Friends in Not So Holy Spaces

sweet dreams


Carlisle set to work on my limbs, moving them every which way.

I felt the pain, I heard the grating and popping noise every time a limb was moved or a bone was forced back into alignment. I screamed bloody murder the whole way through, though no one could hear, but finally passed out from it.


Everything was burning. Fire was crawling quickly around the house, eating, devouring, killing.

The smoke rose stinging my eyes and choking my lungs.

‘Mom! Dad!’ no answers. Where is brother? Why hadn’t he stopped me? He told me it was okay to get mad at mom and dad. He promised nothing would happen!

Among the burning I wept.

‘Well, well, well, sis I didn’t know you had it in you.’

“NO!” I bolted up in bed; head pounding and heart racing, the smell of smoke still coated my lungs.

The memory was so vivid, so tangible.

I attempted to raise my right arm to grab my head, but found it wouldn’t move. I looked down, my eyes rested on a cast that had been laid in a sling; wonderful. I looked down at my other arm. It was bandaged as well, but thankfully, not in a sling. I can deal with one broken arm, but two is just ridiculous.

After the throbbing subsided I inspected my surroundings. I was in a painted yellow room with dark wood furnishings. The bed I laid in was dark red, and had satin sheets of gold.

Whoever brought me here had also cleaned me up and put me in a long, white, cotton, night gown.

I really hope it was a girl who had done the clean-up and not a dude. That would’ve been awkward.

I gently swung my bruised and bandaged legs over the side of the bed, and on to the wooden floors then proceeded to silently creepy from the room down the gray hallways and pictures.

But I guess that’s kind of stupid, trying to be sneaky in a house of vampires.

“GOOD MORNING!” I stopped in my tracks and looked down the long, marble stair case.

At the bottom of the staircase was a pixie like person with short, spiky, black hair grinning up at me. In seconds the pixie was in my face.

“Hi! How are you?”

“Other than being extremely confused and wondering why my space was just invaded…I’m okay.”

“Oh! Good!” She quickly took a step back. “I’m Alice.”

I smiled at her and extended my good hand. “hi the name is Ca-“ my mind rewinded a tad ‘I’m Alice,’

“wait, you’re Alice?”

“Yup!” she extended her arm and shook my hand.

I must’ve given her a far away look ‘cause she started waving her hand in front of my face. I looked at her again and gave her the biggest hug I could. She stiffened up, but quickly relaxed.

“Sorry, but it was really great of you to stick up for me last night.”

“Oh. No problem! I actually already knew you were coming.”


“Yeah! I can see the future.”

“So that whole story about some vampires gaining super-natural ability’s is true. huh.”

She just nodded her head. “Come on you must be starving.” And as if on command…my stomach growled with hunger, and my throat burned with thirst. I sniffed the air, “You do smell good.”

She gave a crystal bell laugh. “Ha! I have heard that before! Yet the other way around.” She then had a contemplative, far away look, but then quickly shook it off.

“Shall we get you something to eat?”

“Oh man yes!” I practically drooled on the floor while she led the way.
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alright guys seriously? wtf. I have 12 subscribers yet only...ONLY three people can comment? come on what the hell. anyway...i dedicate this chapter to the THREE people who take 5 seconds out of their busy schedule to comment:


Thanks you guys! your awesome and i hope this chapter was worthy of you!!
luvs Alice
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