Falling Pieces

Chapter Five: Surprises

It was around 8:30 when we decided to drop everyone home, my mom said we would have to wake up early because she had to work and that she was sorry to just drop us at the mall. I beamed, I would love for some mother/daughters time but it was cool to shop by your self and not have your own mom saying things like "Get this one, it's so cute", or "You would look so adorable in this". Naomi and I headed up to our room, her room was being painted and my parents were adding some hanging shelves, it used to be a guestroom, filled with just one dresser and a small bed, but now it would be known as Naomi's room. I smiled again as I looked at her bedrrom door as we walked past it.

I thought being a teenager would make me be mad at this, at my parents for not letting me know about Naomi, and then mad at Naomi for being here. But I was everything but mad or sad or any negative feeling for that matter. Naomi fell asleep atomatically, she insisted on sleeping on the floor so that I wouldn't have to. But I didn't want her to sleep on the floor so I said we would just share the bed. I hated sleeping on the same bed, which is why when I had sleepovers I let my friend or friends use the guestroom. I moved too much and I always ended up with a stiff neck or an aching back, either way I hated sharing a bed.

I had more important things to think about so I ignored the fact that I couldn't keep moving around to find a comfortable spot to lay, and decided to just lie on my side. I stared at my dresser, it had my hat with a little black bat on it, maybe now I could stop my restlessness because that is what I have been waiting all day to think about. Not my hat, but vampires.

Why was I so afraid? I already knew that they had fangs, that they could hurt me if they chose to, which they wouldn't. Maybe I am just being a normal human being and all normal human beings get scared of things that go bump in the night, afraid of things that shouldn't exsist but do. I half settled with that answer becuase that was partly why. But something more was edging me, sleep. I closed my eyes and drifted to sleep.

The bext morning I woke by Naomi jumping on the bed, Kristine said to wake you up." She smiled and I looked at her shocked. "You can call her mom you know?" I asked. She stopped jumping, she didn't know what to say. We got ready and we left. We picked up KImmy on our way to the mall, dropping my dad off at work. Kimmy got out first, I got up and then turned to look at my mom, "Naomi can call you mom right?" I asked hoping I thought I knew my mom aswell as I hoped. She beamed and smiled, "Of course she" and then her smile faded to a half smile,"but of course I wont pressure you to, if you dont want to, I dont want you to feel obligated." She looked into Naomi's eyes with happiness and sadness, she really wanted Naomi to call her mom, her eyes practically pleaded Naomi to. Naomi smiled and nodded her head, "I really wish you didn't have to work so we could all spend time togeher"She changed the subject and I was defeated for now, so I got out of the car. I wanted to ask Naomi why she didn't call my mom, our mom, mom. But this wasn't the time or the place. I got fairly easily distracted when we got to Tropical T-shirts, this puck/rocker store at the mall. It was the best store ever. All our eyes opened wide at the new arrival of clothes. A while after picking a few shirts to get I looked at Naomi and she had nothing in her hands. My mouth dropped and I grabbed more shirts and threw it on her arms. "Wow you are getting a lot of clothes, you sure can shop" she laughed. I scoffed. "Those are for you." And I walked away. She followed me. "I can't get all these, I mean look at the prices." She said shocked and in disbelief that I would do that.

I shrugged my shoulders, the money is for you, not for me, I have my own money, you don't need to spend all of it, just get as much as you are comfortable with getting, for now." I smiled and started looking at the selection of ties. "Ledi, I..." she started and then stopped. I sighed and turned to her, "Look, Naomi, they new you were coming and that you might not like their taste in clothes so they made sure they would have something saved up for you, and besides, I know that's all for you becuase I already told my mom I had my own money I would spend." She still loooked uncertain. I sighed again. "What if you looked for clothes that weren't as pricey? Or we could get clothes to share? You really shouldn't worry about it, you know?" I looked at her and she still wasnt sure. I put back what I had thrown on her and we started walking slowly around the little store. I found shirts that were between twenty and thirty dollars and I handed them to her, asking if she liked it first.

After a while she was excited about it, and acted like she actually wanted to shop now. We both saw jackets that we could get, both similar, both black, both really cool and both perfect for the both of us. We grabbed it, looked at the price and weren't so sure, it was almost forty dollars, it wasn't that we didn't have enough, it was the fact that it's ridiculous to spend so much on one piece of clothing. We looked at eachother and then back at the jackets as we both bit our lip. We sighed and then I beamed, I wouldn't spend that much on a jacket for myself but I would for Naomi. I had found her welcome home present, but I would have to get it when she wasn't looking and I would have to ask Kimmy to take her to another store while I pay for my clothes. All worked out, I bought her the jacket when Kimmy took her to JP Edge. I had made sure that Naomi was comfortable with shopping, taking her around like a little kid and then letting her go on her own when she felt most comfortable. We had fun, I treated everyone to Funtastic Park, the rollercoaster was boring to Naomi judging by the look on her face. And then when we got home....

"SURPRISE!!!!!" :D

We all yelled, as we walked into our house, the first ones I saw were my friends from school and my parents, there were some co-workers of my parents that I recognized, and some other kids from school. I already knew about the surprise party, so I had yelled with everyone else there. It had slipped my mind and I had forgotten to tell Kimmy so she nearly screamed at everyone. Naomi looked happy, not surprised, like she knew everyone was already there. I grabbed her into a hug and whispered "Welcome home" in her ear.

She looked at me and smiled a bright white smile. My parents grabbed us both before we let go of eachother, forcing us into a group hug. My two idiotic friends, Kimmy and Raeanna, invited themselves and fit themselves between my parents so they could hug Kimmy and I. We just rolled our eyes at them and started fighting our way out. They let us pass, only becuase there were more people greeting us, I introduced Naomi to the people she didn't know, guiding her around our house so that everyone can see her. I would have said so she can see everyone, but this party was about her and this was most of the guests first time seeing her.

The party dies down, most guests had left, it was just my family and my friends that remained. Everyone wanted to see Naomi's reaction to her presents.I wanted to be the first one to give her, her gift, but I agreed with my parents that theirs were better, and much more important and special. "Now, first let's all go upstairs to show Naomi her present."

We reached her door and Naomi looked confused, I was glad she looked confused, it meant she really didn't know what was going on. My mother and father nodded at me, ushering me to stand beside them infront of Naomi's bedroom door. "Naomi, we know we told you that your room wouldn't be ready for about a month, but it was only becuase we wanted to surprise you with it, it took a lot of renovating and redecorating, and it was a lot longer than we thought it woule be, so we feel bad that it seemed like we weren't prepared for you." my mom said happily at first and then slowly becoming sad at the end." She looked at me as if I were assigned to speak next. I cleared my throat ," I had some help with deciding what you would like in your room, I'm happy to say we share the same taste, so it was easier than I thought it would be." With out another word I opened her door and pulled her in, she gasped. The room was colored a dark gray mixed with white that was meant and looked like clouds in the sky, like a starless night, on one side of the walls, the one opposite of the window, was a big full moon. The moon was a dull yellow, very light, hardly even noticable, it was big and beautiful. Naomi kept staring at it, everyone was.We were all at awe, even I was, and I was the one that painted it on. I saw Naomi wipe a tear as she gave my parents a hug, our parents. I smiled as she looked up at me, tears were swelling up as she let go of our parents to hug me.

I hugged her back but I wasn't so used to hugging so many times that I wanted to run away. "Oh no, she is girly!!!" I said in horror while smirking and letting go of her. She smiled, wiped her eyes, and sniffed. We all laughed at my little comment, well my friends and I, we didn't like girly dense girls at all. But I apprecitated that Naomi was crying, one becuase I could make fun of her and two, because she liked her new room, in her new house with her new family.

"All my nightmares are going to come true...ditsy girls take over the school, then my house, then the world!!!!" I said still in horror. I shook my head and patted her back. I gave her a bag, it contained her jacket from Tropical T-shirts. She took it out and looked just as shocked as I had expected. My friends got her wrist bands, bracelets, CDs, DVDs, necklaces, and some shirts. My parents got her a blue electric guitar and and amplifier. That was great since I playes as well, we could play together.

Kimmy spent the night, she had a harder time with being tempted and thought she should just go home, after everyone else had gone to bed. "Kim, if you go now, my parents will be a bit suspicious, you know how they are." She nodded, understanding that my parents jump to too many conclusions, which are very often right. It seemed like it was every second that she took a sip from her canteen, we decided that we would just try to sleep. Naomi asked if she could just stay one more night in my room, she was used to sharing, and so she was there on the bed when we entered.

Kimmy said it would be best that she stayed on the floor instead of sleep on the bed next to anyone, she wouldn't wat to wake up thirsty. She grabbed another canteen out of her bag and just as she opened it Naomi shot right up and pounced on Kimmy. I looked at her in horror, her teeth looked sharp, they were bared, her lips pulled over them. She was growling, her body was shaking and her eyes looked black as night. Kimmy showed her fangs, and held Naomi by the neck. Everything went by so quickly it was almost a blur. Kimmy squizzed Naomi's neck harder and picked her up and threw her to the side of the bed right next to me. I was scared for my new sister, kimmy could easily kill her. But why was she attacking her? Why did Naomi attack her first?

Naomi responded quickly, more quickly than a normal human. She stood up, more like a slouch, like she wanted to stand on her hands as well as her feet, like a dog. I couldn't see her face, but by the growl coming out of her mouth it sounded as if she wasn't afraid. "Go away you filthy leech." Naomi said. "You know?" I asked Naomi, realizing that she knew Kimmy was a vampire, the name leech had been used many times before for a vampire.
She ignored me, she moved her body so that she was right infront of me, I tried to get off my bed but she moved her hand behind her to push me back on my bed. "Naomi, what's wrong with you? It's Kimmy, she isn't gonna hurt us." I was ready to yell at her, Kimmy was my friend, naomi maybe my new sister, but she couldn't just be messed up to Kimmy, vampire or not.

"She could kill you and you don't care?" Naomi said now, but her voice was more deep, it wasn't my sister talking. She grabbed me and walked toward my window. "Leave now and I shall spare your life creature" She said in that same deep voice. I tried to move out of her arm, how could she be stronger than me? She is too thin to have any muscles.
"Would you stop it, I'm trying to save you." she said in a more normal voice but there was an edge to it. "No, Naomi, just let me go, Kimmy won't her us, she-." I was cut off by Naomi. "Will kill you, I'm not worried about me, it's you that can't take care of herself." she snorted but let me go.

She turned to Kimmy "Go." Kimmy smiled at me then turned to Naomi, giving her an ice cold glare then she smirked. "Creature,huh? Last time I check I'm more human than you'll ever be, dog." They played the staring game for what seemed like forever, and then Naomi looked at me. She was fully Naomi now, "How come you never hurt her, any of them?" she was talking to Kimmy and not me.

Kimmy relaxed and sat on the floor, taking a sip from her canteen. "You can smeel what's in here, you should know how. You really should believe those stories where not all vampire aren't bad, you know like guys." She chuckled at her own joke, I smiled but couldn't really lauhg after what had just happened. I looked more confused now than I ever have. "O.k. I guess I can believe you, we can sense what a vampire wants, well who a vampire wants, and you show very little...temptation." She grimaced at her choice of words I saw as I walked back over to my bed.

Kimmy noticed my confused expression, so did Naomi I guesses, becuase they both had started laughing. was there some inside joke I wasn't in on? They looked at eachother as if they could read eachothers minds, they walked over to me, just looking at me...like they were going to...eat me. I looked at them in horror. Was I gonna die? Would they really kill me? Was that their little inside joke? What exactly was my sister, if she was a creature, less human than Kimmy?

The last thing I saw was their hands reach out towards me, felt their hands grab me and pull me up, after that I didn't want to feel, incase there would be pain, but i didn't feel pain, I felt like I was flying, the feeling you get in an elevator sometimes. I heard giggling but I was too afraid to open my eyes, maybe Kimmy agreed to eat me cooked and they were going to boil me like a lobster. Remembering seeing Kimmy's fangs and Naomi's rather sharp looking teeth made me think it would be easy for them to bite through my skin, and with their strength, brake my bones.

"Oh my gosh, she's really scared, look at her she's shaking." I heard Kimmy say. "Haha yeah, listen to her heart beat, it's gonna explode!!" Naomi added. How could they hear my heart beating?

I felt cold hands on mine, I hadn't realized I had covered my eyes, and the cold hands slipped my hands away from my eyes. "We're here, you can open your eyes now." Kimmy whispered softly, "There's no reason to be afraid, we just wanted to show you so you weren't confused. Here's Naomi. It was dark, barely any light coming from street lights, we were on the hill, our hill, where my frineds and I always hung out. As I struggled to see my sister, I heard a ripping noise, it scared me a bit but I didn't want to seem ever more like a chicken.

I heard panting and then I saw an enourmous dog, more like a wolf and a bear put together. The giant dog whimpered and I looked at Kimmy, she was laughing, holding her mouth so she could quiet her laughter, I'm sure she was laughing at my reaction. I looked back at the dog and realized that it was my sister. "Naomi?" I mouthed. She gave a low growl and walked over to me.

"Your a shaggy dog?" I asked her and she growled angrily, almost as loud as when she growled at Kimmy at my house. My eyes opened a bit wider, but I didn't think this big dog could actually hurt me. Kimmy couldn't hold in her laugh this time, she burst out. I looked at her and she was now on the floor, on her knees just laughing. She started pointing at Naomi with one hand and the other was holding her stomach. "Oww" she started whining about her aching stomach. And again I felt like there was another inside joke, only this time Naomi wasn't laughing and Kimmy looked like a deranged psychopath because she was laughing by herself.

I chuckled a bit to my self and Naomi noticed it. She seemed to have seemed I was laughing at her becuase she jumped up on her hind legs and put her paws on my shoulders and knocked me down. "Oww...what the heck was that for? I was laughing at Kimmy."
"What? Why were you laughing at me? I was laughing at Naomi." she said and started laughing again. The big dog disappeared and Naomi was there again.

"Why exaclty were you laughing at Kimmy, sis?" Naomi said in the deep voice. She was glaring at Kimmy though instead of looking at me. " 'Cause, she looks so freaking idiotic!" I answered adding a light chuckle afterwards. This time I was the one with the glare from Kimmy. I smiled with fake innocense then turned to Naomi, "So why were you mad about the whole 'shaggy dog' thing? You looked like a giant shaggy dog, bear thing. haha" She pushed my shoulder again. "I'm a werewolf, not a shaggy dog, humans don't really magically turn into those shaggy dogs like in the movie."

"Yeah but you and Kimmy are here, who knows maybe you are a shaggy dog." She rolled her eyes and let my comment slide. We walked down to the picnic tables. I looked at my watch and it was now one in the morning, good thing tomorrow was a Sunday. We all stayed quiet for a long time, we were all thinking, I guess I should have had more to think through since my sister is a werewolf, but it didn't really phase me. I heard Kimmy hiss and then Naomi told her to calm down. I didn't know what they were talking about, but I felt the tension in the air and it put me on egde.

Naomi said she would be right back, she was gone before I could ask what was going on; Kimmy was drinking from her canteen so I thought I shouldn't interupt her. When Naomi got back she wasn't alone, there were five people with her, I couldn't see their faces, just their eyes shining in the moonlight, and their figures, black shapes as the streetlight dimmed a bit more. My guess was there was four males and another female. The four closest to Naomi seemed to be males, two the same height as Naomi, one taller and the other shorter than her. They all seemed to be the same build, fairly thin but with muscular arms. The light went bright and I saw their faces, the first one I saw was the one closest to me, though it seemed like Naomi was on edge and didn't want any of them close to me. He had beautiful brown eyes, with messy short black hair, he had a squared jaw and he was wearing a black tank top that showed of his well built arms. I looked away when I looked back at his face, he looked so mean, ignorant and arrogant.

Kimmy stood up and the five that joined us straightened their stances and leaned away from Kimmy, more towards me. Naomi spoke quickly but with force, it was her voice but it seemed so...controlling. "Leave her alone, she means no harm, you should know that by now, they have been friends, alone a lot, she won't hurt her." They seemed to believe Naomi but they inched their way closer to me. "Don't move." Naomi said, I thought she was talking to me, only now had I realized I was moving away as they moved closer, but she was talking to them.

Within another second their were three other people at Kimmy's side, I recognized them at once thanks to the little light that was coming from the streetlight. On Kimmy's left side stood her brother Kris, on her opposite side were Kimmy's parents, for some reason even though I now knew that Kris and Kimmy were vampires, I never once thought her parents were too.

I grinned at the sight of them, it eased the tension in the air because I knew most of it was from Naomi's guests towards Kimmy, it made it more even and I relaxed a bit. I walked over to them and the man closest to Naomi reached out to grab me, I screamed a soft short scream, my lungs would not give anymore because was too pretrified. But before he could even reach his hand a foot from me, Naomi grabbed his arm and threw him ten feet away from us, he landed on his back but stood up quickly, as quickly as Naomi had in my room. I then realized, after he had growled at her, that he and the rest of her guests were werewolves too.

That would mean they all could fight, right here, with my friend and her family, and my sister as well, depending on which side she would take. It seemed like she was defending me and Kimmy, the rest of the werewolves backed away from me, leaving five feet between us and I happily hurried over to Kimmy and her family.

Naomi whispered and I could barely hear her, " Ledi, could you please stay next to me, things could get ugly and you aren't making it easy." She turned to the man she threw as I walked over to her, not arguing, "Jay, sorry about that, truly I am, but I can protect her when she needs to be, I told you I didn't want all of them here and you went against what I asked, and none of you are going near her, right now I trust the leeches more than you." I heard growls come from each of them, two of them left and the other three came closer to us, I saw that it was the girl, Jay, and the first werewolf I saw.

"Not tonight, Skylar, we have to get back, they will be knocking on her door in a minute, I'll see you guys tomorrow, day light, same place." She said firmly. "Will we be busy at lunch tomorrow?" I shook my head as I looked at the werewolf named Skylar, the one I first saw. His eyes stayed locked with mine, I tried to turn away but couldn't; his eyes were so beautiful.

"Skylar!" Naomi growled and I could finally look away from him. She grabbed me and pulled her face to my ear and whispered, "Keep your eyes on Kimmy, do not look back." She walked away, towards the werewolves and dread washed over me, what if they hurt her? But then Naomi grabbed me and started running, I saw Skylar, Jay, and the girl watching us run; Kimmy and her family followed, but her family turned to go back to her house.

We were running, faster than any human, and then Naomi tossed me to Kimmy. At first I thought I would fall, or crash into Kimmy and we would both fall. But she caught me in her arms and told me to close my eyes. I did as she said, not understanding why I was being so obedient tonight.

We got to my house with a few seconds to spare before my parents walked in, Naomi ordered us to pretend to sleep. I lied there with my eyes clothes, listening for footsteps and my door close. I didn't hear anything, only my heart beating, and then a sigh and I realized my parents were already gone. "Go to sleep now, we'll talk tomorrow morning." ordered Naomi. I glowered at her, finally being myself, wanting to be rebelious, I opened my mouth to rebel but heard Naomi talk. "Don't give that face, close your mouth and go to sleep." Without another word, I turned on my side so that neither, Kimmy or Naomi could see my face and slowly fell asleep with the image of the werewolf Skylar in my mind.
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Sorry for any mistakes, didn't take that much time to edit this one. Enjoy and comment. :D