Falling Pieces

Chapter Eight-Killing Kris

For four hours I paced in front of the door, it wasn't till my parents got home that I decided to sit down on the sofa. They had made me think it was Kimmy, Naomi, and Raeanna. I heard the door open so many times that I stopped turning my head evetually. I kept my eyes on the T.V. and so I didn't notice when Kimmy and Naomi walked in, hair wind blown and their jackets on. I wondered why their jackets were one but then they took me to my room and unzipped theor jackets, revealing tears. I gasped, but there was no sign of blood so I quickly adjusted my face calmly asked what happened. They said nothing, Kimmy left the room, she went home, and Naomi left right after her to the bathroom to shower.

They both came back around the same time, still quiet as when they returned from the hill. I was going to go crazy before they told me what happened. And then I realized that I didn't even see Raeanna, I didn't know if she was o.k. I became frantic and I started jumping and bouncing around my room mumbling incoherently. They just stared at me as I was in a frenzie. When they finally heard me say a couple of understandable english words (like Raeanna, dead, oh no) they pulled me back to my bed and started talking for the first time since they got back.

"She's fine but..." Naomi started but then she paused as she looked at Kimmy. Kimmy continued for her in a soft voice. "She's is fine although, she now knows everything about your sister and I, what we really are. She had to find out, you see, my brother did not actually care about Raeanna, he had lied about being strong, he's been feeding when ever he wanted to, on humans, Naomi's pack knew that, they just didn't know which one of us it was.

A few minutes after Naomi's pack left, as well as all the other humans, my brother took Raeann to the top of the hill, inside the bunker and he...well he bit her. The wolves sensed it immediately, my family didn't know, not even Naomi, she was bit by me so it stopped her senses, somehow, from being as strong as her packs. Skylar got there just in time to save Raeann. She has two days before her transformation begins, she'll be able to resist the thirst now, because she is still attached to her human emoitions, and I think we can control her at my house after that, we have to tell her mom I suppose."She speed through the story, though now she was talking more to herself. "Raeanna was shocked and scared, and then she was just numb, she didn't ask anything...about what she'll be, she just sat there as I explained what everything would be like for her now. When we dropped her off, she just looked at me, I think she was more upset about Kris, we had to...well...." She looked at me with pleading eyes, begging me to understand so she wouldn't have to say it aloud. And I did understand, I understood that they had to kill Kris.

I placed my hand on Kimmy's shoulder, she nodded and gave a weak smile after mouthing thanks. With out a nod or a goodbye she was gone, and I was left with Naomi, for the first time I saw her horrified. I went over to her, she was beside the window, I put my hand on her shoulder and pulled her into a hug, "It's alright" I told her. And from my point of view, it was alright, Everyone besides Kris was alright, Raeann may not still be human but she was still alive and for that I was thankful for the werewolves, thankful for Skylar. But Naomi seemed to be more upset than Kimmy, she was shaking now as she cried.

"It's not o.k. Ledi, it's not." she spoke in a broken whisper, her tears choking her voice. I let go of her to look at her face, stained with tears, eyes red. I looked at her bewildered. Why was she so upset? "Naomi? What's wrong? Did you lose one of your werewolves?" I asked, thinking that was the only reasonable reason she would be crying. And now, not only was I thankful for the werewolves, but I felt sorry, felt remorse, if one of the werewolves had actuallt died as well, maybe fighting with Kris.

I moved away from Naomi, my thoughts were going wild but all I could really concentrate on was that it might have been Skylar that died. I had no reason to react in such a way but I felt so drawn to him, and he wanted me to be drawn to him. I looked just as horrified as Naomi did. I opened my mouth but my question did not escape, I was stunned. Naomi looked up at me and answered my question as if I had asked it. "He's not dead, he wanted me to tell you that, he knew you would think that, sorry I didn't tell you sooner." Her voice was a low but hoarse from crying. "Then who in your pack died?" I asked still in horror. She shook her head, "No one, we are all fine, I'm not upset because of that, I'm upset becuase...I felt her pain, Ledi...I..." she started but then paused as she looked away. "Skylar didn't kill Kris, he only distracted him, he knows not to fight when there are alphas there, Jay didn't want to help, he was long gone, not close enough to run back in time, so I had to step in, I killed Kris." She broke out crying again. I gasped as I took it all in, I immediately ran over to her and grabbed her in a hug. I was still confused, about the part that she felt her pain, but I sympathized that she did not want to kill Kris. I did not want to ask her, for fear she would be even more devastated, but she answered my unasked question once again. "She bit me and somehow...we can not only hear eachothers thoughts or Kimmy decreasing my senses, we could also feel eachothers pain. Or at least I felt hers, as she watched me.... I couldn't bare to look at her, I wonder how she must feel, knowing that I did that to her brother." She looked up at me, "You should go to sleep, there is school tomorrow." I did as I was told, not wanting to know anymore, if it was too much for me I couldn't even imagine how Naomi, Raeanna, Kimmy and her family felt tonight.


It was now Monday morning, we were already at school, I hadn't thought of an excuse for Naomi or myself to use so that one of us could stay home, mainly her. We were all silent, Raeanna was the only one missing, I probably would have stayed home too if it was me. But then she came in looking happy as ever, she was actually skipping, which looked pretty weird and funny considering she is tall. When she reached the table she said her greetings and grabbed my hand as she winked at Naomi and Kimmy, who were putting on happy faces for our friends. When we got outside she was squeling, almost like Amanda, and mumbling. "Slow down" I said and she followed my orders.

"I can't believe you didn't tell me, but I know it wasn't your secret to tell, I'm gonna be a vampire dude!!! How awesome is that?! I wasn't sure what to think, you know, I didn't want to have to leave my family or something, but it's just till I control myself, and then I thought I'd never see the sun again but who cares, I'm a vamp!!!!" she spoke in a loud whisper, though luckily no one was in ear shot. I smiled, finally a feeling of relief that someone was alright. "Uhhh...yeah, but dude, remember, not so loudly, not every one knows about you." She chuckeled, "I can't help it, I'm so excited!!!"

The bell rang and we all headed walked slowly, as usual, to our classes. We were just at the R.O.T.C. building when I felt someone staring at me, I turned and that was it, all it took for Skylar to keep me forever. Without noticing I started walking towards him, I took five steps before anyone noticed, Naomi was the first to react, she growled so loudly and I turned my head to her to see that Amanda, Ron, and Dan looked at her questionably. Raeanna pulled them all to go to class, saying that Naomi and I were fighting and we needed alone time and that Kimmy would make sure we didn't hurt eachother, though I knew I could never hurt her, not because she was now my sister, but because she was a werewolf, I doubt I could hurt her. I felt Skylar's stare, but it wasn't as strong as before, he didn't want to go agaisnt Naomi, but I looked at him anyway, still walking, like a zombie, to him. I wanted to hold him, be in his arms, look into his eyes, and, like in my dream, walk along the beach. I smiled and he did too, Naomi growled again and he was gone, out of my reach. I frowned and turned around, "I just wanted to give him a hug" I stated as I pouted.

"Your not going to go near him Ledi, he's not experienced with what he's doing, he could end up killing you, if he decides to keep you he could kill you, on purpose or by accident, I won't let you become one of my pack, I'll banish him if I have to, promise me you'll stay away, don't look when you get that feeling." I just walked away, how could I promise that when my new insticnts to want to care for Skylar were overpowering my feelings to obey my sister? I heard her give a low growl and she rushed past me towards her class. KImmy and I walked slowly still, the second bell had already rung, no need to hurry if we were alreay late.

"She is just trying to protect you, even before he decides to keep you, you could get hurt, he could forget that you are human and be too rough, you could just be playing, a sport of a video game, he could get too worked up and hit you so hard you'd die. I'm not trying to scare you, just talk some sense in you, I can read her mind, she was trying to tell him that when he was trying to get you to go to him. Or if he kisses you or hugs you, he could hug too tightly and snap upi in half or stop you from breathing and not let go before he realizes your dead." We were now at out class, "Just remember that, and she just wants to protect you." she whispered. Half my mind was struggling to fight Skylar out of my head, not wanting to risk my life and I didn't even care or know this werewolf. But the other half was rebuttling, telling me he would never hurt me, that it would be alright, I could take a chance with him. Be with my Skylar.

The rest of the day was uneventful. I struggled not to look at Skylar, I could sense his stare, I looked a few times but I couldn't see him, which made me edgy, I wanted to see him and I expected to see him when I looked but he was never there. After the third time of disobeying Naomi I stopped, I refused to look again. Boy was that harder said than done.

I probably looked about five more times before Naomi finally yelled at me. "Would you just leave him alone, he has more hope now then when he started!!" Woman, you are not helping me by wanting to look at him!!" I looked at her innocently, well more ashamed and caught then innocent. I smiled and told her that I was sorry but I can't help it. She nodded and asked if I could at least try. For the rest of the week, we stayed inside the house because Naomi said it was too strong for me to go against and I'd look at him and then go to him. I didn't argue, just so that I didn't upset her. But whenever I was at a window, I could sense him, but not just him staring at me, I could feel how sad he was. And it pained me to think about his beautiful brown eyes sad. I wanted to go to him, but Naomi followed me when I would just take a step outside. She knew me too well to know that I wouldn't give up on what I truly wanted, and I really did want to be with Skylar. And then, on Friday night I waited for Naomi to sleep, she insisted that she slept in my room. Once I was certain she was sleeping I went outside, I could feel him watching me, but he didn't do anything. And then I felt a warm arm rest against my shoulder.
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ok so i totallt forgot that I had this story up here. The story is finished. I never edited it, so sorry for all the mistakes. But I poasted 3 chapters today so I could make up for not posting since I don't know when. I hope you like it. I'll be posting again next weekend just so you guys don' t have too much to read in such a little time. :D