Friends in Not So Holy Spaces



I followed Alice down the stairs and through what I guessed to be the music room, for there was a beautiful black grand piano in the middle. As we walked past I stroked the keys with my good hand.

The sweet tones of the grand filled the room.

“Do you play?”

I turned to see a man, with golden hair standing behind Alice, both of them seeming to be around the ages of 17 and 18. He smiles at me. I smile back.

“I used to, never was very good at it.” I turn back to the keys and caress them as if they were the softest of silks. “It is still the most beautiful thing I have ever heard.”

I continued to stroke the keys in affection, feeling every smooth grain of wood.

“Would you like to eat? Or do you want me to leave you and the piano alone?”

Alice stands in the doorway, of what I guess to be the kitchen, smirking at me.

“Ha, ha, very funny.” I follow her threw the doorway and into the very modern kitchen.

The whole room is painted white, with gleaming silver appliances.

“Just take a seat at the table.”

She waves her hand toward the beautiful mahogany table in front of tall glass windows. I pulled a chair out and sat while Alice opened the sparkling refrigerator door and revealed the curious stock of food.

“I thought vampires didn’t eat human food.”

“We don’t.” Alice pulls out carton of eggs, and the Goldie locks takes down one of the silver pans from the ceiling hanger. “It’s just to keep up an image. This Jasper by the way.”

Thunder roared through the sky, and lightning cracked giving the room live shadows.

I turn around and start out into the darkness.

Without turning around I asked, “Alice what time is it?”

“I think about noon. Why?”

“It would be bright and sunny at home.” In my mind I was worried for Julia. She is such an idiot sometimes and might try and brave the storm. There were light thuds that were coming from the roof, then became increasingly loud. Marble sized balls flew, and bounced of the glass windows of the house.

Hail. I really hope she isn’t feeling exceptionally stupid today.

The smell of bacon and eggs filled the kitchen, and hunger had my mouth watering again. I swiveled around in my chair and wondered if Alice could move any slower.

“Here you go”
Right before the delicious food was about to enter my mouth; A woman bustles into the room, rich brunette hair swinging across her back

“Is she awake?”

She turns around and sees me sitting at the table.

“Oh my! How are you dear? Is everything okay, are you feeling okay? O poor thing.”

This strange lady (vampire) I don’t know is worrying over me, and stroking my hair out of my face like a worried mother.

I gave Alice and Jasper a pleading glance, but they just grinned and continue to watch

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comments please!

luvs alice