Falling Pieces

Chapter Seven: Determined

Through the whole one hour period of waiting to go to the hill, I was giving Raeanna the cold shoulder, as well as not paying attention to what anyone was saying. I heard Naomi mention Skylar's name and that's when I finally focused. "Yeah, and Skylar seems so interested in Ledi, he probably will talk to her a lot." she said smiling. But I knew better, that smile was a cover up, just incase Skylar really did try to talk to me, they wouldn't go bother us if anything happened and I couldn't look away from him. And if she were to really say what she really thinks about it, she would most definately not have a smile on her face.

She looked at me when she realized I wasn't spacing out anymore. "So we don't get any attention, but Skylar isn't even here and he gets all the attention?" she asked jokingly, still putting on her charade. I just smiled and nodded. No one else bothered saying anything else about it. Maybe it was a few more minutes, I wasn't keeping track of time since I was thinking more about what Naomi would have said, but Naomi stood up and said let's go. I looked at Raeanna and glared at her when I gave up trying to guess Naomi wanted to tell me.

I was still a little mad that I didn't know and I knew what would make me feel better. As we walked out of the house, I held the door open for everybody, mainly because I had a plan. Raeanna was the second person out the door. As she walked by I syuck my foot out infront of her, she didn't see that coming since she was paying so much attention to Kris, who was the first to walk out.

I would have loved to see her fall and scrap her arm or something and yell and whine at me. I could laugh and tease her about that for weeks. But my day just got worse because when she should have fallen, Kris caught her and held her up. I glared at him. He smiled and walked away, holding onto Raeanna's hand. Stupid vampire reflexes, I thought, why couldn't he not care if she fell? I know I wouldn't, or at least not now since she ruined everything today.

Because of her, we had to be more careful and I wouldn't get to know what Naomi had to tell me until tonight. On our way there I kept thinking of ways to get Raeanna away from Kris long enough to try and trip her again. I wound up with blanks and dead ends. I decided to let my anger towards her fade away, for now, if she did something else to ruin today then I would bring back that anger and add to it. I smirked and we were finally at the hill, it seemed like hours ago that I had tried to trip her, though it was only a fifteen minute drive.

The werewolves were already there, but Kimmy's parents weren't anywhere to be seen. I looked around, there weren't many people here, that's probably why we all liked this hang out, it was ours, no one else's. And then they just appeared, I wasn't sure if I had missed them but there they were, sitting on the picnic table, they had brought some pizza, well not some, a lot. They were nice enough to buy for the werewolves, I would have let them starve, all except Skylar.

I shook my head, realizing that I just thought about that werewolf again.

Raeanna looked nervous, she probably wasn't read to meet Kris' parents. Although she met them before as Kimmy's friend, she never was introduced again, this time as Kris' girlfriend. And I now felt a bit guitly for almost making her trip. If Kris had not caught Raeanna, she would have been so embarassed infront of her boyfriend, and then she would have to meet his parents too, that would be a nightmare for any girl.

The wolves looked at all of us, eyeing everyone, as to keep watch, when Jay, the alpha male, caught the eyes of Naomi he nodded his head motioning her to come closer. She held my hand, we now couldn't put the blind fold on because Raeanna would get a little suspicious. I felt their eyes, especially Skylar's, watching me, probably thinking how the hell I could stand being with vampires. I felt self conscious all of a sudden so I turned around and stared down at Kimmy, her family, and Raeanna. Kimmy was looking up the hill at us, I could tell by her stance that she was a bit upset, maybe because Naomi told her to stay away until she was called.

"You shouldn't have allowed them to bring another human." said a new werewolf, either Joe or Nick though I couldn't tell who, in a harsh tone. I heard Naomi growl beside me. I heard someone drag their foot, but I couldn't tell if it was to back away or move closer. "That's enough, I'm sure she has her reasons, which she will explain." Said Jay, I couldn't see his expression but judging by his voice I could tell he was far from being happy. Naomi spoke in her voice that I could only recognize as being someone else's. "Actually, that blood sucker has her as a girlfriend, so no I have no reasons to allow it, it is the humans choice to whom they hang out with, not ours, you all know that. They decide their fate, unless one of them change their minds about leaving the human as a companion."

"She can hear you?!" yelled the werewolf girl named Nadine. Just then I heard a mix of growls and gasps. I turned around so that I was only facing Naomi, I wanted to see her expression and I wanted to know what they menat by that. They couldn't be talking about me, I was right there, and the way the werewolf said she was with disgust so maybe she was talking about Kimmy or her mother.

Naomi looked at me with pleading eyes to turn around, I knew she wouldn't like it if Skylar took someone kind of weird werewolf hold on me. But I wanted to know what was going on. "Not till you tell me what that meant." She shook her head, telling me she'd rather I turned, but I didn't, I just stayed put, making sure not to look at the other wolves, though Naomi was right, I did want to look at Skylar, just to check if he was looking at me.

"She bite me, you know that," she was talking to her werewolf pack, "that's why she can hear my thoughts, until my blood drains from her." I could tell she was saying more than she needded to, for my benifit because I didn't know anything and would be even more lost. I was shocked and I turned my head to Kimmy's direction, after hearing something awful.

I heard snaps of the werewolves jaws and more growls. Skylar spoke this time, "You let that thing get that close?! This means war! She bit you and you are protecting her?! What a-" Naomi cut him off, "I pounced on her, she didn't bite me till later, so they have the right to start this war, which they aren't." she said in her normal voice, I calmed down a bit, just because I understood more of what had happened. I turned myself again and Naomi looked at me. "When a vampire bites a human, if they live for a transformation, or if they bite a werewolf, they can hear their thoughts, read their minds, for the time that our blood is in them, we become a part of them. That's why it seemed like Kimmy and I were having a silent conversation, I know you noticed it. And us wolves can read eachothers minds, it's easier but also so darn annoying." she explained with a light chuckle.

I smiled and nodded.

Two seconds later Kimmy was at my side. Her expression was a blank veil, though she was clenching her fists. She looked at me and then took two steps forward so that she was blocking me from the werewolves' veiw, I felt a bit of relief wash over me. "We wissh to be left alone, we have not had a problem with humans for over thirty years, we have changed, if you so choose not to believe it then feel free to start the war, we will oblige." by the sound of her voice she seemed to be smirking. "Control your pack, I can hear them now. If they do, we will be waiting, you aren't the only ones with practice, good senses." She turned to me now, "I want you to go and sit with my family." I shook my head. "Don't be difficult Ledi, you have no need to be here-" 

"It's because of me that you all are hear, I wanna know what's going on." felt my voice shake, I was scared, I knew I didn't really want to stay there, I wasn't dealing with normal human beings here, I didn't stand a chance between any of these...immortals. What a strange word to describe them all, but it was perfect, did they ever die, would they ever die?
Less than a minute later I was staring outside of my house, the front door left open. Kimmy had dropped me back home because I was rebelling, what happened to those stupid wolves could find me? But I was more mad and concerned about my sister and my friends and her family, would they make it back?