I'll take your love.


I had been in America for a total of two days now. I was so excited. The fans here were amazing, not that we had a lot of them yet. I pulled on my white t-shirt and searched for some jeans. The band had another day on Steven's untitled rock show and I was nervous. I was glad we didn't get this show over in England. Bailey would be so pissed at me if she hear what I said. Matt walked in with a mouth full of dough nuts. He was really enjoying the free breakfast.

"Ready?" He asked some food falling out of his mouth.

"Yeah." I laughed.

The only thing I really know: I can't sleep at night.

"Alright." Steven said turning to us. I couldn't believe so many people were responding to us on the show. "We have a question from a young Bailey Carter." My heart fell to the floor. I had heard him wrong, I knew it. Bailey knew nothing of this show. " It's for Oli. Are you ready?"

"Yeah Yeah." I nodded.

"Question is, Why have you been lying?"

"About what?" I asked nervously and I could see Nicholls holding back a laugh. Why the hell was he laughing?

"It says you would ask that. Strange." Steven laughed. "Second part of the question is, Why are you lying about your son Julian?" He looked up at me. "You have a son?"

"No." I lied. "I've never had a steady relationship to have a son. You know, a few dates here and there. I'm a free man."

"Well then." Steven turned back to the camera and continued the show.

I hurried off the set and to the door. I needed air and a phone. I couldn't believe this was Bailey. It was some stupid joke people were playing on me, probably Nicholls. He was still on stage answering questions. I breathed in the air and leaned against the wall. I pulled my cell out to discover I couldn't get service. People around me were talking and having a good time. All I could think about was Julian. I felt horrible for denying my son on Television. I loved him. I just needed everyone to think I was free, so we could get more fan girls. Who wants a taken father?

"Man." Matt said joining me. "You are screwed."

"What?" I looked at him "You mean you didn't do that?"

"No. Why would I? I mean I wouldn't humiliate you like that. I want our band to make it."

"So she knows." I sighed. "I have got to talk to her. I mean I love them both. I just did what was needed."

Matt nodded and left me alone. I joined them a little while later to go back to the hotel. I should call Bailey but I didn't know what I would say. Should I tell her I was lying to save them from all the publicity? Or should I tell the truth and tell her I wanted people to think I was single so I can actually get somewhere in life? The last one was harsh, so I automatically marked that one off my list. I picked the phone up nervously and dialed the numbers. I was still clueless on what to say.

"Hello? She answered right away.

"Hey baby?" I asked.

"Well if it isn't the liar." She laughed. "I can't believe you had the nerve to actually call me."

"I want to talk to you. To work this out. I mean come on Bailey, you know I love our son. I just want to protect you two."

"From what?" She yelled. "From you?"

"No." I yelled back at her. "From all the drama famous people go through. I don't want people chasing you and Julian down just to get to me. I mean do you realize you would hardly even be able to leave the house if people knew the truth?"

"Save your breath Oli." She calmed down a bit, but she still hadn't forgave me. "You can't convince me anymore. I'm leaving you. The house is all yours and you don't have to worry about us again."

"But my son."

She hung the phone up before I could say anymore. I couldn't believe how small minded she was being. I had ever right to know where they were and I would find out. I would call everyone who knew her until I found Julian. Then I would worry about talking Bailey into trusting me again.