Daughters of Vengeance


~20 minutes later~

The boys didn’t have pajamas. Clothes, but no pajamas. So, they got to borrow ours. I had just sent Michael to the bathroom with a change of clothes, and Kevin was already done. He was wearing Elmo pj bottoms, and a pink shirt (I was sure he only kept that on for our mothers sake) Him and Heidi were holding hands walking towards out bedroom. Her black hair was up in pigtails. Cute. I was waiting for my turn in my mothers bathroom. She came out, dressed in white polka dot pjs. I went in. I was quickly dressed in a large white element t-shirt (it belonged to Kevin) and black and red bottoms. I brushed my teeth and hair, and walked out. On the way back, I encountered Michael, just coming out of the bathroom. He was really adorable, dressed in pink and green frog pants, and a black tank. The shirt was tight on him, and I could see that he was much more muscular than I had originally thought. He looked strong enough to carry me, and he also looked embarrassed about it.
“Um, can I have a different shirt? This ones a little...tight”
“But I like it on you,” I teased. His cheeks grew pink, but he still looked uncomfortable.
“Follow me” I said, laughing. He breathed a sigh of relief, and followed me to the bedroom. I gave him a larger shirt, and he grinned at the element shirt I was wearing.
“Heidi, lets go make ice cream!” I shouted.
“Yeah! Cherries and chocolate! You boys like mint chip?” They both nodded, and we went to go make the desert. Behind us, I heard Kevin excitedly start to talk.
“Dude, I dare you to!” their voices faded behind me, and I really hoped their conversation had nothing to do with the fact that I was allowing Michael to sleep with me tonight. We checked with mom (she was looking cozy with John) and she said it was okay, and they didn’t want any. So we went into the kitchen and scooped out large servings. Chocolate drizzled down the side in miniature rivers, and a majestic cherry sat on top. Beautiful.
“Boys! Ice Cream!” They came scurrying down the hall, and we sat down. We ate in silence, enjoying the flavors. Kevin kept glancing meaningfully over at Michael.
“Brooke, may I have your cherry?” His voice was bursting with the need to laugh, his face was red, and I knew he was not talking about the cherry on my ice cream. Sweet, shy Michael could not have come up with that on his own. This must have been what Kevin was telling him as we left the room earlier.
“No” I said, my voice hard. It took all my strength to keep my expression angry, when I wanted to laugh so badly. He looked bewildered, and I had to laugh . Within moments, we were all roaring with laughter. Speechless, my face red, I handed my cherry to Michael. He grinned and popped it into his mouth. I smiled at him.
“Thank you” He said, sounding very sincere. Somehow I knew that thank you was not just for the cherry; it was for my final acceptance of him. I nodded, got up, and began to do dishes.

~Five minutes later~

I was starting to hyperventilate. Heidi and Kevin said goodnight and went behind the screen that separated my half of the big room from hers. We could still hear them whispering, but could not hear the words. I went to the edge of the bed and sat down. I turned on my alarm, plugged in my ipod. The first song was Seize The Day, by Avenged Sevenfold.
My dad...He played this...I thought. Michael sat down on the other side of the queen sized bed. This was bound to be quite awkward. I sighed and climbed under the covers, feeling Michael follow my example. I lay there, listening to his shallow breathing and Kevin and Heidi talking. The moonlight poured in the window, and he was only a silhouette by my side. Now the song changed to Kiss Me, by Yellowcard(it was a re-mix)
“Kiss me, beneath the milky twilight” I sang softly. I heard Michael draw in a breath, and then....he kissed me.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yeah, they kissed!

hehe. PLEASE comment. I have twenty readers on the last update, and only three people have ever commented!!!

More comments= happy writer. Happy writer= faster updates!!
