Status: -dead; hiatus-

The Devil's Guardian


I licked my lips, waiting patiently, my eyes unblinking, unmoving.

I had been staring at the same spot for hours.

Waiting for the exact moment.

I was exhausted, and already badly wounded from taking out the demon earlier.

Now i was just waiting.

Waiting for the final of the 5 who had been taking on my identity.

The final of the 5 who had been sent by him.

The ground rippled and coagulated.

The first appearance of the fire demon.

I stared the ground down, as it slowly formed the shadowy figure of the fire demon, its amber eyes burning into mine.

It was as though I was staring at my reflection in a mirror, though its eyes gave it away.

There was a slight pause, as its eyes narrowed, and it slid back into its original form, its skin crackling and becoming scaly once more.

"My Lord."

It sank into a respectful bow, but its tone betrayed its actions.

"Do not mock me." I hissed, spinning the double-edged sword in my hands and swinging it at its direction. "Or it shall be the last thing that you will do!"

The demon disappeared, flickering away quickly, and appearing a few feet away from me.

I cursed myself mentally, my speed greatly cut down by my tiredness.

The demon smirked at me, as though it knew I was exhausted.

"Do not force me to attack, Guardian. I owe my existence to you, and I am truly grateful." His amber eyes glowed red, his tone conniving.

"Cut the false civilities." I snapped, thrusting my sword in its direction again and it vanished again. I felt a blow from the back as I was swung violently against the wall. I howled in anger as it threw a fire bolt at me, my skin burning. I ducked as it aimed another fire bolt at me.

It was too quick, beating me down already. I was tiring, and each blow it executed was wearing me down. Every move I made came with much effort, and it avoided me with much ease.

I collasped as it kicked out smoothly at the side of my cheek, pressing me down to the floor. Snarling, I lashed out at it with my sword, and it avoided the blow easily. It backed off, its eyes glinting with humour, as though amused with the game of cat-and-mouse.

I was the mouse.

I started to spin the sword in my right hand as I stood up, staring the demon down. I pressed my left hand against my head, only to find it dripping with blood. The demon was smiling at me sinisterly, the edges of its lips curled into a mocking smile.

"My Lord, you have lost your touch. Have you lost your powers, or has your age betrayed you?"

I felt myself burn with rage as I continued to spin the sword, pursing my lips together.

No, not now.
"I've killed your comrades. You're the only one left now... " I said slowly, menacingly.

Its eyes widened with fright as it hissed in response at my words, words in the old language rolling off its tongue as it cursed me.

It pounced on me, smashing me to the ground. I fell to the floor, the breath knocked out of me.

I closed my eyes and waited for the final blow.

But it didn't come.

I opened my eyes, as the demon got slowly off me, its eyes measuring.

"It wouldn't be worth it if I killed you so easily... I will have my revenge on you on behalf of my fallen brothers... Vengence is sweet."

The fire demon licked its lips, its eyes growing hateful as it circled me like a predator.

"Kill me. " I hissed, swaying on the spot as I got up to my feet slowly, feeling my vision bluring. I was losing too much blood. I clenched my fist tightly, building up the last of my strength into my final shot.

The fire demon smirked.

It knew.
"My Lord, give me your best shot. Fight back."

It held out both of its hands, condescendingly. It was unwittingly making itself completely vulnerable.


I smirked, tossing an energy bolt at it, giving it all my strength. I watched its amber eyes widen in fear as it screeched, writhing as its body disintegrated into dust

And I fell unconscious, satisfied that I had destroyed all 5 demons.

The last thing I saw...

Was a pair of brown eyes staring worriedly into mine.