Friends in Not So Holy Spaces

Near death


My mouth was a hairs breadth away from his throat when I felt a small tugging on my back. This pissed me off. I shrugged the annoying piece of shit away from me.

“no…Cat please don’t!” This whispered plea woke me from the thirst. It’s the same as the plea mom had voiced right before I slashed her open. I turned eyes red and throat still burning. Bella’s hand was outstretched to me, and she was trembling, probably from both fear and anxiety.

Without taking my eyes off of Bella, I tightened my grip on Edward’s throat and dragged him over to his beloved. She began to back away, until she stumbled to the ground. I continued to walk towards Bella until I was right on top of her.

“Why?” she looked pleadingly up at me, “Why shouldn’t I kill him, and make you watch?” I looked down at Edward who was trying to wrench my hand from his neck so he could be next to Bella “Why shouldn’t I?”

Edward’s hands stopped, and he looked up at me, I brought him up closer to me. The others had finally arrived.

“Cat! What are you do-?”

“Emmet don’t. Just wait.” Stupid Carlisle, he thinks I am going to change my mind, what an idiot. I place my right hand at the back of Edward’s head and grabbed a fist full of his hair, and with my left I grabbed his arm.

My mouth moved back down to his sweet, intoxicating throat. But I wavered, I didn’t strike and bleed him open. “I want to…I want his blood, I need it.” I lowered a bit more, to where my mouth was only a hairs breadth away.

“Cat, stop it.” That voice. I whirled around and saw Julia calmly walking towards me, white wings resting on her back.


“Let him go Cat, we both know how you would be after you had drained him.” She walked the last five steps until we where face to face.

Tears were welling in my eyes. I dropped Edward and covered my face with my hands.

“Oh my God, Julia, I-I almost killed another family! Ju-julia, I-” She wrapped her arms around me and drew me into a hug. “Sh,sh calm down Cat. It was a long time ago, we both know it will never happen again, right? Sh,sh.” We stood there my body racking with sobs and trying to put my pieces back together.

I heard footsteps coming towards us. “What happened along time ago?” It was Emmet
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yay! up-date! hope ya'll enjoyed!

can you geuss who the love intrest is? If you can send me a banner!

thnxs a ton! Alice
