Falling Pieces

Chapter Nine: Pleading Nonsense

I smiled thinking I would see Skylar's face, but it was Naomi. "He isn't going to disobey me, I already told him to stay clear of this house." she smirked at me, knowing she had beat the both of us. But I was feeling a bit better knowing that he still wanted to see me. So I just smirked back and was glad to see that my smirk left a confused expression on her face. We headed back up to my room and this time she stayed awake until I slept. After about thirty minutes or so I gave up and let sleep take me.

"Please, just one time, for five minutes, under your supervision?" I whined and begged Naomi the next day after we got home from the mall. I had been bothering her for about five minutes now, but she just kept shaking her head no. "Come on, has this never happened to you?" She shook her head yes. "So then you know how-" She cut me off, "It's different," she said softly. "When it's between human and werewolf, it's harder, you could be killed. Jay and I were like this, but I was a new wolf and he couldn't be with me until I became an alpha, I could never have challenged Jamie, I was too weak. If you make Skylar mad, he could easily forget how delicate you are compared to us and...." her voice trailed off and I imagined what he cold do to me, but none of the images in my head made me afraid of Skylar. "You don't have to worry if your gonna be there, you could stop him." I pleaded with her but she just shook her head.

"It's not just him, Nadine is the second in command with him, they belong together and you are getting in her way, it wont just be him that could hurt you. Do you even understand what I'm saying to you?!" she started yelling at me now. "Do you see how easily it is for one of us to get mad at you, Nadine already has a reason to resent you Ledi, I'm not risking your life just so you could have a fling, if that's what he'll even let it be. He could care less, it's just to be with someone, to see how easily he could use his gifts, your nothing but an experiment Ledi! I've been there, with a werewolf just like Skylar, he got so mad this is what I became! He attacked me and I barely survived, if it weren't for Jay I'd be dead." her voice was normal now. I just kept quiet, we were both quiet now and so it was easy to here the growls outside the house, it sounded like more than one werewolf outside. I finally felt what Naomi wanted me to feel, I did not want to be a werewolf, and I did not want to be Skylar's experiment, it cut me that I didn't even hope that one of the growling werewolves would be Skylar.

Naomi got up and headed to the door, their voices were a loud whisper but I wasn't paying attention to understand what they were saying. I was too busy feeling like an idiot for making Naomi worry so much when she knew first hand what was going on. I sighed and then got up and walked towards Naomi and the werewolves. The whole pack was their and when they saw me they stopped talking, I felt Skylar's tare, though not as strong as before and I ignored it with ease.

It wasn't until I heard a growl and a whimper that I put my head up to see who it had come from. The growl looked like it came from Jay and the whimper from Skylar. Skylar kept his face turned the other way so that I couldn't see his eyes but Jay had his lips curled above his teeth. I turned to Naomi to ask what was going on but she just had a disapproving look combined with a smirk. Skylar must have been thinking of ways to get me to look at him, to be with him and that would be going against Naomi and Jay was being defensive and showing Skylar just where he belongs.

Skylar turned to look at, and my suspicions were confirmed, there were three long scratches on the right side of Skylar's face and my eyes widened in horror. I ran to him and held him close, but only for a second before Naomi grabbed me and pulled me away from him. I kept my eyes on him and he had a small smile on his face from me hugging him, and his scratches were now gone. I smiled back as Naomi closed the door on the other werewolves.

I heard another growl and then the door opened, I only saw Jay and he walked in. I frowned at him, "It's for your own good, whether you know it or not." He said firmly, his voice was rough and hoarse, it didn't match how young he looked. Only now did I realize that all the werewolves looked younger than they should be. Pretty and handsome but they had this...edge to them. It made them seem...ugly. Like the way they stood, always ready to run, or the way they looked at each other, it wasn't out of love, it was more menacing, so ready to kill. I shook my head, as Naomi placed me on the sofa, trying to get back to reality.

I sat there pouting as they talked as if I wasn't in the room. "You really need to control her Noami." He told her, the way he said her name gave me more to what he thought of her, he really did respect her. Now it seemed like he was relaxing a bit because he was now holding her at her elbows. His eyes weren't as menacing and for the first time they looked gentle. He pecked her on the cheek, and then glided his lips towards her mouth, I felt like an eavesdropper, only I was seeing this and so I got up and walked to my room.

I could sense Skylar and I wished I could hold him again, but I knew I wouldn't, Naomi wouldn't let me, and now Jay was on her side too. I knew they weren't really any sides but thinking about Skylar made it feel that way, and Jay went as far as hurting him. I grimaced at the image of his scared face. I stayed there lying face down on my bed, I looked up when I heard the door open.

I almost thought I was dreaming when I saw Skylar. But he came and sat on my bed and pulled me up so that I was sitting next to him. He seemed sad, I grabbed his face between my hands and I just looked into his beautiful brown eyes, they were dark brown, the darkest brown I've ever seen. I smiled slightly and then I heard a growl, not coming from Skylar. It was coming from my window. I got up to walk over but Skylar grabbed my hand. "They want to show you how dangerous it is to be with me, I am sorry for trying, because I wont be able to escape your thoughts, but I agree with them now, we cant be together when you are still a human being." His voice was soft, but still deep and rough.

I looked at him and I could feel my eyes watering. "Your at least some part human" I said, begging him to stay with me. He chuckled as he took my hand and raised it to his mouth. He closed his eyes as he kissed my hand. "It's not so easy to believe that when-" he was interrupted by a growl. This time he led me to my window, right outside was Nadine, holding her was the two lower werewolves, Joe and Nick. I gasped when I remembered what Naomi said about Nadine and how she would resent me.

Skylar pulled me into a hug, it felt nice, he was warm and his hug was firm but gentle. I didn't want him to let me go and maybe he knew that because he squoze me tighter. I smiled but it got harder to breath. I tried to breath so that he wouldn't let go, but it wasn't working. He looked down at my now red face and let go of me, I could breath again.

"That's another thing, I could crush you when I meant it to be of affection." His voice was normal but his eyes were sad. He smiled one last time and walked out of my room, the growling outside stopped and I relaxed. Naomi walked in after that.

"It's almost dinner time, mom and dad should be home soon, do you want me to cook?" she said slowly. I nodded. I went back to my bed and lay there, I slowly drifted to sleep.
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O.k. so I have to remember to keep posting this story. It's already finished, I don't know if I already mentioned that. It's finished and all I have to do is post, which I can't remember. lol So I guess I'll just be posting a bunch or chapters at one time since I can't remember to post once a week or twice a week. lol It would help if I got some comments. *hint hint* :D ha ha