Sequel: Is It Still So Wrong?

I Love You, Is That So Wrong? Unfortunately, Yes

Danny Strikes

“… yeah I heard that…”

“Well now I’m asking, do you like her back?”

“Did Nadine ask you to do this?”

“No, I did this all on my own instinct, I might as well just be honest with you.”


“I like Nadine… in that way, not just a friend.” at this my eyes widen a bit, I always thought Bob only liked Nadine as a friend, and I thought that they’d just be friends. But I guess I was wrong.

“Okay… and now you’re asking me if I like her.”

“Well do you?”

“Actually Bob, I only like Nadine as a friend, so you could make a move on her anytime, I won’t get all jealous.”

“Yeah but Nadine likes you and only sees me as a friend…”

“Well you guys did just sort of just met, give her time to warm up to you and maybe she’ll start to like you the same way you like her.”

“What if she doesn’t?”

“She will sooner or later, you just have to be patient, we’re still going to be friends right? We’re not going to let anything get in the way of our friendship?”

“… yeah, thanks dude.”

“No problem Bob.” we finish our conversation with a secret handshake and pats on each other’s shoulders.

“Now I just have to learn to get rid of Danny.” he said in a tone of voice that was supposed to mock Danny’s British accent, I chuckle at this, it was funny.

“Booooooooooooooooooob! There you are! I was looking for you!” we heard Nadine say, as she catches us talking in the place we were in now.

“What is it Nadine?” he asks.

“Danny has green eyes!” she says excitedly, probably not noticing that I was there.

“So what if he does?” Bob said, raising an eyebrow.

“I like guys with green eyes!” she said, smiling brightly. Bob glances at me for I don’t really know what reason, but that was enough for Nadine to notice me. “Oh Mikey! I didn’t know you were standing there! I didn’t see you! Sorry…” she said.

“Nah, it’s okay, I’ll just go now.” I tell her and I leave the place so the two friends could talk, when I went down to the lobby that was where I met Danny again… with Abi?

“… I don’t believe this! You’re a dog lover too? My uncle’s more of a cat person.”

“I don’t see anything wrong with cats; I just think dogs are more dependable.”

“Dan we were just thinking the same thing… I can call you Dan right?” Abi asked, blushing.

“Dan, Danny, you can even call me dude, just call me anything that you’re comfortable with.” Danny said, flashing one of those smiles again that just seem to make all the girls blush but us guys just get plain pissed. Thinking that Bob would probably go all overprotective in finding Abi alone with a guy they just met, well, not exactly alone, there were still other people but you get what I mean. Just when I was going to call Abi, someone else did that for me.

“Abi, I was wondering if—oh wait, you’re busy.” Brendon said when I noticed him walking up to the two, only to stop in his tracks when he saw she was talking to Danny with a displeasing look on his face.

“Excuse me for a while Danny,” Abi said, she turned her gaze away from Danny and turned to Brendon. “What is it Brendon?” she asked.

“Oh, it’s nothing; I was just going to ask if—“but before Brendon was finished it seemed that Danny didn’t like to get interrupted when talking to a girl.

“So Abi, what kind of dogs do you have?” he asked flashing that seemingly-innocent smile, Abi turned to him for a moment.

“Look Danny, I’m kinda talking with Brendon, don’t worry I’ll get back to you.” she said, smiling back. She didn’t notice though that as she turned her head away from him, Brendon had shook his head and left in what I thought was probably in a disappointed way, the poor dude.

“Looks like he left already.” Danny pointed out, I bet trying not to smirk. When Abi turned her head to the spot where Brendon was standing he really wasn’t there, leaving a confused expression on her face.

“Wait here Danny, I’ll go look for him.” she said, getting up from where she was sitting.

“But—“this time she had already left before Danny could stop her. As Abi gets up and walks out of the lobby to look for the missing Brendon Danny shakes his head in defeat and exits the lobby too, I try not to snicker at the fact that he just got dumped in a way.

Gerard’s POV:

“Yaaaaaaawn… bored, bored, bored, bored, bored.” I say more to myself when I start getting tired of Frankie just rambling about random things that I wasn’t even listening to.

“Well then if you’re so bored why don’t you just go do something else?” Frankie asks me.

“Too bored.” I know, lame excuse, but then it really seemed that I was too bored to move from where we were hanging out in Frankie, Ray and Bob’s room, though Ray and Bob weren’t there at the moment.

“What do you want to do then?” he asks me again as he takes a seat on the other bed to face across me.

“I don’t know, let’s go stalk one of the girls until she notices us and scolds us about stalking.” I say randomly, Frankie raises an eyebrow at me. “Frankie, I’m bored! When I’m bored I just think of anything random and crazy!” I say, waving my arms just anywhere. Frankie sighs and then he picks up his guitar that was lying on the bed.

“I know, why don’t I play and you sing, just because you want to do nothing doesn’t mean I want to.” he says as he starts playing the chords of ‘Thank You for the Venom’. Since I was really just so damn bored I got into the song and started singing. When we just finished Bob went into the room and jumped on the bed I was sitting on since it was closest the door and puts himself in sitting position.

“You two were jamming without me? I’m hurt.” he said.

“Sorry Bob, we were just so damn bored.” I said.

“How many times do you have to repeat that word Gee?” Frankie asks.

“I have no idea.” I tell him.

“Hey guys, what do you think of me getting contacts?” Bob asks suddenly. There was a short silence in the room as we turn to Bob and give him weird looks.

“Why would you want contacts?” I ask him.

“Do you have any eye ailments that we don’t know about?” Frankie asks, Bob just shrugged. “What’s with this?” Frankie said again, imitating Bob’s shrug.

“I don’t know… I don’t have anything wrong with my eyes, I just… want to know what you guys would think if I got green contacts?” he asks again.

“Answer our question first, why do you need green contacts?” I said.

“I asked first.” Bob said.

“If you won’t answer our question then we won’t answer yours.”

“Fine, I’ll ask Ray then, he’s the one who uses those things.”

“Ask me what?” suddenly Ray comes into the room with a towel around his neck and looking all sweaty.

“Bob wants to get contacts, green colored.” Frankie said.

“Why would you want contacts?” Ray said, wiping his face with the towel.

“See Bob! Even Ray-ray wants to know.” Frankie said.

“Don’t call me Ray-ray, please, I get enough of that when I’m with Mikee, you guys don’t start this conversation without me, I’m going to freshen up a bit, can you believe this hotel has their own exercise area?” Ray said in a happy tone as he goes into the bathroom and we hear water running. When he finishes with his quick shower and looks fresher than before and in new, dry clothes he takes his seat next to Frankie on the bed.

“Okay, now back to the question, Bob, why do you want contacts?” I ask, this time emphasizing the question.

“Um… well Mikey already knows, I guess you guys should know too.” Bob said.

“Hold on, which Mikey? Frankie can I borrow that guitar?” Ray asks while Frankie hands over the guitar to him and he starts playing random guitar chords.

“Gerard’s bro, Mikey Way.” Bob said.

“Okay, so what does Mikey know already that we don’t?” Frankie asks, Bob stays silent for a while and he looks at Frankie

“Frankie, I really like your cousin.” he says straightly.

“Nadine? You like Nadine?”

“Yeah… do you have another cousin named Nadine?”

“What does you liking Nadine make you want to have green contacts?” Ray asks.

“She likes guys with green eyes…” Bob answered.

“Yeah, she’s crazy about them.” Frankie points out, we all glare at him slightly. “What?”

“You’re not making things any better for Bob.” I said.

“Sorry… personally I wouldn’t really notice if Bob would have green contacts, blue and green are almost the same.” Frankie said.

“That’s true, plus your fangirls love your blue eyes, why change your natural eye color to something so artificial?” Ray said.

“Speak for yourself Ray, you wear contacts too.” I point out.

“Shut up Gee, everyone knows that already, but it’s up to you Bob, if you want to get contacts then get contacts, it’s your money.” Ray said.

“All right, I’ll think about it then, I just don’t want to loose to a guy named Danny.” Bob said, saying Danny in a mocking way that made us snicker a bit.

“Dude, we are but thinking the same thing.” Frankie said as he and Bob hi-5ed each other.

“Why? You like one of the girls too Frankie?” I ask.

“Yeah, but I’m not going to tell who yet, it’ll be a secret until I feel like telling you guys.” he said.

“That’s unfair Frankie…” Bob said.

“My secret, my decision, telling you that it’s one of the girls is already a clue for you guys.” Frankie said.

“Frankie, don’t make us have to—“Ray was interrupted before he could finish his threat.

“I’ll just go now.” Frankie said, getting up from where he was sitting, ignoring Ray as he made his way to the door.

“Frankie! Hey listen to me dude!” Ray said, also getting up from where he was sitting after setting the guitar aside and following Frankie to finish his threat. Bob and I soon follow, just half way through the hallway Ray and Frankie stop at their tracks, causing us to stop to and see what they were looking at.

“Bastard…” the two muttered.

“What is it you guys?” I ask as Bob and I try to get a good view.

“Wow, it’s hard to find a person your age that’s as addicted as I am, even if you are a guy!” we hear the energetic voice of Ray’s cousin.

“You know you’re very energetic, are you always like this?” Danny’s voice rang, we now know what’s wrong with Ray and Frankie, damn that guy’s just so annoying at times.

“Actually yeah, I eat too much sugar-based food; people find it annoying, especially Ray-ray.” Mikee said.

“I don’t find it annoying, actually I find energetic women very charming.” Danny said, making Mikee blush.

“Y-you do?” she said shyly.

“Why that…” Ray growled, he was just about to tackle the dude if it weren’t for Frankie and Bob to hold him back.

“Calm down Ray.” Bob said.

“That’s dude’s annoying isn’t he?” we hear someone say, we all turn to see Mikey standing there, we guessed he saw the whole situation too.

“Mikey, where were you?” I ask him.

“Somewhere, you know, a while ago he was flirting with Abi.” he stated.

“He what?!” Bob said, now feeling enraged when he heard the news. He let go of Ray and before the two angry relatives could attack him with various insults and physical stuff, it had to take three of us to pull both of them back.

“Dudes, just chill, that bastard’s a big flirt I know, but we shouldn’t get so physical over him.” I said.

“But he flirted with my niece!” Bob protested.

“And now he’s flirting with my cousin! That freak’s a cheat I tell you! A cheat!” Ray protested too.

“Look, we all know how much of a cheat he is but he’s one of England’s world renowned journalists, he could sue us and it’ll be the end of the band and the tour.” Mikey said.

“We just have to think of a way to distance him from our female relatives without the use of violence… wow I sound like a hippie.” I said.

“Ugh… I hate it when you guys do that…” Ray muttered.

“Even if I really want to just punch him so bad… I guess you two are right…” Bob said.

“We’re glad to hear that.” I said.

“Guys… where’s Frankie?” Mikey asked suddenly, we looked to the place where Frankie was standing, only to find that he wasn’t there anymore.

“Oh he’s just over there, going up to Mikee and Danny.” Ray pointed out, relieving us. But then it struck us, he’s what?!

“Frankie! Don’t resort to violence! You’re too young!!!” I said all dramatic like just for fun, just when Frankie was standing in front of them and we were about to run to him and stop him from breaking Danny’s bones we stopped.

“Sorry to interrupt you guys, but I want to ask Mikee something, do you want to get something to eat? I know a sweet shop nearby.” Frankie said with an innocent smile.

“Ooh! A sweet shop! Danny I’ll just go with Frankie, do you want to come?” Mikee asked.