Blinded In Chains


My name is Chloe Brady. No, not from the Brady bunch thanks for asking. And I'm a die hard Avenged Sevenfold fan. I will go to every concert there can be known by them.

I joined many clubs online for them, and since I joined them so long ago I get rewards like backstage passes. I've met them numerous times. But I can't help but to think that they remember me. Though they do ask what my name is still.

I was adandonded as a child. I went from home to home. But I finally managed to leave from the foster life permanently when I was 15.

Meanwhile I am now living with my three best friends in the world! Dianne,Kimmie, and Ryan. And Ryan is a girl name by the way!

The only other person in the house that is as obsessed with A7x as me is Kimmie. Dianne and Ryan are more into Green Day.

But thats enough about my life and friends for now. Where am I at the moment? Oh! I'm about to see Avenged play at Madison Square Garden.

I haven't realized I was day dreaming until I herd Kimmie screaming my name. She had long blonde hair that reached her mid-back. It had large strans of pink,blue, and black in it. I always was jelous of her grey-blue eyes.

"Earth to Cloe?!" Kimmie shouted and turned her gaze from the road to my dull green-blue eyes.

"Oh uh..uhm yeah?"

"You never listen to me much. Your off in Cloe world too often." She laughed.

"Sorry about that, I was just thinking."

"Sure. Well as I was saying, we will be there in like 10 minutes."

"Oh okay sounds good." I smiled brightly to Kimmie who smirked.

"You know, I herd that they were going to make a music video for Unholy Confessions. And that they were going to choose abunch of fans to be in it!"

I nearly jumped out of the car. Unholy Confessions was one of my favorite songs by Avenged. I will deffinitly be signing up.

"Really?!" I screeched just as we pulled up to the Garden, as us New Yorkers called it.

"Don't have a stroke on me hun." Kimmie giggled as we made our way to the never ending line.

Thank God for backstage passes.

We swiftly walked ahead of the entire line and flashed our badges. I herd a few complaints behind us as we headed to the right area of where to meet Avenged Sevenfold once more.
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I know I wrote alot. But I had to give you their description and Cloe's background =]