Friends in Not So Holy Spaces


Cat’s pov

The Cullen’s, and Bella, were gazing upon me with pitiful and sympathetic looks. The strong face I had put on for the last couple of minutes was beginning to crumble. Pushed them back as hard as I could, but memories are a powerful thing.

I felt a tear blaze a trail down my face, then another, and another. A stream of salty water came from me eyes and stained my cheeks. I turned away to quickly wipe the tears, not wanting to show how weak I was, but someone grabbed my hand as it reached the first drop.

I looked up to see Emmett, his face filled with hurt, and sorrow. With the hand that held mine he pulled me toward him, the other snaked around my back and pulled me in even closer. My stomach flipped, my heart fluttered and my cheeks burned hot His smell and the feel of the blood under his skin was too much for me; I placed me free hand against his chest impeding us from getting any closer.

“Emmett… don’t. I can’t handle this.” My throat was burning from thirst and him being so near was not helping one bit. I pulled my captured hand from his grasp and set it as an iron clasp upon my mouth. “Please…” Emmett’s hold on me loosened and I quickly stepped 3 yards away from him. But before I knew it he was right there beside me.

“Are you really that thirsty, Cat?”

I looked at him and couldn’t help but smile under my hand. “yea, Emmett, I am.” And I took another step back. Emmett looked thoughtful, but then a flash of fear spread across his jovial features, and finally steadfast resolution settled.

“You’re really hungry? Like you haven’t had blood in a long time, right?”

I nodded slowly, not exactly knowing what he was getting at. We starred at each other for what seemed like eternity. Me with a stupid look of confusion, him with a look of resolution. Emmett walked up to me and un-buttoned the top half of his shirt, so that his throat and chest was exposed. Then he grabbed me by the arms and held my face to his neck. “Drink.”

I was frozen. Half of me wanted to rip into him and drink , but the other half that was still human screamed for me to pull away, to resist in hurting Emmett in anyway! No matter how voluntary he was!

At last I found my voice. “Emmett…I can’t please…don’t make me.”

With his head still back Emmett replied, “Cat, you’re hurting; both physically and emotionally. I can’t stand to see you hurt any longer and…” He stopped as if reconsidering his rash decision, “and if by doing this I lessen the pain in someway, so be it.”

I couldn’t speak. I stunned into a shock silence, as was everyone around us. I couldn’t help but think about Rosalie, and wonder what she must be thinking, what everyone must be thinking.

I attempted to pull away again, but Emmett just pushed my head closer. “Cat, Drink.”

Finally, with eyes streaming, I pulled away my hand, opened my mouth and bit.
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srry it's been a while everyone!
hope this sedates your HUNGER!
get it? i'm a comedic geinus!

comments please
