Falling Pieces

Chapter Three-The Talk

After school Kimmy asked if we could hang out at my house and talk about the whole vampire thing because she knew I would have questions about it, I did but that wasn't the first thing on my list today. I decided the walk home would be the best time to tell her what was going on. She nodded, her eyes full of surprise and shock. "I can't believe you never told me", she said quietly. I looked at her, "Well that's why I'm telling you now, especially because I don't know what my mom will say today and because you told me about you, by the way sorry I thought you liked me." I smiled but it was a more of an awkward silence type of smile.

She nodded, "I'd probably think the same thing.... Well then, call me and let me know what happens o.k?" she tried to give an assuring smile but her eyes told it all, her parents were divorced, and so she wasn't exactly going to lie to me and tell me it will all be o.k.

I nodded and waved goodbye, I was home. I heard the T.V. on in the living room, and smelled lasagna from the kitchen. My heart was beating rapidly and I didn't know what to do. Do I go to my room first or go straight to the living room? My mom answered my question to myself, "Hon, put your stuff in your room and then come in here." She didn't sound upset so maybe this wasn't "the talk" after all, but then again maybe she was hiding her feelings to show me she was going to be brave about it.

I took my sweet time walking up the stairs and putting my stuff away, I even cleaned my room so that I could clear my head and not assume what was about to be said. My legs shook like jello as I walked down the stairs. I headed into the living room and there was more the one person in there, I didn't know who the other person was because she had her back facing me as she sat down on the couch that faced the toward the wall across from the other couch that my mother was sitting on. I gave my mother a confused look as she patted the cushion next to her, ushering me to sit with her. I dared not to look at the girl, all I knew was that she was a girl because she had long hair. I was never this scared or nervous. My mom cleared her throat and I looked up at her, I don't know what my eyes showed but she smiled at me reassuringly.

"Hello", the other lady spoke, "My name is Naomi, you must be Ledia, or Ledi as you mother told me you preferred." I finally got the courage to look at her. She had long dark brown hair with dark grayish blue eyes, she had a small face and she was very pretty, her eyes were wide and she had long eyelashes. She was thin but muscular, and she wasn't a lady, she looked about my age; and she was light tan. There was something about her that made me feel unsure, I felt really weird. I looked at my mother, asking her with my eyes what was going on. "Ledi, your father and I have adopted Naomi, she is going to be your new sister." she beamed with joy and she probably thought I would be too but I was confused. I heard an understood what my mom said but shouldn't they have talked to me about it first?

I wasn't going to be angry, because first and foremost I was glad that today was not the day I get "the talk" and them adopting made me certain that they wouldn't give me "the talk" for a while. I looked at my mom and then at Naomi, I smiled as nicely as possible before I spoke, "Hi Naomi, it's nice to meet you and I guess a welcome is in order so welcome to the family, I'm sure it will be nice having you around." I turned away from her to start questioning my mother, "How long have you wanted to adopt? When was the decision made? Why didn't you tell me sooner?" I felt the mood in the room shift, Naomi I'm sure felt unwanted by me and a bit guilty that she was kept a secret from me, my mother was searching for answers for the questions I blurted out quickly, she was nervous and probably thought I would have a fit.

She opened her mouth twice to start talking but closed it shut after she looked into my wondering eyes. She kept her eyes away from me, "Mom, I'm not mad, I would just like to know." I said softly and slowly. She looked up and smiled and then she gave me a hug. She finally started talking, "I had a miscarriage, as you already know half a year ago, and I didn't think I could handle that again and so a few months ago I asked your father if he would consider adopting because I wanted more children but I'm just not ready." she paused as she looked away, tears forming in her eyes at the loss of my unborn sibling.

I put a hand on her shoulder and she started talking again, " The decision was made a month ago, but we never felt a connection with the possible children, at first they let us visit with the younger children, but I didn't want a younger child because there are so many women that would like children of there own but can't have them so I finally asked the agent if we could visit teenagers. Two weeks ago we met with Naomi, and she seemed like such a wonderful girl," she said looking at me then Naomi, as happy as she was when she found out she was pregnant with her second child. "I wanted to be the one to tell you since it was what I wanted, but the more I waited the harder it became and then it was too late." she looked at me regrettably, "I'm sorry I never told you before, it was wrong of me not to, that's why your father and I have been arguing, he kept telling me to tell you but I just didn't know how."

I finally understood why they fought now and I was glad that it was nothing that would lead to a divorce. I smiled with relief and joy as I hugged my mom. I turned to Naomi and I asked her to stand up as I walked over to the other couch, I gave her a hug as I welcomed her and acknowledged her as part of the family. She smiled as I let her go and she wiped a tear. "Oh no!!!! Not a crybaby!!!" My mother laughed as did I, even Naomi joined in the laughter.

I called Kimmy and told her to come over for dinner and that I had a surprise for her. When she found out she wanted to spend the night and so she did, we stayed up late in my room, talking and getting to know one another as Naomi and I kept teasing Kimmy.

She was really funny and she wasn't too shy around us. Dinner was full of chatter but nothing too important, I found out that Naomi was my age and that we liked similar music and taste in clothes, I was even more excited that we were the same size even though she looked much thinner and she was taller than I was. That meant we could wear each others' clothes and it was easy to both get more clothes. and right before we headed up to my room, my mother said that we were going shopping this weekend for Naomi, I didn't care that they were going to spend more money on her, she needed clothes for school and I had my own money from gigs from the band and babysitting. I was already planning on getting her a welcome home present, maybe some Cd's or a band t-shirt, I had one more day to know what she liked so I could get her the perfect gift. Maybe everything would be perfect after all.:D