Dark Angel

Thinking of Her

Imogene turned to look back at the old building she was leaving behind. She just wasn't leaving a building behind, she was leaving her friend. Although they lived with each other, she still felt like she was abandoning him.
"I'm sorry Mike," she whispered as a cold wind blew around her, whipping her long hair in front of her face. She continued to walk in the direction of her second home, Gilman Street. If she had the guts, she'd show up at her old home to check on her brothers, but knowing that the whore was there kept her away. She sighed, her breath coming out in wisps of smoke from the cold. Imogene pulled her jacket tighter around her and looked down at her tarnished, pink chucks. A smile graced her lips as she read some of the writing that was scribbled over the tops of her shoes. When she bought the shoes she let Tre look them over, thus leading to him writing small phrases all over them in black sharpie. At first she was pissed at him, but now the writings were a reminder of his love to her. Over and over again on one side of her left shoe, he had written 'Tre loves you'.

Imogene looked up when she stopped at a cross walk. She looked at the small sign on the other side of the street that would signal when she could walk. As soon as the flashing red hand turned to a white stick person walking, she began to cross the street. Her feet touched the pale concrete when she remembered it was around noon.
"Damn it. Gilman isn't open this early," Imogene cursed as she stomped her foot. She turned in the direction of Billie's house and began to walk towards it. As she neared his house she smiled when she heard some one playing a guitar. That some one had to be Billie. Quickening her pace into a run she came to the driveway and ran up the front walk way. Silently, she slipped into the house and made her way up the stairs towards Billie's room. She slowly opened the door, wide enough for her to slip in. Imogene smiled when she noticed the lead guitarist's back was to her. She silently crept over to him before side tackleing him, the attack slinging Blue onto the hard floor.

"What the fuck?!" Billie choked out as he rolled over onto his side, trying to fight off who ever was on top of him. He stopped resisting when a familiar scent took over his senses. He looked up to see Imogene's smiling face hovering above him.
"Hey brother from another mother," she said as she straddled his hips.
"Hey. Why the fuck are you here?" Billie asked with a smile. He was trying his hardest to contain himself and not do anything he'd later regret. This was the first time they had ever been so close, and he couldn't resist inhaling her usual intoxicating scent of strawberry with a hint of honey, most likely her bodywash.
"That bitch, Mrs. Webber, told Mike he couldn't hang out with me. So I lost it," Imogene said trailing off. "And I dropped out."
"So you didn't leave because of the music?" Billie asked, trying his hardest to not get tongue-tied.
"Nah. I probably would've dropped out before we went on tour any way, even if I wanted to graduate," Imogene said, placing a tendril of hair behind her hair.
"So when did Tre leave?" she asked after a moment of silence. 'Him. She had to mention him' Billie thought after that sentence was spoken. He looked away, trying to keep a straight face as images of the girl he loved and his soon to be drummer kissing played through his mind. He had seen it so many times, and to tell you the truth, it broke his heart.
"Beeje? You okay?" Imogene asked as she leaned down a bit to examine the lead guitarist.
"Yeah," Billie said as he turned his head to look up at her again.

The guitarist smiled once he noticed how close their faces were. Without much needed thinking, he propped himself up on his elbows and placed his lips on hers. When their lips pulled apart, Billie's lips curled into a small smile as his emerald green eyes locked onto her grey-green ones. For so long, he wanted to kiss her and now he got what he wanted. He watched as Imogene leaned down and crashed her lips on his, pushing him back against the mattress. Billie wound his arms around her waist and slipped his tongue into her mouth, loving the contact. As things, literally, became hard for him Imogene pulled away. She sat up on his hips before climbing off of him, wiping off her mouth off.
"Billie, we can't. We just can't," she whispered as she stepped out of his room and shut the door, leaving the lead guitarist laying there. He stared at the door before closing his eyes. He slammed his head back against the mattress and sighed.
"Why can't I stop thinking about her?" he asked himself softly.
So when are all my troubles going to end?
I'm understanding now that
We are only friends
To this day I'm asking why
I still think about you
-Paper Lanterns