Blinded In Chains


"I see them! There they are! Lets go! Comon Chloe!!!" Kimmie rambled. When shes excited, she wont shut up.

We quickly doged a few of the stage crew members and walked straight to a set of black leather couches.

Everyone looked up and smiled. And when I say everyone I mean; Matt, Zacky, Brian, Jimmy,and Johnny.

"Hello ladies. How are you tonight?" Brian smiled brightly and shook our hands. Now I wasn't as nervous as Kimmie since I've met them like a million times more than her.

"Hey Synyster, I'm doing good thanks." I returned his smile.

Kimmie studdered but was able to manage a greeting to everyone.

"So are you guys excited for the show?" Johnny asked while motioning us to sit down.

"Of coarse I am!! You guys are so awesome." Kimmie almost shouted. I smiled and nodded.

~~~Jimmy's POV~~~

I could have sworn I saw that girl before. Actually I'm about 100% sure I've seen her at alot of our shows. Even in Seattle, I know I met her backstage. Thats alot of traveling to do just to see our show. True dedication. I like that.

"Hey wait." I inturupted Johnny and the one fan.

She looked over to me and smiled. "Yes?" Whoa! She has really white teeth. They make her eyes shine brighter. Crap!

Snap out of it Sullivan! Shes waiting for an answer you dipshit.

"Uh uh uh. Oh yeah! Uhm. Have I met you before? I'm pretty certain I have.Wait! Is your name Chloe!?" I kept talking really fast but I think she understood since her smile widened.

"Haha. Yes that is my name. And yes you have because I go to almost all your shows and I've met you all backstage plenty of times."

Then after a few minutes of silence, it was like light bulbs went off in all of the guys' heads.

"Oh yeah!!" Johnny and Brian said in unison.

"I remember you!" Matt added.

"Yeah! I can't believe I didn't notice it before!" Zacky said finnaly.

Cloe grinned as her friend whispered something in her ear and walked away.

"So your a pretty big fan eh?" Matt asked after awhile.

"Yeah I can officialy say I am a huge fan." I don't know how much I can handel with all of her smiling. I'm getting blinded of how pretty it makes her look. But she is already.


Everyone's attention snapped to me. Cloe's smiled turned into eyebrows raised and a surprised look.

"Whats wrong man?" Brian asked with a simialr look. They all had it really.

"D-did I just say that out loud?" I said feeling my cheeks burn.

"Uhm shout crap?...Then yeah you did bro." Johnny said.

"Oh..." My eyes were wide and I also knew I was blushing. There was along silence. But someone burst out laughing. I didn't reconize it until I saw Chloe holding onto her stomach.

I smiled as everyone laughed too. I then couldn't help it. I snorted and laughed too. Making her laugh harder. Her laugh is contaigous!