Falling Pieces

Chapter Two- Soaking Wet(Ready To Explode)

We finally arrived at school after what seemed to be an hour or so bus ride. Kimmy and I stayed quiet, looking at each other occasionally and quickly turning away not knowing what to say or how to start a conversation. How would you start a conversation if you just found out your best friend is a blood drinking vampire? It's not the easiest thing to do.

Aside from that I also had my parents on my mind and "the talk" I would soon have with my mom. The day went by slowly and it seemed like it would never end. Part of me was grateful that I had more time to think about the situation with my parents but part of me wanted to get it over with. It was lunch time now and Kimmy and I went to sit with our other friends, Amanda, Raeanna, Dan, and Ron, everyone else weren't at school today so it was just us six.

We sat by the wall of the cafeteria, it was our hang out and everyone new it. We had constant water fights so everyone went to there next class dripping wet. But today would be different because none of us were in the mood. Kimmy and I had our own reasons that no one else would ever find out unless we wished to tell them. I don't know why my other friends were so bummed, probably a test, nothing as difficult or depressing as mine and Kimmy's problem at hand.

Kimmy and I glanced at each other one more time and we decided it's time to stop being so glum and just have fun before the test. We went inside the cafeteria and bought two bottles of water and we made sure to get the ones that were the coldest. We hid them in Kimmy's side bag and waited till we could stand on the opposite side of the wall to do a surprise attack. They all freaked out, except for Dan, he wasn't always apart of the water fights.

Amanda freaked out and started squealing so we couldn't even understand her. Raeanna and Ron were always up to join in on the watery fun and they chased us, which they had the advantage since their legs are so long, in order to get a bottle to splash some water on Kimmy and I. No doubt we were once again soaked by the time the bell rang for third period.

"Oh no!!!" Kimmy and I said, our teacher hated us when ever we walked into class, dripping water all over the floor. But we didn't really care, high school was all about being with friends after all. :D We walked in and got the usual glances and some of our classroom friends started giggling as they saw the teacher, Mrs. Duenas, give us dirty looks. I was surprised because this time she didn't lecture us about why we were at school, and to her school was not for playing, shows how much she knows. Kimmy and I were freezing, that was one of the down sides to having the fun water fights.

Our teacher just handed everyone the test paper and sat back down watching everyone like a hawk. It was hard to concentrate because I was shivering like a maniac and I needed to pee so badly. I knew Mrs. Duenas wouldn't let me go to the restroom, one because I was not done with the test yet, and two because she hated me when I came to class soaked.

I continued to shiver and now I was moving my legs rapidly as if I were about to break dance in my chair. I had a few more questions to answer and then I could use the restroom, but all I was thinking about was not peeing in my pants. This was harder than I thought it would be, holding my bladder not the test. I hadn't used the restroom all day and now it was taking a toll on me and my brain; I could not fail this test. I looked over at Kimmy and saw that she was dancing more than myself. She licked her lips and grabbed her canteen and took a sip from it, I don't think she wanted to drink a lot of blood because she already needed the restroom but she couldn't deny her thirst when there were people around. It must be really hard for her and I started giggling because she looked so funny. Her legs were going here and there and they were bouncing up and down as well.

She looked at me and gave me one of her evil glares that she had learned from Raeanna, I just smiled innocently as if I wasn't just laughing at her. She stuck her tongue out at me and got up, she was finished!!!! And she could use the restroom. AH!!!! I needed the restroom so badly. She walked passed me and smiled, "Good luck Michaels, hope you don't pee in your pants!" she got me back for laughing at her dancing.

O.k. I had to concentrate now, do not think about the restroom or water or anything. O.K. I got this the last two questions were about Sonnet 116, I would finish in no time. Oh crap!!!! They were essay questions!!! I had to write two paragraphs each, oh great, just my day. I wrote as quickly as I could, making my paper look like chicken scratch. Kimmy had already come back from the restroom and just as I got up and walked over to the teachers' desk Christian was already there asking for the restroom pass. NO!!!!!! I glared at him as he turned around. "OH, that's why Kimmy asked me to get the restroom pass? I'm really sorry." He smiled innocently and regrettably. As I walked back awkwardly I hit Kimmy on the arm before my teacher looked up.

That was so uncalled for, she already got me back, and laughing at her wasn't the worse thing I could do. I was on edge, especially on the edge of my seat waiting for Christian to return. I could feel my bladder already about to explode and embarrass me in front of the whole class, when finally Christian walked back in. I raced with him to the teachers' desk and asked if I could use the restroom , she looked at the clock and said sorry, it's too late to ask.

Stupid school!!! My high school had a fifteen minute rule about the restrooms, no one could go fifteen minutes after the first bell and fifteen minutes before the last bell. Curse you school, I glared at Kimmy and Christian from my desk. Even though Christian didn't deserve a glare I was still mad that he listened to Kimmy and now I can't even use the rest room. I sat at my desk, well more like danced at my desk when my teacher finally said, "Ledia, go to the restroom before you soak my floor some more" I flushed with relief and embarrassment, did she have to say it like that? I wanted to glare at her but I was so happy she let use the restroom even if it was against school rules, but it took her a while so she could write a note so that I wouldn't get into trouble for going to the restroom. Once I got outside I ran and didn't stop until I was in one of the stalls. What a relief!! :D