Friends in Not So Holy Spaces

Deadly Pleasure


Emmett’s pov
She sank her teeth into me, and I waited for the pain to hit me, as it did when I was turned. But what I prepared for never came. Instead of my veins feeling like liquid fire, it felt like a pulse of electricity running from the crown of my head down to the tips of my toes.

I knew that Cat’s fangs were inside my flesh, but all I could feel were her smooth, warm lips on the hollow of my neck. I moaned from the pleasure of it.

Cat’s pov
Emmett’s blood was cool and sweet as it flowed through my body. After a few minutes my vicious thirst subsided, but he was…too good!

I never want to let go of him I closed my eyes, tightened my grip on his head and bite deeper into to his cold, hard flesh. I heard Emmett moan as I did so.

“Enough! Stop it! Is no one going to pull her off?!” I hear Rosalie scream at the others.

“She’s going to kill him! You! Julia, pull the monster off of him!” Rosalie’s frantic cries fell on deaf ears; Julia takes orders from no one. I smirked as I kept drinking; Emmett’s life blood was not far off.

“Well? Do something you bitch!” I hear Rosalie take a step, another, and another. I felt a pair of cold, strong hands grip my shoulders and rip me from the throat of my willing prey.

A growl escapes my lips and I whip around to face my enemy, but when I do all I see are the scared faces of the people who helped me. And then I saw the limp form of Emmett cradled in Rosalie’s arms. From him my eyes moved to Esme and Carlisle doubt, fear and distrust were openly displayed on their features.

“Come on Cat, let’s get out of here.” Julia gently tugged on my arm and we stepped away from the vampires. I hang my head in disgrace, knowing that this scenario will not be forgiven, and turn to walk with Julia.

“Wait.” A pair of cold, gently hands, took hold of my arm pulling me around. I come face to face with Alice.

“Cat, listen to me. Go to the mountains and find any large animal you can.” I stared at her dumbly. “Do you hear me Cat? If you don’t do this Emmett will die, and Rosalie will kill you.” Her cool amber eyes pouring into my, now, steal grey.

“Yes, I understand Alice.” I responded waking from a daze. Alice squeezes my arms one time and steps away. “Ok then, hurry up!”

“Right.” I look back at Julia who nods in agreement, and then to the vampires whose hospitality I had betrayed. “I will make things right.” I turned back to Julia; we both faced the empty field ran a few strides and shot ourselves up into the on coming night towards the mountains.

But, right before we took of I heard someone faintly whisper my name, “c-cat.”

Please Emmett, hang on.
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Sorry it's been so long, and sorry that it's short!
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