Daughters of Vengeance

Telling the boys

The rest of the day I was floating in a cloud of happiness. My previous pain meant nothing. I was happy now, as we walked out of the school. Heidi and Kevin were waiting when we came out.
“Woah! Will you two give us a chance to get the memo before you go and do stuff like this?!” Heidi teased. I playfully slapped her arm, then gave her a hug. I turned to Kevin and hugged him too (after all, I met Michael through him) He was stiff at first, but then he warmed up. Finally I turned to Michael, hugged him and kissed him lightly.
“Wow. Speaking and kissing terms. What happened today?”
“She wrote a letter in science class. Unfortunately, it got intercepted, and the teacher read it to the whole class”
“Shit! Detention!” I gave Michael another quick kiss, waved goodbye, and ran off. I could only hope I wouldn’t be late.

~Heidi’s POV~
I walked home with Kevin, who lived only a block away. I lifted my face to the sun, felt Kevin’s hand slip into mine. It felt so normal, routine, but it still sent my heart pumping. I was sure he was my perfect match. Of course, we were still young, but....
When we got to the house, my mother was panicking.
“Heidi, where’s Brooke?!”
“At detention. Why?” Mom was so worried she didn’t even stop to ask why Brooke was in detention. How weird.
“Our flight got bumped up. It’s tomorrow!”
“Flight?” asked Kevin.
“Oh. I’m going to see my dad for two weeks! We were supposed to leave on Friday so we wouldn’t miss school, but...”
“It won’t hurt you to miss the last two days” said Mom. “Now go finish packing”
“Okay” I grabbed Kevin’s hand and pulled him along to my bedroom.
“Help me pack” I directed him. “We’re going for two weeks, so we’re gonna need a lot of stuff”
“Just asking, who is your dad?”
I froze. I grabbed his arm. He turned and looked at me, puzzled. He tried to go back to packing, but I wouldn’t let him.
“Kevin, look at me. Your not going to believe this, but you deserve to know the truth. I’m a daughter of Vengeance.”
“A daughter of Vengeance?”
“You’ve heard of them. The two daughters of Vengeance who went missing when they were two years old? It’s me and Brooke”
“Your dad is Zacky Vengeance?”
“Yes” Suddenly he was grinning from ear to ear.
“That is so AWESOME!”
“Shhhh.....Nobody else can know. Although I expect Brooke will tell Michael”
“I will never forget standing there watching them make out. And he wasn’t even wearing a shirt!”
“Nope. And he tried to get under her shirt, too”
“Speaking of which...” He smiled at me and wrapped his arms around my waist. His kiss sent chills up my spine, and then I felt his hands slipping under my shirt. He unhooked my bra, still kissing me. His hands slipped up to the front, and I let him feel me up. Eventually, I broke away.
“We’re not getting much packing done” I said into his ear.
“Who cares?” he whispered back, his voice coarse.
“My mother” At the mention of her, his hands came out from under my shirt, as though by speaking about her, it would be her boobs he was touching. The mental image filled my head, and I shuddered. Shaking it off, I finished packing and heard the front door open. I glanced at the clock, and quickly reached back to re-clasp my bra. Detention was out, but how could Brooke have gotten home that fast?
The answer appeared as Brooke came into view....holding hands with Michael.
“Well, things have progressed fast between you two,” Kevin remarked. Brooke flushed deep red.
“Shut up, Kevin!”
“I just love seeing you blush,” he murmured and brushed her cheek with his fingertips. I felt a tint of envy and anger, and had to brush it off. Kevin was with me, and he knew Brooke had Michael. He had helped set them up. There was nothing between them. Still, I couldn’t help but notice that Brooke’s cheeks flushed a bit darker.
“Ow!” Brooke cried out. Michael had been squeezing her hand so hard her knuckles turned white, and I knew he had noticed the moment between Kevin and Brooke as well.
“Sorry” he murmured. He maneuvered his body to block away Kevin, and kissed her hand. Her flush, just gone away, crept across her cheeks again.
“It’s okay.” She drew his face up to hers and kissed him lightly. Most couples don’t kiss this much when they first get together, but then again, most couples didn’t have the violent first night that Brooke and Michael had. After all the kissing that they had done that night...Well, they had good enough reason to be kissing a lot. I knew that me and Kevin had been a lot more cautious, not kissing this much until we had been together for a few months. But, again, our first kiss had been nothing like theirs.
“Brooke, I just told Kevin...about us. I am assuming you plan to tell Michael.” I said it as a statement, not a question.
She grew pale, but nodded determinately.
“Michael, we’re going on vacation.” He nodded, motioning for her to continue.
“I wasn’t really planning on telling you this, but now that we’re together...You deserve to know” Hmm, those words sounded familiar!
“I’m a daughter of Vengeance” Somehow, that sounded familiar too! I looked at Michael. He wasn’t having a moment of slowness like Kevin had. He gasped what we were talking about immediately. His eyes flashed to Kevin’s face, and I saw Kevin shake his head. I wondered for a moment what this meant, but then returned to the conversation at present.
“Me and Heidi. We are the daughters that went missing when they were two”
“But your 17"
“And the daughters have been gone for 15 years”
Finally he seemed to get the concept. He picked Brooke up bridal style, spun her around. I watched with a sick sense of envy. Kevin had never picked me up! I stopped that thought in its tracks. Why was I doing this? I was interested in Kevin, not Michael! Michael kissed Brooke (again!) And set her down.
“That’s great!” He shot another knowing glance at Kevin, who frowned. Then, seeing me looking, he grinned again. Now this was starting to piss me off. What was going on??!!!
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, guys. This chapter is longer than normal- which probably isn't deserved. I must say- my fans aren't very loyal. I know I'm no Stephenie Meyer, but comeon!!!!
PLEASE leave a comment!!! I'm trying to write more, but its proving to be very hard. So if I don't get incouragement....I might only have one more chapter left to post instead of five to finish the story.

So comment!