Falling Pieces

Chapter Sixteen- Crashing Dreams

The next day we got an early phone call from Raeanna's mother, she had told us news that we already knew, what we didn't know was that it was on the news. We turned the television on and there it was, Kimmy's mother's car, burnt on the side of the road. It looked like a real crash, there was even an injured deer. From anyone else's perspective it looked like she tried to dodge the deer and ended up crashing right into a huge tree. They probably think she got knocked unconscious from the collision and was unable to escape before the car caught fire.

My parents were still home and so they told us we could stay home if we didn't feel like going to school. Naomi and I looked at each other and nodded once, we probably couldn't handle everyone asking us if we were alright so we stayed home. Jay and Joe came over a little while after my parents left to comfort us.

Joe was beginning to feel like a big brother, and that was comforting, when Naomi and Jay went to her room Joe told me I could call him D.J. I looked at him confused because his name didn't start with a 'D'. He noticed my confused expression and began to explain.
"My name is really David, they call me Joe just in case someone thinks they remember me, Joe is my middle name so they just call me Joe, but I've always preferred D.J., no one would call me it though." I nodded my head and decided I'd try to remember to always call him D.J., it fit him more than David or Joe.

After he was done making sure I was alright about Raeanna we sat and watched t.v., I flipped through the channels but stopped when I saw they were replaying the news about the crash earlier. It hit me that we haven't gone to see Raeanna's mother. I felt so awful that Naomi and I were here being comforted for losing a friend when Raeanna's mother was by herself mourning her daughter's unfortunate death.

I yelled and she came soon after. Her eyes were wet, she'd been crying the whole time.
"We have to go see Rae's mom, be there for her, Rae was her only child, remember?"
She nodded and gently pushed me towards the door.

Joe, or D.J., carried me the whole way, it wasn't as scary as I thought it would be, sitting on the back of a big scary dog wolf. It felt like sitting in a car with the windows down, the wind just blowing in your hair, it was comforting, and since we had to hide with in the trees, it was really beautiful to see the trees up close as they blurred from the speed.

We stopped about half a mile from Raeanna's house, I wondered why but then I saw Skylar, Nick, Nadine, and Kayle inside a big van, and it became clear that we couldn't just go there and say we ran the whole way. I was already in the van and then saw Naomi, Jay, and D.J.(Joe) came out from behind the trees. I wondered where their clothes went when they were big scary dogs, I wasn't paying attention when they shifted. They got in and the van began to make odd noises which distracted me from thinking about their clothes.

When we arrived at Raeanna's house, the lawn was filled with a couple of cars, some I recognized. Ron, Dan, and some of our other friends were already here. I opened the screen door and saw Raeanna's mother, Maria, crying with a bunch of women and men around her. I looked at the dining table and saw Ron, Dan, and Ovriel sitting together looking down at their shoes. before I went to them I stood in front of Maria and gave her a hug.
"I'm so sorry, let me know if there's anything I can do for you, some of Raeanna's other friends are here." She nodded and continued to cry on my shoulder. I held her for a few seconds longer and then she fell back on to the couch, turning to cry on the shoulder of the lady next to her.
I headed over to the dining table and they all looked up at me, blank expressions on their faces, no emotion at all.
I gave a small smile and sat down on the chair available.
"How are you guys doing?"
They just looked up at me again, with the same blank expression.
"Why did she always have to be like that?"
Ron asked looking down at the table. I stared at him with curious eyes, did he mean Rae?
"She was always doing dumb things, now look what happens."
After he said that I knew he was talking about Raeanna.

We all stayed like that for about another half hour and then the lady Maria was crying on told us all to leave, that she doesn't need to be bothered by so much people. I wanted to glare at her and say something back, mainly because when someone is mourning they usually need to have people there, so they know that they aren't alone, and also because we weren't bothering her. But instead we all just got up, gave our last condolences, then our goodbyes to each other and left.

This time Skylar just drove us all the way home. To my surprise mom and dad were there when we got home, that must be why the werewolves were in such a hurry to leave. I was as confused as Naomi looked.
"Just go sit down, we'll make you some lunch." my mother said. We sat and waited but ate very little of the sandwiches and almost all of the cookies. We needed comfort food, and the sandwiches weren't cutting it. Eating so much reminded me of Amanda and I got worried, would the same thing happen to Amanda?


It's now been two months since Raeanna's death, well murder since she was killed by a werewolf and not a car crash. We all still feel down sometimes, but other than that everything is almost back to normal.

I say almost because normal would be Raeanna still here, and Amanda eating a lot. Amanda is still alive, on the right track, eating the way Kimmy's family does. She still eats human food, but not as much because her stomach craves blood now . I guess she's still the same in one way since she drinks so much of the blood that they get from the hospital.

That was difficult to explain because everyone knows she used to eat so much. We tried explaining that Amanda didn't want to gain any weight, but she ate so much and never gained that Ron and Dan didn't buy the excuse. And then Naomi thought Amanda should just say she's trying to eat right. At first they thought it was crazy, because Amanda has tried eating less and healthy, but it is Amanda we are talking about. Eventually they stopped asking and things have been peaceful.

Well, peaceful for everyone else. I've been having these dreams, nightmares really. Naomi and Kimmy think that it's a vampire controlling my dreams and that the one giving me the dreams is Kyle.

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O.k. so well...yes, you are left with a cliff hanger on the last chapter. I pretty much wanted to make the story longer, but decided it was fine there. And then a sequel hit me. So I'm working on a sequel, I shall post the first chapter up next week. And hopefully I can get some responses. *hint hint* Well, that is the end of my story and I really hope that you liked it. :D Thanks so much for taking time to read my story and I hope it didn't bore you so much. :D lol