Daughters of Vengeance


~After school the next day~

“How did it go with Kevin?” Brooke asked.
“Great,” I laughed. “He looked so sorry about it”
“What do you think is gonna happen?”
“Who knows?” I laughed easily. Brooke laughed with me then went upstairs to do our homework. We had all the same classes, except she had art and I had tech. We had an agreement- she would do my homework for 20 bucks a month. I went to the kitchen, grabbing a smore’s pop-tart from the pantry. I popped it into the microwave (ever tasted a microwave poptart? Their amazing!) And got myself a glass of milk. Brooke appeared and I offered her one as well. I got her a glass, poured her some milk, and went to go watch tv. We were watching my fav. show, Scrubs, when there was a thump from behind us. Someone had climbed in through the open window. It was Kevin. His friends climbed through the window behind him. He scrambled to his feet, then held up a gun pointed at my head. I looked back at the tv.
“Dumping me was hazardous to your health, my dear Heidi.”
I kept watching the tv show.
“Could you please move, because your blocking my way, and this is my favorite episode”
He held the gun steadily to my head.
“Don’t make me call the cops” He wavered a bit, but didn’t move. I got up and got the phone. I pretended to dial and held the phone up to my ear.
“Yes, I’d like to report a break in. Yes, the address is 94721 Bradford Lane. Thank you”
I put the phone back in the cradle.
“You better get moving. The fuzz will be here in a few minutes”
Kevin lowered the gun, heading for the window.
“The doors that way,” I said, pointing. He climbed out the window anyway. All his friends followed suit, except a tall black haired boy named Michael. His green eyes locked with Brooke’s for a moment and he blushed. Then he ran for the door.
“Looks like someone’s got the hots for you” I teased.
“He does not!” she protested. “Did you really call the police?”
I grinned to myself at her change of subject.
“No, of course not. I don’t want to get them arrested, I just want to teach him a lesson”
She smiled.
“So when are you planning on making up with him?”

~ Lunch time~
I went to go sit by Kevin at the lunch tables. He looked up at me with surprise.
“I didn’t really call the cops” He looked puzzled.
“I saw you call”
“I was faking it. Duh. Oldest trick in the book”
He grinned. “You mean it? None of this was real?”
“Well then,” he grinned, and pulled me into his lap.
“Hey!” I protested.
“Don’t struggle. It’s no use,” he said. I smiled, and relaxed. I knew it was no use arguing with Kevin. Then I launched a surprise attack and pulled him into My lap instead.
“UGH” came a snide voice. I looked up to see the quarterback, Derek.
“I always wondered which was the boy and which was the girl” Derek said.
“What do you want?” Kevin asked from his position on my lap.
“Oh, nothing...Just to say that your friend Brooke over here is a real slut. She slept with me last night at my party.”
“That’s a lie!” I screamed, throwing Kevin off my lap and throwing myself at him. I stood there snarling at Derek, feeling dwarfed but not at a disadvantage.
“Oh really?” He said, sneering at me.
“Yeah! Brooke would never do that!”
“Actually, I did,” Brooke said, getting up and going to stand by Derek’s side. Derek looked surprised at first, but then nodded.
“Told you” he said. He held Brooke close to him. She snuggled up against his chest and then....
♠ ♠ ♠
Thank you all for reading.
Special thanks to luvA7X, who commented and is currently speaking to me. She is the reason I even updated past the first chapter.

Your loving writer,