Status: Well. You know. Still active, but updates are slowish.

The Loving You Laters, if at All


I totally stole this line from Between the Lines, a song by Sara Bareilles (which I'm slightly obsessed with at the moment, in case you couldn't tell). But I was inspired from this song, and inspiration will not leave me easily. This is my story about Bailey.
  1. Occupying Your Time
    Just a beginning! Gotta have a beginning, I guess!
  2. Bailey's Hero
    Daddy comes home. And possibly saves the day?
  3. Happy Hour for Minors
    Bailey has an interesting day at school.
  4. No One Mourns the Stupid Jerkfaces
    Well, maybe Bailey shouldn't have agreed to back out with Max.
  5. Hot Then Cold
    Bailey tries to sort things out; "tries" being the key word.
  6. Too Late
    The situation between Bailey and Sam quickly becomes tense.
  7. Baby, I'm Confused
    The break-up. The final one, I mean.
  8. Mother-Daughter Bonding
    Every girl needs her mother; Bailey just didn't know her mother would understand.
  9. Irritating
    I hate short descriptions.
  10. This Means War
  11. Stay Focused
  12. TGIF
  13. Not Another Rejection