Virginia Tech

Home Sweet Home

I drummed my fingers rythmically on the desk, college had been getting to me and for the most part, I was annoyed. Two more weeks and I'd be going home, graduating college with my Degree. My mom and dad are so happy for me, I can see their faces now, looking at me with those smiles. They'll be proud, I've worked so hard just for them.

My boy friend promised me that he would come to my graduation aswell, I get to see him. He's in the army and is about to be deploid back in one of the troops heading to Iraq. I'm scared for him but he knows that I love him to death. He'll be fine.

My pen tapped the wood repeatedly, I was waiting for my study partner to come and help me with a Final I was making up. I needed it for my last credit and I'd be out of this school.

Virginia Tech brought fine memories, I would miss the clean and beautiful building that brought me peace and prosperity in the hectic times of school. It truly was a beautiful place, I'll probably never look at it the same way again.

I took a glance at a picture frame on my desk, it was Matty. He's my angel. When I was fourteen, I made some huge mistakes and ended up pregnant. People hated me at school and I kept it from my mom until she finally realised that it wasn't all the food that I ate that made me fat. It was Mathew Ryan. My angel.

I gave birth to him two weeks early, it was a C section but he ended up being healthy in my eyes, 5 pounds and 1 ounce bundle of joy laying in my arms. He was so beautiful with those huge blue eyes and small tufts of blonde hair. I promised my mother that I would take care of him, attend a University and majoring in Business and make enough money to support him and myself. VT was it for me, the perfect University and the perfect neighborhood, I lived only minutes away from my mom's home.

My thoughts were soon crushed, though, when I heard scream outside in the hallway. Then, two gunshots, right by my dorm. I froze, I needed to get out there. Throwing back my chair, I rushed out of the room and down the corridor, turning the corner only to crash into one of the guys from the Men Dormatories down the hall.

He looked pale, glasses bent at the nose, beads of sweat running down his face.

"Did you hear-" I was cut off, a gun pushed infront of my chest as he shook with fear, tears running down his face. I stood there, eyes wide, looking down at the gun.

"Please don't!" I whimpered, starting to walk backwards in the narrow hallway. That's when it happened. He screwed his eyes shut and two bullets sounded.

I went limp, hitting the ground.

I'm sorry Matty, mommy and your baby sister won't be coming home this summer.