sleeping and I thought maybe she wasn't going to go to school. Before we went to bed she started coughing again so maybe she was still a bit sick. But just as I opened the door she was right behind me with a slice of leftoever pizza in her mouth. Didn't I say Kimmy cooked too much? :D

We arrived at school and everyone was calling Naomi and I skippers, that's what we would call eachother for missing school, even if the person was really sick, it was just a little joke we all shared. Raeanna was the only one that wasn't there, I looked down at my shoes thinking of how much she might be suffering right now. I also wondered how much little jokes and traditions would change if she died.

My day got a little better when one of our other friends showed up with two guitars, Amanda and Ron are the best guitarists I know. THey may be modest, but not many girls at our school play guitar, and those that do aren't so hardcore or anything, and Amanda was the best girl guitarists. Ron, well, he did have competition because the guys in vocational band were totally awesome, but Ron was probably in their league with playing guitar.

They played until the bell rang and we all went our way to out classes. Kimmy was there for half the day and left after she told me Raeanna was acting up again and she would have to leave. Nothing exciting happened at school, we didn't even have a water fight. I called Kimmy once Naomi and I got home and she said Rae was doing a lot better. "Yeah, she settled down a while after I got back, she drank a bit 'cause she was feeling a little sick, but other than that, she's doing well."

We got off of the phone so I could start on my homework, I'd have to cook earlier since I was cooking a lot more so that meant finishing homework a lot earlier. I was alright about having to finish so early since it was little, I just wasn't happy that I had to do math right after school.
Naomi helped me make dinner, we decided to make tacos and Spanish rice.

Mom and dad were fine with that, with so much people over, dad was jsut a bit curious that there were three guys and three girls, he pretty much thought that one of the guys, Jay and Joe, were mine and Naomi's boyfriends. We started laughing at him when he suggested, but Naomi confessed to them that Jay and her were together but they didn't need to worry and she would follow their rules and everything. I think the only reason dad was so worked up about it was that Jay and Joe looked a lot older than they actually were.

Half way through dinner the phone rang. I didn't know who it was, Naomi answered the phone. But by the look on her face after she hung up, I could be a hundered percent sure that it was Kimmy that had called. She let her nerves subside before she walked back to the table, I knew that she was probably telling her pack what Kimmy said over the phone.

Almost as instantly as Naomi sat down, Jay's phone rang. He said he and Nick had to leave, their charade was that they were brothers and so the excuse was that their parents' wanted them home. Jay was everyone's ride so they all had to go, it all fit so perfectly, like it was their planned escape plan.

Naomi and I were already done eating so we both excused ourselves a little while after they had left. We went to her room and she filled me in on what happened. "Raeann's going wild, Amanda's there so we'll need you to come along and keep her company. They are probably half way there and we are going to have to sneak out so I'll start my bath and you put on some music and lock the door. They'll think we can't hear them." We left right afterwards. When we got there, the vampires wre holding Raeanna back and the werewolves were trying to find a reason to strick. The only ones that seemed so eager to fight were Raeanna and Kayla. Raeanna was yelling things like "Let me at 'em" and "I can take them", all the while struggling in Kimmy's,her mother's and her father's arms.

Amanda walked down the stairs and everyone, including me, freaked out. I walked over to her and grabbed her arm, "Hey dude, let's go back up, I forgot where Kimmy's room is and she said I could borrow a CD." That was my best lie. We went up and I could still hear the growls. "What's going on down there?" Amanda asked walking towards the door. "Nothing" I replied reaching the door before her. "Kimmy's house is huge, don't leave me here so I can get lost." She shrugged her shoulders and stayed, I blasted some music to drown out the growls and hisses from down stairs.

"I'm so bored, I've been trapped in here for about two hours, not including the half an hour you've locked me in here, I'm going down, so come with me if you don't want to get lost." Amanda said exasperated. Before I could stop her she was already out the door. I chased after her but she reached the stair well before I caught up. Once I was half way down the staircase Amanda was being thrown to the wall by Raeanna. I heard Amanda scream and couldn't believe my eyes. I blinked trying to make everything make sense but I still couldn't believe that Raeanna was biting Amanda.

A few seconds later I heard a loud growl and saw the new werewolf, Kayla, leap over and slammed into Raeanna, only she wasn't a human, she was now a huge wolf. I gasped and as soon as Kayla dragged Raeanna out of their house I ran to Amanda. She was unconscious and there was blood on her neck, her throat looked disgusting. I wanted to check if she was still alive so I had to check the left side, there was a pulse. I ran to the kitchen and grabbed a wash cloth, no one else was here except me and Amanda. I guessed that the werewolves were taking care of Raeanna, and because Amanda was bleeding the vampires had to get out. I pressed the towel to her neck, her neck looked like something tore off a piece of her skin, it just looked so horrible.

I didn't know whether I could move her so I just grabbed a pillow and placed it under her head. I noticed that their was some blood on her forehead, probably from Raeanna slamming her to the wall, and the blood was beginning to dry. I went to the kithchen to wet another wash cloth. When I got back to the living room I realized I wasn't alone with Amanda, Kyle was there. He was leaning agaisnt the wall, my back had been turned I didn't know how long he had been there.

I was surprised I didn't freeze as his gaze turned from Amanda to me. But I did walk hesitantly, and this time I knelt down so that my back wasn't facing him.

"Scared of me, aren't you?" he asked in a soft voice. It made me feel so giddy but then he chuckled and it snapped me out of whatever vampire charm was in his voice. I glared at him for a second and looked back down to Amanda and continued to wipe her forehead. I went to their bathroom looking for a first aid kit. I was about to give up remembering they were vampires and had no need for a first aid kit, but there it was in the cabinet under the sink. I smiled in relief and returned to find Kyle kneeling beside Amanda, closing his eyes, and it looked like he was just smelling her.

"Her blood is so sweet, I can tell just by the smell, some people's blood can be sour, so it's all very different for each person." He said and he opened his eyes and turned to look at me. He got up and walked back to the wall he was leaning on earlier. I walked quickly to where Amanda lay and inspected if he had bitten her again. The left side was as bite free as when I checked earlier, and I couldn't be sure if he bit where Raeanna did.

He chuckled, "I didn't bite her, human, though it was tempting; bite her, then you, and leave. They wouldn't find me, I'd be long gone by the time they came back. But you are very interesting that it wouldn't be fun to just kill you now, though I could just kill your friend I know they wouldn't let me stay to watch you. They wouldn't be able to kill me, but it would be hard to keep an eye on you."

"If it would be hard, why don't you play a game and let them try?" I spat out, disgusted that all this was some soap opra show for him.

He smiled and walked over to me, I stood up and wanted to back away but the only thing behind me was the platform before the staircase. He held my jaw tightly, I tried moving away but his grasp was too firm.
"Tell me your name and I'll spare your life."
I shook m head as much as I could in between his hand. He raised an eyebrow and looked over his shoulder to Amanda's body not two feet from us.
"Tell me your name and I'll spare both your lives."
I thought for a second, about what he said earlier, would he really be gone before they all came back? Either way, I didn't want to risk Amanda's life, though she was barely holding on right now.
Instead of refusing I asked question, "How do I know you won't hurt her?"

"I already fed so the blood doesn't bother me so much right now, and I do keep to my word."
I couldn't trust him but I also didn't want to mess up any chance of Amanda still being able to live.
"Ledia, but everyone calls me Ledi, you happy now?"

He nodded and let go of my jaw. He walked away back to the wall he came from. I bent back down to Amanda and checked her pulse, there was no heart beat. I stared at her face and couldn't bare to look at her for longer than two seconds. I moved away from her and cupped my face in my hands and began to cry.

I heard something move, like a shoe on the floor behind me. I moved my hands as I turned around only to see Amanda alive with Kyle holding her by her torso. Amanda seemed to be struggling, but Kyle seemed unperplexed by Amanda in his arm. My eyes widened and I yelled at him to let her go. He did as I said and she pushed me to the floor. Just before she could grab my neck with her hand Kyle grabbed her and pulled her back.

"Do you still want me to let her go?" he asked with that evil smirk of his. I was tempted to say yes just so he wasn't satisfied, but I also didn't want to be bitten so I shook my head while holding my throat.

I stayed standing looking at both Kyle and Amanda and they remained in Amanda's endless struggle to break free from Kyle for another half hour before anyone returned.

Kimmy and Naomi looked unharmed but looked the most depressed. Kayla looked like crap but looked the happiest. Joe, Nick, and Nadine didn't come back, neither did Raeanna. Kimmy's mother, Anasatia, came over to me and gave me a hug.
"I'm sorry you have to go trough all of this, I wish we could take it all back and leave you alone." She had such sadness in her eyes.
I smiled and told her it's all right, but it wasn't alright. I knew that Raeanna was dead, and by Kayla's happy smirk she was happy she got to kill Raeanna. To Kayla, Raeanna was just a vampire, but to those that would mourn, she was a friend that will be missed. And to top that off, Amanda was now a vampire.

Kayla spoke up.
"If you guys had listened to me and killed that blood sucker when I said to then we wouldn't all have to deal with an untamed vampire. So how about we-" she was cut off but a growl that hurt everyone's ears.
It came from Naomi, that I was sure of because she went charging to Kayla and grabbed her by her neck. Kayla was struggling to remove Naomi's hands from her neck, now there was no guess as to who would be alpha female. I smiled that Naomi was taking charge, Kayla had no right ro suggest anything if she was their second.

"She can be trained, it's only because she can smell so much blood, she'll be alright, you've done enough here. And to be frank, I don't want you here." Jay walked over and placed his hand on Naomi's shoulder, "I know how you feel but remember what we talked about." Naomi closed her eyes and let go of Kayla's throat.

"Kimmy, get her ready by next week, she can't miss a lot of school, tell her mom she's at our house so they don't get too suspicious about Raeanna dying here. She's pretty messed up, but nothing a car wreck can't fix, that's what we made the other ones do, but we had to use one of your cars since she was here. Just say she snuck out with out you guys knowing. It should be an obvious death so they won't do an autopsy and realize her heart stopped beating a long time ago." With that said we left back home.

Naomi took a short shower, just to make it seem like she did shower for the water had been turned on for about 2 and a half hours, and I changed my shirt. I headed down stairs after clearing my head of tonights events, I had to get all the dishes done, my parents weren't in the living room so I guessed they were already asleep.

When I was done with the dishes I headed to my room, not wanting to hear any details Naomi was willing to tell me. She already had a lot to deal with, I didn't want her to relive it and I didn't want her to paint a picture in my head. Even though sleep seemed impossible, I slept quickly and through the night.
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Alright, chapter fifteen!!That means One more chapter left!!!!! (There might be a sequel.) :D