Falling Pieces

Chapter Four-Introductions

I woke up with a stiff neck because Naomi and Kimmy slept on my bad and I took the floor. I didn't mind giving up my bed last night but I should have kicked them off of my bed. I was the first one up so I decided to get ready since there would be three girls sharing one bathroom this morning. I would have big sister responsibilities today since Naomi would be going to school with Kimmy and I. I told her last night ,in a joking way, that no one would ask her out because she is too pretty; but the guys at school always had the guts to actually ask out a girl that was ten leagues away from theres. She would find out soon enough that there would be plenty of guys that would love to date her. I bet some of my other friends, that I don't always hang out with would even ask me to hook them up. I smiled, that would be great and bad, the guys I don't always hang out with aren't the kind I would want my new sister to date.

I was drying my hair with a towel when I walked back into my room and Kimmy was finally up and drinking from her canteen. I laughed and she looked at me confused. I just rolled my eyes. She took another sip and just then Naomi shot straight up and looked at Kimmy. I think she was smelling the air but I wasn't sure, she just looked like she had something caught in her throat.

"Are you o.k.?" Kimmy and I asked her. She shook her head, "Sorry I thought I smelled something, but I guess it was just the food in my dream." She looked away, making sure her eyes didn't reach me. She looked sad, even though she wasn't looking at me. She had her head hung low and she looked like a little girl that got her doll taken away. "I'm really hungry, what's for breakfast?" she asked anxious as she looked up at me. "Uhhh...why don't you pick out your clothes while Kimmy showers and I can go make us some sausages and waffles. Is that alright?" I suggested.

She nodded extremely happy and then her face fell slightly. "Are you sure you don't mind me borrowing some clothes, we don't get much chose at-" I had to cut her off, I couldn't let her think just because I didn't know about her doesn't mean that I think she would be a burden for me or anything. My parents bought her some clothes, but once I saw them, I told her at once to just use my clothes because those were some ugly, girly clothes, I mean a yellow shirt?! And a long blue skirt? What was going throught their minds when they picked those clothes out?

"Don't even worry dude, or shall I say sis?" I smiled at her and she smiled brightly. I nudged my head towards my closet, "The clothes to the left side are clothes I haven't even worn yet, you can pick what you want from those, some are shirts I have in other colors so don't worry and besides we are going shopping tomorrow so might as well start with my closet. I even have some band shirts, new and old." Kimmy had walked out already so it was just Naomi and I that giggled a bit. Today was Friday, the best day of the week, the week that school ended before a great weekend and the day where you don't have to worry about homework, if your not some kind of geek.

She finally got up and headed for my closet and I went outside to get started on breakfast. About fifteen minutes later Kimmy was downstairs, dressed and ready for school. "So...are you o.k. with the whole new sister thing?" she asked not looking at me, this was aqkward for the both of us. "Yeah, I mean, it's a bit of a shock and I do wish I had known sooner but I'm just really happy I have a new member of the family instead of having two homes, you know?"

She didn't answer and then I realized why. "Kimmy I'm so sorry," I blirted out minutes too late. Just then Naomi walked into the kitchen and I looked at Kimmy, she nodded her head in understanding but I was still bummed out that I had said that with out thinking. I was being inconcederate about her situation, her mother doesn't even allow them to visit when ever they want to and her father was too busy with work and she pretty much had two homes and I was an idiot.

I poured everyone's food and drink. We ate silently, only talking to ask Naomi a question about school, like will she be nervous and things like that. We left the house five minutes before the school bus should arrive, I kept seeing Kimmy sip from her canteen every now and then, I think it was because Naomi and I both had our hair up. Hers was in a pony tail and mine was half cut but I had my hair pulled to one side. I yanked my hair to both sides of my neck and Kimmy saw the gesture and she smiled and mouthed thanks. When we got to the bus stop the bus wasn't far away. I looked at Naomi and said, "Get ready to be judged and looked at," I smirked at her, "you'll be so popular we might not want to hang with you, at least make sure you don't act like a dumb blonde, we do have reps to hold up, and one of them is to make fun of the girls at school that are dumb blondes." Kimmy and I smirked widely now, we really did make fun of those airheads at school, along with Raeanna, we had the best impressions of blondes.

We got on the bus and you wouldn't even guess that Naomi was new, I mean no one was looking at her like their eyes were going to pop out. No they were absolutely all looking at her like that. I even had to lift up some guys jaw and Kimmy said rude comments that I couldn't hear. We made Naomi walk in between us so that we could glare at people. And so that Naomi didn't feel uncomfortable about not knowing wehre to sit if she was infront of us, and well if she was at the back that would have been a lot worse, one because guys are perverted and two because the girls on this bus were just so caty and would do something to her.

There were whispers that we could hear, so technically they weren't whispers. "She has a freaking name you moron!!!!!" I yelled when some one called Naomi a chick. A few minutes later Kimmy yelled, "You know they would have made seats that freaking face us, but they didn't so look else where you freaking idiot!!!" Yup, thats Kimmy and I, someone always had to be a moron or an idiot or some other name that we would come up with at the moment. We finally reached school and everyone else didn't get up as Kimmy, Naomi, and I walked throught the little hall of the bus. They all cowered and looked down or away as we passed. I was leading them outside of the bus, Kimmy may have a better evil glare but I hit a lot harder than her so I was infront. As we walked down I held onto Naomi's arm just incase she was scared, and because she might fall from being nervous about all the stares. I looked at her when we got off and realized she didn't look the least bit nervous so I let her arm go and just kept walking.

We went to the cafeteria so Kimmy and I could introduce her to the rest of the gang. And I was right, all my other guy friends came over to our table and kept asking me to introduce them to my new sister. When Naomi was busy with all the pathetic guys I asked everyone else what they thought of her, I didn't want to burden them with hanging out with another person when they didn't want to or didn't like them. My friends and I weren't the type of people that liked big crowds, it was fun every now and then, but we prefferred the six of us. They didn't hesitate to answer, they all thought she was cool, but got mad at me for not telling them my little secret, but I told them what had happened, just the part that my mother did't tell me, and they stopped their little complaints, they already my mother had miscarried, so that weren't confused. And we all could never stay mad at anyone, unless is was one of our stupid little "blonde" enemies here at school.

The day was filled with nothing but stares and whispers and not so quiet whispers and Naomi said to just ignore them, that they would all stop eventually. Kimmy and I shrugged our shoulders, we guessed she liked the attention but we didn't know her all to well. The thing I hated the most was that Kimmy had to give something to her cousin so we had to pass "the hall of shame". It was pretty much this hall way where no matter who you are everyone sitting there will look at you. It's a bit unnerving, even if you don't care that much about what people think of you. It was still weird to have all those eyes looking at you.
We finally got past it and I heard whistles but Naomi just shook her head for Kimmy and I not to respond. We reached the wall and Raeanna was talking to Catie, the ignorant, psycho, boyfriend stealing, moron with a voice like a guys. We all couldn't stand her, and that voice, I mean she sounded like a teenage boy that just got out of puberty. Could she sound anyworse?

She saw Kimmy and I walk up and looked back at Raeanna, she said something and stopped right when we got there. She turned to us and then smiled, we didn't even bother to be nice, we new how sneaky she could be. Raeanna walked to the other side of us cutting in between Catie and Kimmy and bumping Catie purposely. "Is there anything else you would like to say?" Kimmy asked. Catie turned and walked away.
She would never stand a chance, not even if she was up against just one of us, it's not like we were actually scared of her. She had shoulder length black hair and she had dark brown skin, her eyes were so ching ching I swear they were always closed. I smiled and just when I turned around to ask Raeanna, Rae for short, if she was o.k. I got smacked in the face with some water flying out of her water bottle. What a friend, huh?

I was out numbered, Rae had passed Kimmy a water bottle before I could even turn around so it was Ron, Rae, and Kimmy splashing me with water. This wasn't fair. After about five minutes of running around, Naomi came to my side and my rescue by handng me a water bottle she had just bought. She had one in her hand too so I guess she wanted to join in, everyone would now know where she hung out. I smirked and tole her we should get Rae first, we went to both sides as Kimmy and Ron were distracted with trying to get Amanda cornered, so they weren't going to come to Rae's rescue anytime soon. Amanda was kind of short and really small but she could run to save her life, in this case, save her clothes from becoming drentched. Rae had backed into the wall and that's when Naomi and I poured half of our water bottles all over, we laughed and the Naomi and I stopped and looked at eachother. I raised and eyebrow and remembered I was already wet so I had nothing to loose, I unleashed the remaining water on Naomi but she ducked and instead Raeanna got wet while she poured her water on Naomi. I heard gasps from both of them and then I felt more icy cold water fall on my head, Ron and Kimmy were evil little bugers, Ron was tall and super skinny that you couldn't always see him, making it easy to drop a water bomb on us. We stopped the water fight and decided to rest and dry up a bit, we sang songs as Amanda and Ron played the guitar. They were the best guitarist I have ever met.

The day was boring after that. I have exactly one class with my new sister and we were bored in Algebra Two. Kimmy asked if she could hang out at my house and I just nodded, I only wanted to sleep,she could steal everything and I wouldn't care as long as I could sleep. But no, they did not let me sleep, Raeanna came over ten minutes later and asked if Scar could come over, it was a nickname for this boy she kind of had a cruch on and he liked her back, his real name was Kris and he was also Kimmy's brother.

I didn't say no, I just had to call my mom and let her know I would have a boy over as well. I wondered why Kimmy let her brother date when that could be a hazard for someone's health, she answered my question right before Raeanna arrived, "My brother was taught to behave younger, he has a lot of self control, and he even tries to see how long he can go without blood, just so he know he can restrain himself. He doesn't believe he is as strong as we all think he is, but he sure is a hell of a lot stronger than I am, really sorry Ledi." she looked at me with a wry smile. I shrugged my shoulders, telling her it was alright and understandable, it's just the part that vampires actually existing was a bit hard to take in.

I did think it was cool, I've always loved to read vampire stories and myths and legends. I wonder how many of them are actually true, or if they were just parts from real things that actually happened. Then Kimmy broke through my reverie, "So why aren't you asking me if I hate garlic, or if I can't stand the stuff like in vampire myths?" Could she read minds too? I looked at her confused. "What?" she asked. "Can you read my mind?" I asked stuperfied. She started laughing, "I know I said we had special abilities, but I don't mean like that, I mean, we can run really fast, or see things from a farther distance, our hearing is better, our senses pretty much inhance, and so does our strength, that's why I couldn't do anyhting in P.E. I was so mad that I had to pretend I had a broken arm. Me, fall of a skateboard?" she scoffed. "I don't think so, and then I was so mad that I couldn't show off to all those guys that think they are so macho." She shook her head and there was knock at the door. "It should be Raeanna, since we live farther away, Kris will probably come in a while later, just to make it look like he actually walked here. That's another thing I hate, my parents won't let us use our abilities on broad daylight, not in front of humans, and sometimes not even at our own house. They say we have to get used to being a human if we want to fit in and it will be easier to be normal when we are around humans if we practice to move like one. I swear, humans are like cows, so slow, no offense though. I just get to bored and tired of the slow pace." She smiled as she turned the knob, by the time we got to the door, after walking slower than usual so that Kimmy could finish her story, both Raeanna and Kris were outside.

We said our greetings and Kris said under his breath, " Now you know our little secret, I hope you aren't afraid." He said showing a bit of his teeth, which looked elongated and sharp. I opened my eyes wide and he and Kimmy chuckeled. Raeanna looked at all three of us in confusion, she wasn't apart of Kimmy and Kris' little inside joke yet. She looked more intently on me since I was still in a state of shock.

I had always been fascianted with how vampires could hide their fangs, but of course I had never seen them, and to be asked if I was scared and then intimidated by my a vampire was the most scariest thing I have ever encoutered. I don't know why but it was, I knew they wouldn't hurt me, but I was petrified. I let the thought slip out of my mind for now becuase Raeanna was here and we couldn't tell her anything about their secret.
Kris and Raeanna went into the living room and just talked while Kimmy and I ate some oreos and icecream in the kitchen. I didn't want to think about my reaction to Kris' fangs and was glad that I had a new sister. "Where did Naomi go?"

"I feel so bad, we came in and then she disappeared and I didn't even really notice." I looked at her with a raised eyebrow," You feel bad?" I asked in disbelief. "How do you think I feel, she is my new sister!" "It's alright you two, I was given homework so I sneaked away while you guys talked about your cousin, Kyle." I saw, in the corner of my eye, Kris snap his head in our direction. Kimmy had said that Kyle would be visiting and that he was a vampire aswell, that they all were on edge when family visited because others weren't as "civilized" as she had put it. He quickly turned his head back to Raeanna before she could notice.
The day wore on and Kimmy and Kris left before I was done making the spaghetti. Now I was really curious if they were afraid of garlic becuase I was also baking garlic bread.

I giggled silently to myself as Raeanna and Naomi talked about Paramore, a really great band we had heard about since 2006, I loved their song My Heart, it was the first one I had heard from them. I had called Amanda and asked if she would like to come over for dinner, she loved spaghetti and so she said yes before I could finish my question, the mention of dinner set her on alert for it being spaghetti.

I heard a knock on the door and Naomi said, "I got it." I smiled, she would fit in perfectly here. We got along great and she was already fitting in with my friends, my family life was better than I thought it had been. All those times they fought were over Naomi and telling me, I had let my imagination stretch far enough to think that my family was falling apart when it was just getting better.