I'll take your love.


"Thanks for watching Julian." I as I walked out of the Sykes household.

I walked quickly down the long sidewalk, trying my best not to trip. It was so dark out tonight that you could barely see your hand in front of your face. Julian was crying because he wasn't ready to leave. I had promised that Julian could stay the night, but now that Oliver was back I just couldn't risk it. He choose his fans over us awhile ago, and I had made a promise that he wouldn't see Julian again until he could prove himself worthy. I was putting Julian into his car seat when the car pulled behind us in the driveway. I knew it was Oliver. I not only could I see his face when the light came on, but I also knew his car.

"What are you doing here?" He spat and the skank he had been with earlier stepped out of the car.

"I'm picking up my son." I said closing the door before he could get a look. "His grandparent's wanted to see him, and I have no problem with that, Oliver."

"I deserve to see him." Oli yelled causing his slut to jump. "He's my fucking son to. I just want him to know that I love him. And it's Oli, you know that."

"You have a son?" She finally spoke.

Oli looked at her, eyes wide. I could tell he didn't mean to say all that in front of her, and I felt as I had won. I wanted to hear him stumble over his words. Trying to make up an excuse about how he "accidently" called him his son, but he really wasn't. I wanted to hear him deny both of us in person. I knew it wouldn't make me feel good, but at least I would know I was doing the right thing.

"Well not technically." Oli shrugged. "She was pregnant when we got together, and she didn't know who it was by, so I claimed him."

The blond giggled and ah-ed because Oliver had claimed a kid that wasn't his. I let out a loud laugh and got into my vehicle. Sam was in the car listening closely. She had sobered up some since we left the concert. Now I could see she wasn't happy. I locked all the car doors. Oliver actually tried to open the back door where Julian was. I shot his a glare as I started the car. If he didn't move his car, I would hit it. I couldn't take another moment looking at his face.

"Oi. Roll down the window." He said knocking on the window.

I cracked the window enough to feel the cool breeze coming into the car. I could barely make the features of Oli's gorgeous face out. Though I could tell he was mad. His mouth was pressed into a straight line and he looked very serious. I took a deep breath knowing this wouldn't be pretty.

"What Oliver? Since this really isn't you're son you have no right to see him? Because honestly I'd rather him have no father than you."

Oli opened his mouth to say something back but closed it. "Move the car." He nodded to his slut. She gave a little pout and got into the drivers seat. I saw the pain on Oli's face when I pulled out of the driveway, but I kept telling myself this was the right thing to do. He needed to straighten up before he ever got to see Julian again. And I defiantly didn't want my son around whatever type of girls he was bringing home.

"That was rough." Sam slurred. "He looked pretty pissed."

"Yeah." I nodded. "I'm just doing what I feel is right, and if Oli can't change to see his son, then I guess he just doesn't want to see him."

She looked at me the rest of the ride home. I knew she wanted to tell me about how Oliver looked when we left his house, but I already knew. This wasn't exactly easy on me either. I still cared for him, but he obviously wanted sluts, and I wasn't going to stand in his way. He made up his mind when he said he didn't know about us.